###1738979381### ||start|| id{varchar(100)*}|code{varchar(50)+}|type{varchar(50)+}|name{+}|url|product-url|path|path-mobile|price{double}|sale-price{double}|orderable{bit}|options{mediumtext}|options-html{mediumtext}|manufacturer{varchar(50)+}|brand{varchar(50)+}|caption{mediumtext}|headline{text+}|page-title{text+}|label{varchar(255)}|abstract{mediumtext}|info{mediumtext}|greeting{mediumtext}|message{mediumtext}|category-path-keywords{text+}|contents{mediumtext}|pd-hide-from-mobile{bit}|item-display-html{mediumtext} linguini-and-clam-sauce||ITEM.|""|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" noname5||ITEM.|""|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" large-atlantic-lobster-tails-||ITEM.|""|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" noname6||ITEM.|""|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" four-med-size-lobster-tails||ITEM.|""|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" tradnewenlob2||ITEM.|""|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" maine-lobster-surf-and-turf|surf-live-turf|ITEM.|" Live Lobster Surf And Turf Dinner For (2)
With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/maine-lobster-surf-and-turf.html"|""|""|(229.99)|(219.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Most Popular Surf & Turf Includes:
Two Live 1 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters, Two 8 oz. Filet Mignon, Two Crab Cakes Loaded With Sweet Maine Crab Meat, Two servings Of Our Award Winning Clam Chowder and Two Lobster Bib and Pick Sets!

A Great Gift Idea For Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Or Just A Great Thank You Gift!
"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
A Best Seller!
Live Lobster & Filet Dinner For Two!
Two 1 1/2 Lb. Live Maine Lobsters, Two Outstanding 8 oz. Filet Mignon's, and comes complete With Two GREAT Seafood Appetizers, Award Winning Clam Chowder, Awesome Crab Cakes and Two Complete Lobster Bib and Pick Sets!

All orders also come with a personalized hand written card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" thelobsterguy-hat|TLG-hat|ITEM.|" Lobster Guy Hat"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/thelobsterguy-hat.html"|""|""|(21.99)|(18.99)|T|"Color ""Khaki"" ""Blue"" ""Blue Bill & Olive Cap"""|"
"|""|""|"Cool Looking Lobster On A Clean and Simple Hat!Folks Love Our LobsterGuy Hats! One size fits all!"|"Be A Part Of Lobster Nation! Choose From 3 Different Colors!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" salt-pond-oysters|salt-pond-oysters|ITEM.|""" Moonstone"" Oysters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/salt-pond-oysters.html"|""|""|(9.99)|(8.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"""Moonstones"" have a medium to strong ocean fresh brine with a sweet yet nutty finish.
These are another excellent Atlantic Oyster Choice and come 6 per order!
If you are looking for a fresh & Sweet Ocean flavored flavored Oyster, these are for you!
"|" These Outstanding Oysters are Grown and Harvested In ""Quonnie"" Salt Pond by Legendary Oystermen John & Cindy West
• Flavor Profile – Moonstones have a medium to strong ocean fresh brine flavor with a sweet nutty finish, this, is an Excellent ""Oysta""!
""Moonstones"" are highly popular in East Coast Restaurants and here in new England!
These are another excellent Fresh Oyster Choice!
(6ct. oysters per order!)

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" classic||ITEM.|"""Classic"" Maine Lobster Dinners With Free Shipping!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/classic.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|" Keeping it simple, yet elegant!
Our ""Classic"" Lobster Dinners Include Free Shipping! An All Time Live Maine Lobster and Shellfish Favorite!Live Maine Lobsters, Littleneck Clams, Maine Mussels, and New England Clam Chowder!
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|"Classic New England Lobster Dinners!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CLASSIC2 :CLASSIC4 :FREE-SHIPPING-LOBSTER-DINNERS :UPGRADE-LOBSTER-SIZE-FOR-DINNER)"||"" howabobte|bob-t|ITEM.|"""How's the Water BOB!"" Tees"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/howabobte.html"|""|""|(12.99)|||"SIZE XL XXL 3XL"|"
"|""|""|"T's are available in adult Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL, & 3XL... { shirts are high quality 100% cotton }"|"Sorry, Bob is all sold out! These T's are also a popular gift add-on to lots of folk's orders!! Our cool LobsterGuy Logo on the front, and Lobster 'toon on the back!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" imwisttsh|stupid-t|ITEM.|"""I'm With Stupid"" T- Shirt!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/imwisttsh.html"|""|""|(12.99)|||"Size XXL"|"
"|""|""|""I'm with STUPID!" T's are available in adult Small, Medium, Large, XL, & XXL... ( shirts are high quality 100% cotton)"|"These Shirts are Hilarious!! They are a popular add-on to many folks' orders!! We get a chuckle from them every day!!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ninigret-oysters|6_ningrtoystrs|ITEM.|"""Ninigret"" Oysters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/ninigret-oysters.html"|""|""|(9.99)|(8.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Ninigret Oysters Are Raised in the Clear Clean Waters of Ninigret Pond!
These hand-selected Oysters are famous for their "Sweet & Subtle & Briny" Flavor, With A Thick Creamy Finish!
Ninigret Oysters are on average 3" long and come 6 per order!
Ninigret Oysters are raised in the clear, clean waters of Ninigret (Nin -E Grit) Pond By Local longtime Oysterman Rob Krause, who's been perfecting his oysters for over 20 years!
His hand-selected oysters are famous around here as a fantastic Oyster!
*Flavor Profile – Subtle sweet brine with a thick creamy finish.
(6ct. Oysters per order)

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"""Ninigret Oysters"""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" matunuck-oysters|6_matnukoyst|ITEM.|"""Sea Kist"" Oysters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/matunuck-oysters.html"|""|""|(9.99)|(8.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"""Sea Kist"" Oysters Are Grown In Great Salt Pond.
""Seakist"" Oysters have a nice strong "Briny flavor with a Sweet tastin'" finish. These are a Great cocktail oyster, that have that ocean fresh taste, you'll love em!

(6ct. Oysters per order)
"|"Sea Kist Oysters are grown in the Great Salt Pond by local Fisherman!

* Flavor Profile: Sea Kist Oysters have an outstanding fresh briny flavor with a Sweet tastin' summery finish!
These fine young men grow a really nice oyster!
(6ct. Oysters per order)

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"""Sea Kist"" Oysters!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" rome-point-oysters|6_romepoints|ITEM.|"""Wild Goose"" Oysters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/rome-point-oysters.html"|""|""|(9.99)|(8.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Russ's Rome Point "" Wild Goose"" Oysters have an "Ocean Salty flavor with a Creamy & Sweet finish" to them! These are another excellent Oyster Choice and come 6 per order! If you are looking for a fresh & sweet yet strong flavored Oyster, these are for you!"|"""Wild Goose"" Oysters are grown and Harvested by Oysterman Russ Blank, who has been a fisherman for most of his life!
Russ's Rome Point "" Wild Goose"" Oysters have the most "" Ocean"" flavor of the Oysters we offer!
Flavor Profile – Strong And Crisp Oceany Brine
With A Creamy Umami (“Essence of Deliciousness”) Finish.
(6ct. oysters per order!)

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"""Wild Goose"" Oysters!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 100-00-lobsterguy-gift-certificates|GC100|ITEM.|"$100.00 LobsterGuy Lobster and Seafood Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/100-00-lobsterguy-gift-certificates.html"|""|""|(100)||T|""|""|""|""|"Want to Gift The Gift Of Maine Lobsters, But Just Not Sure When To Send It?
Well, Our Mailed Gift Certificates Are The Perfect Option!
Note: The receiver of the gift certificate can call with their gift certificate number when they want their order shipped. This way, you can let THEM make the decision when they want to receive their gift!
"|"All you have to do to place your Mailed Lobster Gift Certificate order, is choose the GIFT CERTIFICATE option, then In the comments section at check out, you can tell us if you want the gift certificate mailed to YOU or to the RECIPIENT!"|""|"$100 Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 150-00-lobsterguy-gift-certificates|GC150|ITEM.|"$150.00 LobsterGuy Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/150-00-lobsterguy-gift-certificates.html"|""|""|(150)||T|""|""|""|""|"Want to Give The Gift Of Maine Lobsters, But Just Not Sure When To Send It?
Well, Our Gift Certificates Are The Perfect Option!
Note: The receiver of the gift certificate can call with their gift certificate number when they want their order shipped! This way, you can let THEM make the decision when they want to receive their gift!"|"All you have to do to place your Mailed Lobster Gift Certificate Packet, is choose the GIFT CERTIFICATE option. In the comments section at check out, you can tell us if you want the gift certificate mailed to YOU or to the RECIPIENT!"|""|"$150 Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 200-00-lobsterguy-gift-certificates|GC200|ITEM.|"$200.00 LobsterGuy Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/200-00-lobsterguy-gift-certificates.html"|""|""|(200)||T|""|""|""|""|" Want to Give The Gift Of Maine Lobsters, But Just Not Sure When To Send It?
Well, Our Gift Certificates Are The Perfect Option!
Note: The receiver of the gift certificate can call with their gift certificate number when they want their order shipped. This way, you can let THEM make the decision when they want to receive their gift!"|"All you have to do to place your Mailed Lobster Gift Certificate order, is choose the GIFT CERTIFICATE option. In the comments section at check out, you can tell us if you want the gift certificate mailed to YOU or to the RECIPIENT! "|""|"$200 Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-gift-certificate-250-00|GC250|ITEM.|"$250.00 LobsterGuy Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguy-gift-certificate-250-00.html"|""|""|(250)||T|""|""|""|""|" Want to Give The Gift Of Maine Lobsters, But Just Not Sure When To Send It?
Well, Our Gift Certificates Are The Perfect Solution!!
Note: The receiver of the gift certificate can call us with their gift certificate number when they want their order shipped! It's Easy! This way, you can let THEM make the decision when they want to receive this awesome gift from you!"|"All you have to do to place your Mailed Lobster Gift Certificate order, is choose the GIFT CERTIFICATE option. In the comments section you can tell us if you want the gift certificate mailed to YOU or to the RECIPIENT!"|""|"$250 Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-gift-certificate-300-00|GC300|ITEM.|"$300.00 LobsterGuy Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguy-gift-certificate-300-00.html"|""|""|(300)||T|""|""|""|""|"Want to Give The Gift Of Maine Lobsters, But Just Not Sure When To Send It?
Well, Our Gift Certificates Are The Perfect Option!
Note: The receiver of the gift certificate can call us with their gift certificate number when they want their order shipped! It's Easy! This way, you can let THEM make the decision when they want to receive this awesome gift from you!"|"All you have to do to place your Mailed Lobster Gift Certificate, is choose the GIFT CERTIFICATE option. In the comments section you can tell us if you want the gift certificate mailed to YOU or to the RECIPIENT!"|""|"$300 Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 75-00-lobsterguy-gift-certificates|GC75|ITEM.|"$75 LobsterGuy Lobster and Seafood Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/75-00-lobsterguy-gift-certificates.html"|""|""|(75)||T|""|""|""|""|"Want to Give The Gift Of Maine Lobsters, But Just Not Sure When To Send It? Well, Our Gift Certificates Are The Perfect Option!
Note: The receiver of the gift certificate can call us with their gift certificate number when they want their order shipped! It's Easy! This way, you can let THEM make the decision when they want to receive this awesome gift from you!
"|"Can be used toward any of our Maine Lobsters & Lobster Dinner Offerings! You decide if the Gift Certificate gets mailed to YOU or to the RECIPIENT!"|""|"$75 Gift Certificates (Mailed)"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" four-count-10-12-oz-maine-lobster-tails|4ct_10-12oz_tails|ITEM.|"(Four Count) 10-12oz. Maine Lobster Tails"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/four-count-10-12-oz-maine-lobster-tails.html"|""|""|(190.99)|(188.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy's Lobster Tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!
Our 10-12 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea For The Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Or just A Great Thank You!
(4 ct. 10 to 12 oz. Maine Lobster Tails)
These HUGE 10 to 12 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are BIG & Sweet And Tasty!
Our Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!

(There Are Four 10-12oz. Tails In This Order With Free Shipping)
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"(Four Count) 10-12 oz. Lobster Tails"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" four-count-12-14-oz-jumbo-maine-lobster-tails|4ct_12-14oz_tails|ITEM.|"(Four Count) 12-14 oz. Maine Lobster Tails"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/four-count-12-14-oz-jumbo-maine-lobster-tails.html"|""|""|(254.99)|(251.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy's Jumbo Lobster Tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!

Our 12-14 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea For The Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Or just A Great Thank You!
(4 ct. 12 to 14 oz. Maine Lobster Tails)
Our Jumbo Lobster Tails!
These Jumbo 12 to 14 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are Huge, & Sweet And Tasty!
Our Jumbo Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!
(There Are Four 12-14oz. Tails In This Order)
Customers Say:
""I’ve used the Lobsterguy more than once to send lobsters to Florida (Christmas gift), and they never disappoint... packaged with care, fresh, and sized according to what I paid for. I would recommend without question!"""|""|"(Four Count) 12-14 oz. Lobster Tails"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" small-maine-lobster-tails-4|4ct_5-6oz_tails|ITEM.|"(Four Count) 5-6oz. Maine Lobster Tails"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/small-maine-lobster-tails-4.html"|""|""|(120.99)|(114.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy's Sweet Tastin' Lobster tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!
4 count 5 to 6 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea! Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"Free Shipping And On Sale Now!
Our Sweet Tasting 5 to 6 oz. Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!
This Item Includes 4 Lobster Tails!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"(Four Count) 5-6 oz. Maine Lobster Tails"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 4ct-7-8oz-maine-lobster-tails|4ct_8-10oz_Tails|ITEM.|"(Four Count) 8-10 oz. Maine Lobster Tails"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/4ct-7-8oz-maine-lobster-tails.html"|""|""|(178.99)|(169.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" LobsterGuy's Sweet Maine Lobster Tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!
Maine Lobster Tails Are An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea For Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!

There are FOUR lobster tails in this package.
"|"Free Shipping And On Sale Now!
Our Sweet Tasting 8 to 10 oz. Large Size Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!
LobsterGuy's Lobster Tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" two-count-10-12-oz-lobster-tails|2ct_10-12oz_tails|ITEM.|"(Two Count) 10-12 oz. Maine Lobster Tails"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/two-count-10-12-oz-lobster-tails.html"|""|""|(139.99)|(136.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy's Lobster Tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!

Our 10-12 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea For The Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Or just A Great Thank You!
2ct. 10 to 12 oz. Maine Lobster Tails
These HUGE 10 to 12 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are BIG & Sweet And Tasty! Our Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!
There Are Two 10-12oz. Tails In This Order.
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation! "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" two-count-12-14-oz-jumbo-maine-lobster-tails|2ct_12-14oz_tails|ITEM.|"(Two Count) 12-14 oz. Jumbo Maine Lobster Tails"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/two-count-12-14-oz-jumbo-maine-lobster-tails.html"|""|""|(159.99)|(157.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy's Jumbo Lobster Tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!

Our 12-14 oz. Jumbo Maine Lobster Tails Are An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea For The Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Or just A Great Thank You!
2ct. 12 to 14 oz. Maine Lobster Tails"|"Free Shipping VERY LIMITED SUPPLY!
These Jumbo 12 to 14 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are HUGE & Sweet And Tasty! Our Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!
(There Are Two 12-14oz. Tails In This Order)

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!

Customers Say:
""I've been ordering from the Lobster Guy for almost 20 years and my family and friends love it! "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" small-maine-lobster-tails|2ct_5-6oz_tails|ITEM.|"(Two Count) 5-6oz. Maine Lobster Tails"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/small-maine-lobster-tails.html"|""|""|(79.99)|(74.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy's Sweet Tastin' Lobster tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!
2 count 5 to 6 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea! Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"Free Shipping And On Sale Now!
Our Sweet Tasting 5 to 6 oz. Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!
This Item contains 2 Lobster Tails.

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" two-7-8oz-maine-lobster-tails|2ct_8_10oz_Tails|ITEM.|"(Two Count) 8-10 oz. Maine Lobster Tails!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/two-7-8oz-maine-lobster-tails.html"|""|""|(114.99)|(109.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" LobsterGuy's Sweet Maine Lobster Tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!
Maine Lobster Tails Are An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea For Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!

There are TWO lobster tails in this package.
"|"Free Shipping And On Sale Now!
Our Sweet Tasting 8 to 10 oz. Large Size Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!
LobsterGuy's Lobster Tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 15to25pound|1ct_half|ITEM.|"1 1/2 pound Fresh Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/15to25pound.html"|""|""|(35.99)|(33.99 2 67.18 6 196.74 12 383.88)|T|""|""|""|""|"The Perfect size for get-togethers and will make you the hit of the Party! Shipped Fresh Overnight To Your Door!

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
Note: Price is per Lobster.(Minimum of Two)Please enter quantity upon checkout!
All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|"All Size Lobsters Are On Sale Now!
Our 1 1/2 Pound Live Maine Lobsters are the perfect size for get-togethers and will make you the hit of the Party! Shipped Fresh Overnight To Your Door!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobchic|1ct_quarter|ITEM.|"1 1/4 pound Fresh Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobchic.html"|""|""|(31.99)|(27.99 2 55.18 6 160.74 12 311.88)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Maine Lobsters make for a great Gift Idea, Anniversary Dinner, Birthday Dinner or just a "Surprise! Look what I got Us For Dinner!"
Note: Prices are PER Lobster. Minimum order of 2 LOBSTERS
(Please enter quantity upon checkout!) All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|"All Size Lobsters Are On Sale Now!

Fresh Caught 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters Shipped Fresh Overnight Right To Your Door!
These Are The Smallest Sized (1 1/4lb.) Live Lobsters That We'll Ship, and Yes They Are Still A Nice Size,
But Sustainability And Health Of The Fishery Is Very Important To Us And The Fisherman As Well!
These Are The Best Tastin' Lobsters Available!
"|""|"1 1/4 lb Live Maine Lobster"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 134to2pounlo|1ct_threequarter|ITEM.|"1 3/4 to 2 pound Fresh Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/134to2pounlo.html"|""|""|(41.99)|(38.99 2 77.18 6 226.74 12 443.88)|T|""|""|""|""|"These 1 3/4 -2 pound Live Maine lobsters are one of our premium size Lobsters that we ship, and are considered a VERY popular gift size with Lobster Lovers!

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
Price is per lobster.(Minimum order of Two)
"|"All Size Lobsters Are On Sale Now!
Chock full of sweet Lobster meat, these 1 3/4 -2 pound Live Maine lobsters are one of our premium size Lobsters that we ship, and are considered a VERY popular gift size with Lobster Lovers!
All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|"I have bought lots of perishables online and these guys are memorably timely, and reasonable and well-rounded in selection. I hope they stay that way and don't get too well known!! Highly recommended vendor! Kenneth L. Lexington Park, MD"|""|""|""|""|""||"" 1ctlinecl|1ctnex|ITEM.|"1 ct Little Neck Clam"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 1ctmooy|1ctmoon|ITEM.|"1 ct Moonstone Oyster"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 1ctnioy|1ctninigret|ITEM.|"1 ct Ninigret Oysters"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 1ctseakioy|1ctseakist|ITEM.|"1 Ct Sea Kist Oyster"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 1ctwigooy|1ctwildgoose|ITEM.|"1 ct Wild Goose Oyster"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" one-dozen-steamed-crabs-delivered|12ct_crab|ITEM.|"1 Dozen Steamed Jonah Crabs!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/one-dozen-steamed-crabs-delivered.html"|""|""|(52)|(50)|T|""|""|""|""|"These crabs can be enjoyed cold or you can steam them in a bit of water for a few minutes to enjoy them heated! Your crabs will be hand selected for your order and steamed for you the day of your shipment! How easy is that!
Crabs are steamed day of shipment

TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT! You'll Receive Twelve Of Our Premium Deepwater Jonah Crabs, Steamed For You, And Ready To Enjoy On Delivery!
Your Crabs Can Be Easily Reheated In Steaming Water For A Few Moments!
Get Out Your Crab Hammer And Get Crackin'!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" jumboshrimp|1lb_Jo-shrimp|ITEM.|"1 lb. Jumbo Gulf Shrimp! (U-15 ct) "|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/jumboshrimp.html"|""|""|(24.99)|(22.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Jumbo Shrimp Are Great For Shrimp Cocktail, Stuffing, Or Any Seafood Recipes Calling For Great Shrimp!

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
"|"On Sale Now!
These Are Our JUMBO Size Gulf Of Mexico Shrimp!
These shrimp are full of flavor and ready for whatever you can dream up, and better yet they are caught right here in the good ole' "US of A"!
Shrimp are raw, headless, with shell-on.
(Under 15 shrimp per pound, 1 Pound Per Order)

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" largeshrimp|1lb_Lg-shrimp|ITEM.|"1 lb. Large Shrimp!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/largeshrimp.html"|""|""|(18.99)|(16.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"You have all kinds of ways to prepare them! As Bubba says, grille 'em, bake 'em, fry 'em, stuff 'em, steam 'em... These shrimp are full of flavor and ready for whatever you can dream up, and better yet they are caught right here in the good ole' "US of A"! Sold by the pound. { 1 lb. per order)

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
"|"On Sale Now!
Great Tasting Large Gulf Shrimp!

These large 16-20 per pound shrimp are caught in the Gulf of Mexico and are the most flavorful shrimp, and are also a very versatile size for cooking a variety of dishes! These Are A Great Size For Scampi!
Shrimp are raw, headless, with shell-on.
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(16-20 Ct. Per Order One Pound Per Order)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" mediumshrimp|1lb_med-shrimp|ITEM.|"1 lb. Medium Shrimp!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/mediumshrimp.html"|""|""|(12.99)|(11.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" Caught in the US of A in the Gulf of Mexico!
As Bubba says, grille 'em, bake 'em, fry 'em, stuff 'em, steam 'em... These shrimp are full of flavor and ready for whatever you can dream up!
Sold by the pound (1 lb. per order)

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
"|" On Sale Now!

These USA Gulf 100% All Natural Shrimp are full of flavor and ready for whatever you can dream up! Great for Scampi, Pasta dishes you name it!

These Medium Size Shrimp (31-40 per lb.) are sustainably caught in the Gulf of Mexico which we all know is known to have the most flavorful shrimp!
Shrimp are raw, headless, with shell-on.
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(30-40 medium shrimp per pound, One Pound Per Order, Ships Frozen)"|""|"1 lb. Medium Shrimp"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" six-steamed-crabs-delivered|6ct_crab|ITEM.|"1/2 Dozen Steamed Jonah Crabs!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/six-steamed-crabs-delivered.html"|""|""|(29)|(25)|T|""|""|""|""|"These crabs can be enjoyed cold or you can steam them in a bit of water for a few minutes to enjoy them heated! Your crabs will be hand selected for your order and steamed for you the day of your shipment! How easy is that!
Crabs are steamed day of shipment"|"

You'll Receive Six Of Our Premium Deepwater North Atlantic Jonah Crabs Steamed For You The Day Of Your Shipment And Ready To Eat When You Receive Them!
You Can Reheat Them Easily By Steaming Them For A Few Moments!
Get Your Crab Hammer Out And Start Crackin'!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 10-12-oz--xlarge-maine-lobster-tails||ITEM.|"10-12 oz. Extra Large Maine Lobster Tails!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/10-12-oz--xlarge-maine-lobster-tails.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Voted THE Best ONLINE Lobster And Seafood Delivery Company for 2021, & 2022 By Consumer Reviews!

Free Shipping!

Our Sweet And Tasty 10-12 oz. Extra Large Maine Lobster Tails Are An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea For The Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Or just A Great Thank You!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
Customers Say:
""A+++ as always! What a wonderful service and quality lobster you get for price that’s low and shipping that’s fair and beyond well packed. A+++"""|" These HUGE 10 to 12 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are BIG & Sweet And Tasty! Our Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!"|""|"10 to 12 oz. Extra Large Maine Lobster Tails"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:TWO-COUNT-10-12-OZ-LOBSTER-TAILS :FOUR-COUNT-10-12-OZ-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS)"||"" 12-pack-1-1-4-lb--live-maine-lobsters|12ct_quarters|ITEM.|"12 pack 1 1/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/12-pack-1-1-4-lb--live-maine-lobsters.html"|""|""|(307.99)|(287.99)||""|""|""|""|" A Dozen Hand Picked Live Maine Lobsters Packed Just For You And Shipped Fresh Overnight, Right To Your Door Or Office!
Great for Holiday Parties, Tailgating, Office Parties, You Can't Go Wrong With A Dozen Live Maine Lobsters!
"|" Ultimate Party Pack #1!
On Sale Now!
Twelve 1 1/4 lb. Fresh Live Maine Lobsters!
Hand Picked And Shipped Fresh Overnight, Right To Your Door Or Office Just For You!!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 12paof1134li|12ct_threequarters|ITEM.|"12 Pack of 1 3/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/12paof1134li.html"|""|""|(427.99)|(407.99)||""|""|""|""|" Twelve 1 3/4 lb. Fresh Live Maine Lobsters Hand Picked For You And Shipped Fresh Overnight, Right To Your Door Or Office!
Great for Holiday Parties, Tailgating, Office Parties, You Can't Go Wrong With A Dozen Live Maine Lobsters!
"|" On Sale Now!
These Are The Most Popular Live Maine Lobster Sizes That We Ship Every Day!
In My Opinion, 1 & 3/4s Are The Nicest Size Lobsters! Capt. Tim

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 12-pack-select-size-maine-lobsters|12ct_2-2hs|ITEM.|"12 pack Select 2 - 2 1/2 Size Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/12-pack-select-size-maine-lobsters.html"|""|""|(559.99)|(539.99)||""|""|""|""|" You'll receive 12 of our most desirable size Select Size
2-2 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters Shipped right to your door Fresh Overnight!

Great for Holiday Parties, Tailgating, Office Parties, You Can't Go Wrong With A Dozen Live Maine Lobsters!
This is really a "Put-you-over-the-top" Lobster Pack!
Our Perfect Select Size 2-2 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters Shipped right to your door Fresh Overnight!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 12-14-oz-jumbo-maine-lobster-tails||ITEM.|"12-14 oz. Jumbo Maine Lobster Tails"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/12-14-oz-jumbo-maine-lobster-tails.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Voted THE Best ONLINE Lobster And Seafood Delivery Company for 2021, & 2022 By Consumer Reviews!


These JUMBO 12 to 14 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are HUGE & Sweet And Tasty! Our Jumbo Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!

Customers Say:
""Our 14 oz. lobster tail and scallops arrived on time. Packed very well wrapped, ice packs professional. Encased in a ice chest EXCELLENT!! Definitely recommend and will buy again. The food was delicious. The only way to get your Maine lobster is from the LobsterGuy"""|"
These JUMBO 12 to 14 oz. Maine Lobster Tails Are HUGE & Sweet And Tasty! Our Jumbo Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill!
"|""|"12 to 14 oz. Jumbo Maine Lobster Tails"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:TWO-COUNT-12-14-OZ-JUMBO-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :FOUR-COUNT-12-14-OZ-JUMBO-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS)"||"" 12paof112pol|12ct_halfs|ITEM.|"12ct. 1 1/2 lb.Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/12paof112pol.html"|""|""|(379.99)|(359.99)||""|""|""|""|" Hand Picked And Shipped Fresh Overnight, Right To Your Door Or Office!
Are YOU Going to be popular or what!
Great for Holiday Parties, Tailgating, Office Parties, You Can't Go Wrong With A Dozen Live Maine Lobsters!
"|" Ultimate Party Pack #2!
On Sale Now!
Twelve 1 1/2 lb. Fresh Live Maine Lobsters!
We'll Pack Up This Up Just For You And Ship It Overnight Right To Your Door!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 20ozclchfort|CCh18|ITEM.|"18 oz Clam Chowder (Serves Two)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/20ozclchfort.html"|""|""|(14.99)|(13.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Chock full of tender sweet clams, with just the right amount of potatoes in a rich flavorful broth this Clam Chowder Is An Award Winner! Simply put, you're going to love it!
18 oz. Clam Chowder Serves Two.
(Ships frozen)
Our Best Selling Chowder!
Our Award Winning Creamy Clam Chowder is chock full of tender sweet clams, with just the right amount of potatoes in a rich & creamy flavorful broth!
Simply put, you're going to love it!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 212to3pounders|1ct_2h-3|ITEM.|"2 1/2 to 3 pound Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/212to3pounders.html"|""|""|(62.99)|(59.99 2 119.18 6 352.74 12 695.88)|T|""|""|""|""|"One of our most popular Select Size Maine Lobsters and a plate filler! You're going to be full after dining on one of these! Get The Butter Ready!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
Note: Price is per Lobster.(Minimum of Two)
Please enter quantity upon checkout!
"|"All Size Lobsters Are On Sale Now!
Our 2 1/2 to 3 pound Live Maine Lobster is a GREAT size for the true Lobster lover and it's an ideal size to share! This is considered "Select" size, and you certainly won't go hungry! We Ship A Lot of These!
All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-2-pack-half|2ct-COOKED_halfs|ITEM.|"2 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 1 1/2 lb. Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-2-pack-half.html"|""|""|(69.99)|(67.99)||""|""|""|""|"You'll Really Impress Folks With Our 2 Pack Of Freshly Steamed 1 1/2 lb. Maine Lobsters!
We Make It Easy For You, Just Heat And Serve!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|"You'll Really Impress Folks With Our 2 Pack Of Freshly Steamed 1 1/2 lb. Maine Lobsters!
We Make It Easy For You, Just Heat And Serve!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"2 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 1 1/2 lb. Lobsters!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-2-pack-qtr|2ct-COOKED_quarters|ITEM.|"2 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 1 1/4s Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-2-pack-qtr.html"|""|""|(58.99)|(55.99)||""|""|""|""|"Our 2 pack of Fresh Steamed Maine Lobsters Are Offered To You In Two Sizes!
In Our Ever Popular 2 Pack Of 1 1/4s, (Shown Here) And Also Available in 1 1/2 lb. Fresh Steamed Maine Lobsters!
Your Lobsters Will Arrive Fully Cooked And Ready To Enjoy! Just Heat And Serve!

Please Note:
(Your Lobsters are weighed prior to steaming for you!)"|"We make it easy on you!
You'll Receive 2 Of Our 1 1/4 lb. Freshly Steamed Maine Lobsters Ready To Enjoy!
We'll Steam Them up for you the day of Shipment!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-2-pack-3qtr|2ctCOOKED3qtrs|ITEM.|"2 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 1 3/4 lb. Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-2-pack-3qtr.html"|""|""|(81.99)|(75.99)||""|""|""|""|"You'll Really Impress Folks With Our 2 Pack Of Freshly Steamed 1 3/4 lb. Maine Lobsters!
We Make It Easy For You, Just Heat And Serve!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|"You'll Really Impress Folks With Our 2 Pack Of Freshly Steamed 1 3/4 lb. Maine Lobsters!
We Make It Easy For You, Just Heat And Serve!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"2 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 1 3/4 lb. Lobsters!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 212pounlob|1ct_2-2h|ITEM.|"2 to 2 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/212pounlob.html"|""|""|(52.99)|(49.99 2 99.18 6 292.74 12 575.88)|T|""|""|""|""|"One of our most popular size Maine Lobsters and a plate filler! You're going to be full after dining on one of these, so get The Butter ready!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
Note: Price is per Lobster.(Minimum of Two) Please enter quantity upon checkout!
"|"All Size Lobsters Are On Sale Now!
These 2-2 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters are the starting size of the Select size Lobsters, and are one of the most popular sizes we offer!
All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" wholesale-1-1-2-lb--live-maine-lobsters|24_cthalfs|ITEM.|"24 Count 1 /1/2 lb. Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/wholesale-1-1-2-lb--live-maine-lobsters.html"|""|""|(767.99)|(719.99)||""|""|""|""|"Great For That Big Holiday Party Or Corporate Function! These 24 Packs Are Also Very Popular With Restaurants Around The Country! Our 1 1/2 lb. Live Maine Lobsters Are A Very Popular Size! We'll Hand Select Your Lobsters For You And Ship Them Fresh Overnight Right To You!"|" On Sale Now!
24 Count of Our Popular 1 1/2 lb. Live Maine Lobsters!
Great For That Big Holiday Party Or Corporate Function! These 24 Packs Are Also Very Popular With Restaurants Around The Country!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"24 Count 1 1/2s"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" wholesale1-3-4-lb--live-lobsters|24ct_3qtrs|ITEM.|"24 Count 1 3/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/wholesale1-3-4-lb--live-lobsters.html"|""|""|(839.99)|(799.99)||""|""|""|""|"You'll Receive 24 Of Our Finest 1 3/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters Hand Picked And Packaged Just For You!
This Selection is Great For Tailgating And Fall Cookouts!

These Are Our Most Popular Size Lobster! Great For Holiday Functions, Family Parties Or Corporate Get Togethers! This Is Also One Of Most Popular Restaurant Packs!"|"On Sale Now!
24 Count 1 3/4lb. Live Maine Lobsters!
This Is The Most Popular Size Live Lobster We Offer!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"24 Count 1 3/4s"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" wholesale-1-1-4lb--lobsters|24ct_qtrs|ITEM.|"24 ct. 1 1/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/wholesale-1-1-4lb--lobsters.html"|""|""|(623.99)|(575.99)||""|""|""|""|"We'll Ship You Fresh Overnight 24 Of Our Finest And Freshest Live Maine Lobsters!
Great For that Family Or Business Get Together, Or Holiday Function!
"|" On Sale Now!
24 Count 1 1/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters!
We'll Ship You Fresh Overnight 24 of Our Finest And Freshest Live Maine Lobsters!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"24 Count 1 1/4s"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" wholesale-lobster-packs|wholesale-lobster-packs|ITEM.|"24 Packs Of Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"
If You're Feeding A Large Crowd, This Is The Way To Go!
We Offer You Three Size Choices in our 24 Packs!
1 & 1/4s, 1 & 1/2s, And 1 & 3/4 lb. Live Maine Lobster Bulk Packs!.
You'll save over 60.00 on this 24 Pack!
"|"On Sale Now!
Save Big On Bulk Packs!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"24 Packs Of Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:WHOLESALE-1-1-4LB--LOBSTERS :WHOLESALE-1-1-2-LB--LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTERS :WHOLESALE1-3-4-LB--LIVE-LOBSTERS)"||"" 312to4poblim|1ct_3h-4|ITEM.|"3 1/2 to 4 pound Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/312to4poblim.html"|""|""|(82.99)|(79.99 2 159.18 4 316.76 8 623.92)|T|""|""|""|""|" These are considered the middle size "Select" Lobsters! They are a meal all by themselves!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
Note: Price is per Lobster.(Minimum of Two)Please enter quantity upon checkout!
"|"All Size Lobsters Are On Sale Now!
These are some REALLY Impressive 3 1/2 to 4 pound Live Maine Lobsters!
These Are A Very Popular Gift Size!

All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(The Largest Size Lobster We Will Steam For Shipment Is 3-3.5 Pounds This Size Cannot Be Steamed For Shipment)
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 312pounder|1ct_3-3h|ITEM.|"3 to 3 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/312pounder.html"|""|""|(72.99)|(69.99 2 139.18 6 412.74 12 815.88)|T|""|""|""|""|"This is a bigger "Select" Size Lobster! This Lobster will feed TWO people! (Well, one if you don't share!)
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
Note: Price is per Lobster.(Minimum of Two)
Please enter quantity upon checkout!
"|"All Size Lobsters Are On Sale Now!
This 3-3 1/2 pounder is a very impressive Live Maine Lobster! This is a bigger "Select" Size Lobster
All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(This is the Largest Lobster We Will Steam For Shipment)
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 5pounder|1ct_4h-5|ITEM.|"4 1/2 to 5 pound Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/5pounder.html"|""|""|(101.99)|(97.99 2 195.18 4 388.76 8 768)|T|""|""|""|""|"A Lobster this size will be the Talk of the Party! You should see the guys on the boat try to wrestle these bad boys out of the traps without gettin' bit!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
Note: Price is per Lobster.
Please enter quantity upon checkout!
"|"All Size Lobsters Are On Sale Now!
This Lobster makes for a GREAT Feast!
Our 4-4 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters are very, very impressive...even to Me, and I've been catching Lobsters For a LONG Time!

All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(The Largest Size Lobster We Will Steam For Shipment Is 3-3.5 Pounds. This Size Cannot Be Steamed For Shipment)"|""|""|"Price per lobster. Please enter quantity upon checkout!"|""|""|""|""|""||"" fopaof11wich|4ct_half|ITEM.|"4 Ct. Live Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fopaof11wich.html"|""|""|(125.99)|(121.99)||""|""|""|""|"We'll pack you up 4 of our finest 1 1/2 Pound Live Lobsters and Ship them overnight Right to your Door! The perfect Lobster Dinner Pack!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|" On Sale Now!
Our Four packs of 1 & 1/2 Live Maine Lobsters Is A Great Option at a Great Price!
Packed Fresh And Shipped Overnight Right To Your Door!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 4paof114poli|4ct_quarter|ITEM.|"4 Pack Of 1 1/4 Pound Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/4paof114poli.html"|""|""|(101.99)|(97.99)||""|""|""|""|"We'll pack you up 4 of our finest 1 1/4 Pound Live Lobsters and Ship them Overnight right to your Door!
How easy is That!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|" On Sale Now!
Our Four packs of 1 & 1/4 Live Maine Lobsters Is A Great Option at a Great Price!

All orders come with a personalized hand written card with Your Message & Complete Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fopaoftwopol|4ct_threequarter|ITEM.|"4 Pack of 1 3/4s Live Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fopaoftwopol.html"|""|""|(142.99)|(137.99)||""|""|""|""|"We'll pack you up 4 of our finest 1 3/4 Pound Live Lobsters and Ship them overnight right to your Door!
The perfect size Lobster Dinner Pack!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!"|"On Sale Now!

Our Four Packs of 1 & 3/4s Live Maine Lobsters Is A Great Option at a Great Price!
These Are The Best Size Lobsters For Any Occasion!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fopaof2123po|4pk_2h-3|ITEM.|"4 Pack Of 2 1/2 - 3 Pound Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fopaof2123po.html"|""|""|(226.99)|(221.99)||""|""|""|""|" This Is A Great Option at a Great Price!
We'll pack you up 4 of our finest Select Lobsters and Ship them fresh overnight right to your Door!
You're Gonna Be Famous after this!

A Great Lobster Gift Idea for the Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
Want To Impress?
You'll receive four of our "BIGGER SELECT SIZE"
2 1/2- 3 pound Live Maine Lobsters!
You And Your Guests Will Love Them!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fopaof3polos|4ct_2-2h|ITEM.|"4 Pack Of 2 to 2 1/2 lb. Live Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fopaof3polos.html"|""|""|(187.99)|(181.99)||""|""|""|""|"This Is A Great 4 Pack Lobster Option at a Great Price! We'll pack you up 4 of our finest 2 pound Lobsters and Ship them fresh overnight right to your Door!
A Great Lobster Gift Idea for the Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
You will receive four of our SELECT SIZE 2- 2 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters!
This Is An Impressive Order Of Lobsters, Packed Up Fresh And Shipped Overnight Right To Your Door!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:FOPAOF3POLOS :FOPAOF2123PO :FOPAOF3POLIM)"||"" big-maine-lobster-4-pack|4ct__3h-4|ITEM.|"4 pack Of 3 1/2 - 4 Pound Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/big-maine-lobster-4-pack.html"|""|""|(302.99)|(293.99)||""|""|""|""|"We'll pack you up 4 of our finest "Big Time" Select Lobsters and Ship them fresh overnight right to your Door!

You're not only going to be a Hero, You'll be Worshiped by the Masses!

A Great Lobster Gift Idea for the Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT (Weather had been bad......waiting on boats, sorry for the inconvenience)!
On Sale Now!
Four Of Our Ultimate SELECT SIZE 3 1/2-4 Pound Live Maine Lobsters!
This Is A Box Of Four ""Big"" Live Lobsters!
A Very Impressive Order Of Our 4 Packs!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fopaof3polim|4pk_3-3h|ITEM.|"4 Pack Of 3-3 1/2 Pound Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fopaof3polim.html"|""|""|(267.99)|(257.99)||""|""|""|""|" We'll pack you up 4 of our finest Select Lobsters and Ship them fresh overnight right to your Door!
You're going to be a Hero after dinner, you know that right?

A Great Lobster Gift Idea for the Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!"|" On Sale Now!
Four Of Our Ultimate SELECT SIZE
3-3 1/2 Pound Live Maine Lobsters!
This Is A Great Option at a Great Price!
Packed Fresh And Shipped To Your Door Overnight!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"Four Pack Of 3-3 1/2s"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-4-pack-half|4ct-COOKED_halfs|ITEM.|"4 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 1 1/2 lb. Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-4-pack-half.html"|""|""|(146.99)|(141.99)||""|""|""|""|"This Four Pack Of 1 1/2s Is Steamed Just For You On The Day Of Shipment!
We Make It Easy For You!

Please Note:
(Your Lobsters are weighed prior to steaming for you!)"|"You'll Really Impress Folks With Our 4 Pack Of Freshly Steamed 1 1/2 lb. Maine Lobsters!
We Make It Easy For You, Just Heat And Serve!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"4 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 1 1/2 lb. Lobsters!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-4-pack-qtr|4ct-COOKED_quarters|ITEM.|"4 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 1 1/4s Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-4-pack-qtr.html"|""|""|(114.99)|(109.99)||""|""|""|""|"Our Steamed Lobsters Are Offered To You In Four Sizes!
In Our Ever Popular 4 Pack Of 1 1/4s, (Shown Here) And Also 1/2s, 3/4s, and 2s!
Your Lobsters Will Arrive Fully Cooked And Ready To Enjoy! Just Heat And Serve!

Please Note:
(Your Lobsters are weighed prior to steaming for you!)"|"We make it easy on you!
You'll Receive 4 Of Our 1 1/4 lb. Freshly Steamed Maine Lobsters Ready To Enjoy!
We'll Steam Them up for you the day of Shipment!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-4-pack-3qtr|4ct-COOKED_threequarters|ITEM.|"4 Pack Of Steamed 1 3/4s Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-4-pack-3qtr.html"|""|""|(154.99)|(149.99)||""|""|""|""|"Our Four Pack Of Steamed 1 3/4s Will Arrive Fully Cooked And Ready To Heat And Serve!
This Is A Popular Holiday Gift Idea!

Please Note:
(Your Lobsters are weighed prior to steaming for you!)"|"We make it easy on you!
You'll Receive 4 Of Our Perfect Size 1 3/4 lb. Freshly Steamed Maine Lobsters Ready To Enjoy! We'll Steam Them up for you the day of Shipment!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"4 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 1 3/4s Lobsters!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-4-pack-2lb|4ct-COOKED_2-2h|ITEM.|"4 Steamed 2-2 1/2 lb. Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-4-pack-2lb.html"|""|""|(198.99)|(193.99)||""|""|""|""|"
You'll Really Impress Folks With Our 4 Pack Of Freshly Steamed 2-2 1/2 lb. Maine Lobsters!
Your Fresh Live Maine Lobsters Will Be Steamed On The Evening Of Their Shipment Just For You!

Please Note:
(Your Lobsters are weighed prior to steaming for you!)"|"LIMITED AVAILABILITY!
You'll Really Impress Folks With Our 4 Pack Of Freshly Steamed 2-2 1/2 lb. Maine Lobsters!
We Make It Easy For You, Just Heat And Serve!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"4 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 2-2.5 Pound Lobsters!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 4pounder|1ct_4-4h|ITEM.|"4 to 4 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/4pounder.html"|""|""|(91.99)|(89.99 2 179.18 4 356.76 8 703.92)|T|""|""|""|""|"You'll be VERY popular when you show up with these Big Lobsters!
Shipped fresh overnight right to your door!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
Note: Price is per Lobster. Please enter quantity to reveal further potential quantity discounting!
"|"All Size Lobsters Are On Sale Now!
They keep gettin' Bigger!
These 4-4 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters are just plain Big, Sweet And Tasty! You'll be A Hero! A Legend! And...Very Thoughful!

All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(The Largest Size Lobster We Will Steam For Shipment Is 3-3.5 Pounds. This Size Cannot Be Steamed For Shipment)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 404||INFO.|"404 PAGE NOT FOUND"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 50cteacooy|48Oysters|ITEM.|"48 ct. East Coast Oysters! ( Includes Shucking Knife)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/50cteacooy.html"|""|""|(84)|(74)|T|""|""|""|""|""|" Having A Big Gathering And Love Great Oysters?
These Outstanding Oysters are Grown and Harvested In The Pristine Local Salt Water Ponds of New England!
You Will Receive 12 each of our:
""Moonstones"", ""Seakists"", ""Wild Goose"" and"" Ninigret"" Oysters, Plus A Stainless Bladed Shucking Knife!
These Outstanding Oysters Are Brought In Fresh Daily And Are A Great Idea For Any Celebration!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 5lbboxofjush|5lb-joshrimp|ITEM.|"5 lb. Box Of Jumbo Gulf Shrimp! (U-15s)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/5lbboxofjush.html"|""|""|(104)|(99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Having A Big Bash, Then a 5 Lb. box Of Jumbo Shrimp Will Be Perfect For You!
These shrimp are full of flavor and ready for whatever you can dream up, and better yet they are caught right here in the good ole' "US of A"! Sold by the pound. (5 lb. box per order)
Please Note: On occasion and depending on availability of US caught shrimp, we may substitute with the Mexican Brand ""Ocean Garden"" U-12 Gulf Shrimp which is the same exact great shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico!

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
"|"On Sale Now!
5 lb. Box Of Jumbo Shrimp!

These 100% All Natural Shell On Jumbo Shrimp ( U-15, 15 shrimp or less per lb.) are sustainably harvested in the Gulf of Mexico and are the most flavorful shrimp, and are also a very versatile size for cooking a variety of dishes!
These Are A Great Size For Stuffed Shrimp, Shrimp cocktail, Scampi Or Any Shrimp Recipe!
The Jumbo Shrimp are raw, headless, with shell-on.

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(U-15 Ct. Per Lb. 5 lb. box Pound Per Order. ships Frozen)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 5lbboxoflash|5lb-lgshrimp|ITEM.|"5 lb. Box Of Large Shrimp! ( 16-20 per lb) "|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/5lbboxoflash.html"|""|""|(76)|(72)|T|""|""|""|""|"Having A Big Bash, Then a 5 Lb. box Of Large 16-20 Shrimp Will Be Perfect For You!
These shrimp are full of flavor and ready for whatever you can dream up, and better yet they are caught right here in the good ole' "US of A"! Sold by the pound. { 5 lb. per order)

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!

On Sale Now!

5 lb. Box Of Large Shrimp! These 100% Natural Shell On Large 16-20 per pound shrimp are sustainably harvested in the Gulf of Mexico and are the most flavorful shrimp, and are also a very versatile size for cooking a variety of dishes! These Are A Great Size For Scampi!

These 16-20 size large Shrimp are raw, headless, with shell-on.
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(16-20 Ct. Per Lb). 5 lb. box Per Order. (Ships Frozen)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 5lbboxofmesh|newitem|ITEM.|"5 lb. Box Of Medium Shrimp! ( 31-40 per lb) "|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/5lbboxofmesh.html"|""|""|(54)|(49)|T|""|""|""|""|"Having A Big Bash, Then a 5 Lb. box Of Medium 31-40 Shrimp Will Be Perfect For You!
These shrimp are full of flavor and ready for whatever you can dream up, and better yet they are caught right here in the good ole' "US of A"! Sold by the pound. { 5 lb. per order)

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
"|"On Sale Now!

5 lb. Box Of Medium Size Shrimp!

These 100% Natural Shell On Medium ( 31-40 per pound) shrimp are sustainably harvested in the Gulf of Mexico and are the most flavorful shrimp, and are also a very versatile size for cooking a variety of dishes!
These Are A Great Size For Scampi,Shrimp and Pasta or an Add On To Your Favorite Seafood Dishes! Shrimp are raw, headless, with shell-on.

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(31-40 Ct. Per Lb. 5 lb. box Per Order. ships Frozen)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 5to51polimal|1ct_5-5h|ITEM.|"5 to 5 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/5to51polimal.html"|""|""|(112.99)|(108.99 2 217.18 4 432.76 8 855.92)|T|""|""|""|""|"If you want to impress someone with a BIG Maine Lobster, look no further! This Beast Will Take Care Of It For You! Shipped Fresh Overnight Right To Your Door! They'll Be talking about You for years to come!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
Note: Price is per Lobster.
Please enter quantity upon checkout!
Our 5-5 1/2 Live Maine Lobsters Are the Biggest of the "Select" size, and they are BIG!
(Anything over This Size Is A "Jumbo" 5.5 Lbs. and UP!)
* For Jumbo sizes and prices, please call us Toll-Free 866-788-0004, And We'll Let Ya Know What The Boys Are Bringing In!

All orders come with a personalized card with your message & cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(FYI,The Largest Size Lobster We Will Steam For Shipment Is 3-3.5 Pounds. This Size Cannot Be Steamed For Shipment)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobtail||ITEM.|"5 to 6 oz. Medium Size Maine Lobster Tails!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobtail.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Free Overnight Shipping And On Sale Now!
LobsterGuy's Sweet Tastin' 5-6 Oz. Maine Lobster tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!
(Our Lobster Tails Are Shipped Frozen)
Our Customers Say:
""We have ordered lobster several times from the Lobsterguy. Never disappointed! If you want wonderful lobster he is the guy to order it from!"""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:SMALL-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :SMALL-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS-4)"||"" liobsixpashi|6ct_halfs|ITEM.|"6 Pack Of 1 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/liobsixpashi.html"|""|""|(182.99)|(179.99)||""|""|""|""|"This Six pack of 1 1/2 Fresh Live Maine Lobsters Will Make For A Superb Dinner Party!
We'll Hand pick your Lobsters and Ship them Fresh Overnight, right to your Door!

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|" On Sale Now!
A GREAT Size Live Maine Lobster for your party and Holiday get-togethers!
We'll Pack These Up Fresh For You And Ship Them Overnight To Your Door!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 6packhalf|6ct_quarter|ITEM.|"6 Pack Of 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/6packhalf.html"|""|""|(147.99)|(143.99)||""|""|""|""|"This Six pack of 1 1/4 Fresh Live Maine Lobsters Will Make For A Great Cookout!
We'll Hand pick your Fresh Lobsters and Ship them Fed Ex Overnight, right to your Door!

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"This Folks, Is A Great Lobster Deal!
Order Now While it Lasts!

Perfect for the Holidays & Get-Togethers!
Six Fresh Live Lobsters Packed Fresh and Shipped Overnight Right To Your Door!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 6paof134to2p|6ct_three-quarter|ITEM.|"6 Pack Of 1 3/4 to 2 pound Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/6paof134to2p.html"|""|""|(213.99)|(203.99)||""|""|""|""|"This Six pack of 1 3/4-2 pound Fresh Live Maine Lobsters Will Make For A Fantastic Dinner Party! We'll Hand pick your Lobsters and Ship them Fresh Overnight, right to your Door!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|" On Sale Now!
You'll receive what we consider to be the BEST Size Lobster there is!
Not too big, yet not too small, The Perfect Size Lobsta!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" sixpackof2123s|6ct_2h-3|ITEM.|"6 Pack Of 2 1/2 -3lb. Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/sixpackof2123s.html"|""|""|(331.99)|(326.99)||""|""|""|""|" We'll hand pick you Six Select Size 2 1/2-3s and Ship them Fresh Overnight, right to your Door!
There'll Be Butter And Lobster Everywhere!

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
This Six pack of 2 1/2 -3 pound Fresh Live Maine Lobsters Will Make For An Over The Top Dinner Party! You'll Feast On The Finest Live Lobsters Available, Shipped Fresh Overnight, Right To Your Door!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" sixpaof2polo|6ct_2-2h|ITEM.|"6 Pack Of 2 to 2 1/2 Pound Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/sixpaof2polo.html"|""|""|(275.99)|(269.99)||""|""|""|""|"We'll Hand pick your Select Size Lobsters and Ship them Fresh Overnight, right to your Door!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!"|"
Our Ultimate Six Pack!
This Six pack of "SELECT" 2-2 1/2 pound Fresh Live Maine Lobsters Will Make For A Superb Dinner Party!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 8-oz-black-angus--fillet-mignon|8oz_filet|ITEM.|"8 oz. Black Angus Filet Mignon!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/8-oz-black-angus--fillet-mignon.html"|""|""|(24.99)|(21.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Capt. Timmy Likes A Great Steak, Too!
That Is Why We Offer Only All Natural 100% Grass Fed Filets That Are Hand Cut And Aged To Perfection! They Make A Great Addition To Any Order! 8 oz. Fillet Mignon - Premium Aged Beef!
"|" These Are Some Really Outstanding Cuts Of Beef And They Make A Great Addition To Any Holiday Order!
8 oz. Center Cuts OF Black Angus Filet!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:8-OZ-BLACK-ANGUS--FILLET-MIGNON)"||"" 7-8oz-lobster-tails||ITEM.|"8 to 10 oz. Large Maine Lobster Tails"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/7-8oz-lobster-tails.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Voted THE Best ONLINE Lobster And Seafood Delivery Company for 2021, & 2022 By Consumer Reviews!

Free Shipping And On Sale Now!
LobsterGuy's Sweet Maine Lobster Tails Are An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea For Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Or Any Occasion!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!

Our Customers Say:
""The lobster tails are delicious, delivered on time, instruction on how to prepare them is clear. Efficient service. and we enjoyed the meal tremendously. We will order again when we have a special occasion. We love it!"" "|"Our Sweet Tasting 8 to 10 oz. size Maine Lobster Tails are so easy to prepare, baked, stuffed, steamed, or on the Grill! LobsterGuy's Lobster Tails are great on their own, or as an add on item!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:TWO-7-8OZ-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :4CT-7-8OZ-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS)"||"" 2016-holiday-specials||ITEM.|"LobsterGuys 2016 Holiday Specials!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/2016-holiday-specials.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|" Choose From 3 Outstanding Seafood Gift Idea's That Are Sure To Please!
Any One Of These Fabulous Choices Are A Great Gift Idea!
Looking To Send The Best Of New England To That Someone Special?
All 3 Of These Dinners Are Not Only Deeply Discounted, They Include A Free Appetizer As Well!
This Is A Limited Time Offer, So Order Early, It Won't Last Long!
These Special Offers Ship Separately, And There Are No Substitutions Or Add On's!
Happy Holidays!
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTER :LOBSTERTAILS)"||"" nosp||ITEM.|"Lobsters & Clam Chowder!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/nosp.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"

Nothing Says New England Like A ""Lobsta & Chowda Dinna""!
We Have 4 Lobster And Chowder Dinners From 1 1/4 lb. Lobsters Up To 2 lb. Lobsters!
Shipped Fresh Overnight To Your Door!"|"We offer you a variety of Four Packs of Live Maine Lobsters in Four Lobster Sizes along with a half-gallon of our Award Winning Clam Chowder! Pick the one that works for You!"|""|"Lobsters & Clam Chowder!"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:QUWICH :LIVE-LOBSTERS---CHOWDER :THQUWICH :TWOPOWICH)"||"" atlantic-calamari||ITEM.|"Atlantic Calamari"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/atlantic-calamari.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our Locally Caught Atlantic Calamari Is The Most Sought After Squid Available!
Our 100% Natural USA Calamari is served by Top Chefs and Award Winning Restaurants around the country!

Order Online Anytime, But For NEXT Day Delivery, Please Order By 10 AM EST"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:HAND-CUT-ATLANTIC-CALAMARI-RINGS :WHOLE-ATLANTIC-SQUID :CALIMARITUBES)"||"" atlantic-codfish-|1lbCod|ITEM.|"Atlantic Codfish Loins!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/atlantic-codfish-.html"|""|""|(16.99)|(15.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" Broiled, Baked or Fried, Our Codfish Is 100% Natural with NO preservatives!
Atlantic Cod Is very versatile, and so easy to prepare!
Our Cod Loins Are Fresh Frozen the Same Day they are caught To Ensure It's Great Quality!
(One Lb. On Average Per Order)
"|"On Sale Now!
North Atlantic Codfish!
Our Premium Codfish Loins Are The Best Part Of The Codfish Fillet, The Thick Meaty Part Of The Fillet!
There Is No Waste, Just Great Tasting 100% Natural Atlantic Cod!
Caught Sustainably In The Cold Clear Waters Of Georges Banks By Some Of The Finest Fisherman In The World!

(1lb. per order on average, ships frozen) "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-steamed-maine-lobsters||ITEM.|"Fresh Steamed Maine Lobster Packs!"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Voted THE Best ONLINE Lobster And Seafood Delivery Company for 2021, & 2022 By Consumer Reviews!

We Make It Easy For You!
Want The Lobsters But Just Don't Want To Cook Them?

Well Noooo Problem! Choose a Two Pack OR 4 Pack That Works For You!

We'll Ship You 4 Of Our Finest Maine Lobsters Steamed Fresh just for You On The Evening Of Your Shipment!
Please Note: (Your Lobsters are selected and weighed prior to steaming for you!)"|""|""|"Fresh Steamed Maine Lobster Packs!"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-2-PACK-QTR :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACK-QTR :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-2-PACK-HALF :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACK-HALF :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-2-PACK-3QTR :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACK-3QTR :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-2-PACK-2LB :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACK-2LB :BUTTER-1-2-STICKS)"||"" live-maine-lobster||ITEM.|"Live Maine Lobsters! "|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"
Hello From The REAL Lobster Fisherman, Capt. Tim Handrigan!

Since 1996, we have shipped Thousands and Thousands of sustainably sourced & fresh wild-caught lobsters to Thousands of satisfied customers nation-wide, so if you're looking for the Best, you've certainly come to the right place!

We Ship All Sizes Of The Finest Live Maine Lobsters Right to Your Door Overnight!
Our Customers Say:
""The Lobster Guy is our go to business when we are planning dinner for special events. The food is always fresh and arrives on time as advertised. Customer Service is exceptional and worry free. Do the math and you find that their product is cheaper than other suppliers with so called “free shipping.” Quality, service and price make The Lobster Guy our favorite lobster pound!""
""Great fresh sweet tasting seafood. Always fresh and great quality. Will recommend and order again!""
Please, Feel Free To Check Out More Of Our Great Google & Google Shopping Reviews!
Customer Reviews Here!
"|"Live Maine Lobsters "|""|"Starting At 25.99!"|"#060606 "|""|""|""|""|"(:LIVELOBSTERS :TWOPAOFLIMAL :LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACKS :HOSIXPAOFLIM :6POUNDER :LIVE-LOBSTER-12-PACKS-SHIPPED :WHOLESALE-LOBSTER-PACKS :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTERS :BUTTER-1-2-STICKS)"||"" lobsterguy-seasonal-specials||ITEM.|"Lobster Dinners!"|""|"lobsterguy-seasonal-specials.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Since 1998,
Capt. Tim The LobsterGuy Has Been Shipping The Freshest Live Lobsters & Award Winning Lobster Dinners For You And Your Guests To Enjoy!
All Items Are Also Available As Gift Certificates!
Order Online Anytime, But For NEXT Day Delivery, Please Order By 10 AM EST"|""|""|"Lobster Dinner Ideas"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CLASSIC :SURF-AND-TURF--MAINE-LOBSTER-DINNERS :NEWENCLAMBAK :LOBSTERTAILS :GREAT-SEAFOOD-APPETIZERS :FRESH-NATIVE-SHELLFISH :DESSERTS)"||"" surf-and-turf--maine-lobster-dinners||ITEM.|"Surf & Turf Dinners With Free Shipping!"|""|"surf-and-turf--maine-lobster-dinners.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Capt. Tim Has Paired Up The Best Of Both Worlds with Four Awesome Varieties Of Surf & Turf Dinner Combos For You To Choose From! Choose from Live Lobsters, Lobster Tails, Shrimp & Sea Scallops or Stuffed Shrimp...
You Won't Go Wrong With Any One Of These Great Dinner Choices!

All Surf & Turf Diners Include Free Overnight Shipping! "|"Surf & Turf Dinners With Free Shipping!
"|""|"Surf & Turf Dinners With Free Shipping!"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:ULTIMATE-SURF---TURF-DINNER-WITH-APPETIZERS :MAINE-LOBSTER-SURF-AND-TURF :SHRIMP-AND-SCALLOPS-SURF-N-TURF :BAKED-STUFFED-SHRIMP-SURF---TURF-DINNER)"||"" aboutlobsters||ITEM.|"About Lobsters"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/aboutlobsters.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"

Did you know that the pilgrims actually used lobsters for fertilizer?
That's right! Lobsters were so plentiful during low tides, pilgrims easily harvested them by hand and ground them into fertilizer for corn fields, can you imagine lol!

LOBSTER FACT: Did you know that it takes about 7 years for a lobster to grow to 1 pound (the approximate legal size)?

This king of the CRUSTACEAN family has a jointed body and limbs covered with a hard shell. The most popular variety in the United States is the Maine lobster, also called American lobster. It has 5 pairs of legs, the first of which is in the form of large, heavy claws (which contain a good amount of meat). Maine lobsters are found off the Atlantic coast and are caught as far south as the deep offshore water Canyons from Virginia north thru the coastal waters of New England and out to the deep waters of Georges banks, The Gulf of Maine on up into Canada And Newfoundland!

Maine lobsters have a closely related European cousin that lives in Mediterranean and South African waters and along Europe's Atlantic coast. Spiny lobsters (commonly called rock lobsters ) are found in waters off Florida, Southern California, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. They're easily distinguished from the Maine lobster by the fact that all 10 of their legs are about the same size. Almost all of the meat is in the tail because the spiny lobster has no claws. That meat is firmer, stringier and not quite as sweet as that of the Maine lobster. (We'll stick with Maine Lobsters by the way!)

Outside California and Florida, most of the spiny lobster meat sold in this country is in the form of frozen tails, usually labeled "rock lobster tails." Live lobsters have a mottled shell splotched with various colors, generally greenish blue and reddish brown. Their shell turns vivid red only after the lobster is cooked.
Fresh lobsters are available year round. Maine Lobsters come in various sizes offered to you here at Lobsterguy.com

We catch our live lobsters, sort and grade them for size and quality then keep them in our specially designed refrigerated tanks at about 36'F (this allows the lobsters to remain in their natural cool habitat) and they are ready for shipment. Every lobster you order from LobsterGuy.com will be shipped "ice cold" in Styrofoam containers with icy cold gel packs. We suggest you cook your lobsters the day you receive them, but If you decide not to cook your lobsters upon arrival, they will be fine stored in your cold refrigerator overnight...remove them from their shipping box and store them in your crisper right side up, you can put the packing paper and gel packs on top as well Do NOT store your lobsters in water or mishandle them, cold and dry in the refrigerator is best!

"|"About Lobsters"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" timmyhandrigan|timmyhandrigan|ITEM.|"About Us (Meet the Lobster Guy!)"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/timmyhandrigan.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Ahoy! Captain Tim, the Lobster Guy here!
I am a Third Generation Offshore Lobsterman who catches Live Maine Lobsters year round off the New England coast!
Offshore lobstering is in my blood, it is what I do!
For over 30 years, I have caught Fresh Live Maine Lobsters all the way from the Gulf of Maine, to the deep offshore canyons of southern New England, and let me tell you, this is a lot of work! This is where we harvest the finest hard-shell Live Maine Lobsters that are the BEST live lobsters to ship worldwide!
Deepwater Live Lobsters are the healthiest and most sought after Lobsters, they are hearty, meaty and just plain fresh! Our primary home port is Pt. Judith Rhode Island,(Not far from Historic Newport)which gives us Great access to not only our fishing grounds in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Banks, but also the deep cold canyons south of New England that are famous for their bountiful hard-shell lobsters! Our Live Maine Lobsters not only come from me, but also some of the finest offshore boats and Captains in the business, ensuring us and our customers with a steady supply of Fresh Live Maine Lobsters year round!
We also carry a wide variety of fresh fish landed daily right on our own dock! Dayboat sea scallops, native Atlantic swordfish, fresh local shellfish consisting of local oysters, littlenecks and yes, steamer clams, plus a wide variety of great New England Seafood!
Our Staff is comprised of Lobsterman and people who grew up in the industry and we are all experts in handling and packing your lobster orders! We place quality and care into each and every order, you have my word on that!
If you have any questions about the boats or lobstering in general, please email me at: sales@thelobsterguy.com, and I will be sure to answer your questions right away, unless of course I am offshore "catching lobsta", then it will be a few days before I return to port and get back to you!
Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to see what we do!
I hope it will be a great experience for you! Your complete satisfaction is My priority!
Stephanie R., Sandia Park, NM

All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|"Since 1996, LobsterGuy Has Been Shipping Nothing But The Finest Quality & Sustainably Caught Hard Shell Live Lobsters Available!

Jumbo Size Lobsters Also Available! (Click Here!)
(""Jumbo's"" are 5.5 lbs. And Up!)
Jumbo Lobster Sizes Vary From Trip to Trip Each Week,, So for sizes and pricing,
please call us Toll-Free 866-788-0004, And We'll Let Ya Know What The Boats Are Bringing In!

"|""|" Live Maine Lobsters "|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LOBCHIC :15TO25POUND :134TO2POUNLO :212POUNLOB :212TO3POUNDERS :312POUNDER :312TO4POBLIM :4POUNDER :5POUNDER :5TO51POLIMAL :6POUNDER :WANT-THEM-STEAMED :BUTTER-1-2-STICKS :LOBPICSET)"||"" maine-lobster-dinner-specials||ITEM.|"Anytime Is Lobster Time"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/maine-lobster-dinner-specials.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Enjoy A Classic Lobster Dinner, Lobsters & Chowder, Perhaps A Clambake, Or A Surf & Turf Dinner With Lobster Tails?
These Are All Fantastic Choices And They Also Make A Great Holiday Gift Idea!
Feel Free To Browse Below And Find What You'd Like!
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|""|""|"Lobster Dinners"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CLASSIC :MAINE-LOBSTER-SHORE-DINNERS :NEWENCLAMBAK :LIVE-LOBSTERS-AND-CHOWDER-DINNERS :SURF-AND-TURF--MAINE-LOBSTER-DINNERS :SOUPER)"||"" calimaritubes|2hlb_cala-tubes|ITEM.|"Atlantic Calamari Tubes"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/calimaritubes.html"|""|""|(14.99)|(12.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Local Atlantic Calamari is sought out and served around the country by Top Chefs and Restaurants alike!
It is renowned for being the finest available!

Note: (Calamari Tubes Come In 1 lb. packages)"|"On Sale Now!
Our Locally Caught 100% Natural ""Town Dock"" North Atlantic Calamari Tubes are a very popular Add on!
Slice it yourself for tender fried calamari or saute it for your favorite pasta, or even stuffed with your favorite seafood recipe!
(Calamari Tubes Come In 1 lb. packages)

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" atchcl|chpd_clams|ITEM.|"Atlantic Chopped Clams"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/atchcl.html"|""|""|(9.99)|(8.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Chopped Clams are a popular favorite for making homemade clam sauce recipes, clam chowders, clam cakes or fritters!
Available in 1 pound containers (ships frozen)
"|"Local Atlantic Chopped Clams are shucked fresh and minced, then frozen the same day to ensure their great flavor! "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" red-crab-meat|1lb-rdcrab|ITEM.|"Atlantic Red Crab Meat!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/red-crab-meat.html"|""|""|(46.99)|(44.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"This delicious Red Crab Meat Is Picked Fresh And Frozen The Same Day To Ensure Its Great Taste!
Red crab meat is bursting with a sweet crab flavor and is so sweet and so flavorful, your going to love it!
Crab salad,( Crabmeat, Hellman's, Celery, Salt & Pepper and just a touch of Horseradish) Homemade Crab Cakes, or Crab Quiche!

1 lb. Red Crabmeat
( 1 ct. 16 oz.. container of Premium Red Crab meat is Shipped Frozen)
"|"Atlantic Red Crab meat comes from the very deep & cold waters of the North Atlantic Canyons, and is a must try crab meat!
This crab meat is so sweet and so flavorful, it is sure to become a favorite, and makes an awesome Crab Salad!

1 lb. of Atlantic Red Crab Meat
(Our Red Crab Meat Ships in 1 ct. 16 oz. container and they are shipped frozen)
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" atlantic-salmon-fillets|salmon|ITEM.|"Atlantic Salmon Fillets"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/atlantic-salmon-fillets.html"|""|""|(16.99)|(15.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Premium Center Cut Salmon Fillets are cut fresh and frozen right away to ensure their great taste! Baked, Broiled or Poached, this tender flavorful fish is great tasting and good for you!

Our Salmon Makes A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"On Sale Now!
Hand Cut Atlantic Salmon Fillets! Baked, Broiled or Poached, this very popular fish is great tasting and good for you! Fillet and hand cut By Fisherman to ensure great quality!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CRABDIP)"||"" chowder|chowder|ITEM.|"Award Winning Clam Chowder!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/chowder.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our Award Winning thick and creamy clam chowder gets rave reviews, and you'll soon see why! Chock full of tender clams, just the right amount of potatoes, in a rich and creamy broth, well, there's not much more to say! You're going to love it! (Capt. Tim likes to add a little bit of fresh dill and some black pepper to his, but it's just as great as it comes!)
""All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:20OZCLCHFORT :HALF-GALLON-OF-CLAM-CHOWDER :ONE-GALLON-CLAM-CHOWDER)"||"" newenclambak||ITEM.|"Award Winning Clambakes with Free Shipping"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/newenclambak.html"|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|"Our Lobster Clambake Dinners Are A Complete Lobster Feast And It Even Comes Right In Its Own Cooking Tin!
All You Do Is Add Water, Steam And Enjoy!
Seriously Folks, This A Ton Of Food, And A Great Idea For Any Holiday Occasion!
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|"Our Original & Famous Lobster Clambakes"|""|"Lobster Clambakes With Free Shipping!"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CLAMBAKE-DINNER-FOR-TWO :LOBSTER-CLAMBAKE-DINNER-FOR-THREE :LOBSTER-CLAMBAKE-DINNER-FOR-FOUR :LOBSTER-CLAMBAKE-DINNER-FOR-FIVE :LOBSTER-CLAMBAKE-DINNER-FOR-SIX :UPGRADE-LOBSTER-SIZE-FOR-DINNER :HOWTOCOOKYOU)"||"" lobsterbisque||ITEM.|"Award Winning Lobster Bisque!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterbisque.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"This Lobster Bisque is a winner! Great as an appetizer or a meal, the rich and creamy flavor is, simply put, just wonderful!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LOBSTER-BISQUE-SERVES-TWO :HALF-GALLON-OF-LOBSTER-BISQUE :ONE-GALLON-LOBSTER-BISQUE)"||"" crabdip|1ct_crab-dip|ITEM.|"Awesome Cheddar Crab Dip!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/crabdip.html"|""|""|(12.99)|(11.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" Blended with just the right amount sweet Crab, Cream Cheese, Cheddar and spices, this Crab dip makes for a Great seafood appetizer!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
(1/2 pound of dip per order)
"|" On Sale Now!
Our crab dip is made with Sweet Jonah Crab meat, and blended with just the right amount of cream cheese, shredded cheddar and spices!
It makes for a Great Seafood Appetizer!
We love to heat it up and serve it warm!
1/2 lb. per order

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" prime-rib-eye-steaks|rib-eye14oz|ITEM.|"Awesome Rib Eye Steaks! "|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/prime-rib-eye-steaks.html"|""|""|(32.99)|(29.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" These Rib Eyes Are Just Phenomenal!
Steaks Are Hand Cut And Average About An Inch Thick, And Are Ideal For Grilling!

This Steak Has Outstanding Flavor, And Is A True Holiday Favorite
Capt. Timmy Loves A Great Steak, Too!
That Is Why We Offer Only All Natural Steaks That Are Hand Cut And Aged To Perfection!
(Ships Frozen)
"|" This Is Simply An Outstanding Hand Cut Premium Rib Eye!
This 14 oz. Cut Of Beef Offers You A Rich Flavorful Beef Experience With Great Marbling Thru the Steak Itself!
Prime Rib Eye Is One Of The Most Popular Cuts Of Beef Available, And Are A Great Addition To Any Holiday Order!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" great-seafood-appetizers||ITEM.|"Awesome Seafood Sides & Appetizers!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/great-seafood-appetizers.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Click On Any Of These Wonderful Items For More Details! These Are Great Seafood Appetizers To Add On To Any Order, Especially for The Holidays!

Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment "|""|""|"Holiday Seafood Sides & Apps"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:STUFFED-SIDES :DIP-AND-PATE :SEAFOOD-SALADS :CALAMARI :ALL-SIZE-GULF-SHRIMP-DELIVERED :MORE-SIDE-DISHES :RECIPE-INGREDIENTS)"||"" all-size-gulf-shrimp-delivered||ITEM.|"Awesome Shrimp"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/all-size-gulf-shrimp-delivered.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Harvested By the Finest Shrimp Fisherman In The USA! From raw headless shrimp in (3) sizes, to outstanding shrimp cocktail or succulent baked stuffed shrimp, you can't go wrong with any of them! Don't forget Capt. Tim's cocktail sauce!
Order online anytime, but all orders for Next Day Delivery must be placed by 7 PM EST the day before shipment. All shrimp ships frozen."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:SHRIMP-COCKTAIL-DELIVERY :JUMBOSHRIMP :LARGESHRIMP :MEDIUMSHRIMP :BAKED-STUFFED-SHRIMP-DINNER :5LBBOXOFJUSH :5LBBOXOFLASH :5LBBOXOFMESH :CAPTIMSHRIMC)"||"" oustanding-steaks||ITEM.|"Awesome Steaks"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"We Offer You Some Really Outstanding Cuts Of Beef!
A Great selection of Tender Filet Mignon & Premium Rib Eye Steaks. You Won't Go Wrong With Any One Of These Choices! We Offer Only All Natural 100% Grass Fed Beef That Are Hand Cut And Aged To Perfection!
These Steaks Make A Great Addition To Any Holiday Order!
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:8-OZ-BLACK-ANGUS--FILLET-MIGNON :PRIME-RIB-EYE-STEAKS :ULTIMATE-SURF---TURF-DINNER-WITH-APPETIZERS)"||"" baked-stuffed-shrimp-dinner|6ct_stfd_shmp|ITEM.|"Baked Stuffed Jumbo Shrimp!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/baked-stuffed-shrimp-dinner.html"|""|""|(28)|(26)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Stuffed Shrimp Are Made With Our Fantastic Seafood Stuffing And Are Ready To Bake And Enjoy!
They Are So Good, You'll call us for the recipe!

(Six Stuffed Shrimp per order)

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!"|"On Sale Now!
A Customer Favorite!
These are Handmade "Jumbo" Stuffed Shrimp!
Made with Captain Tim's Own Scallop Seafood Stuffing!
These are really Delicious Shrimp!
(There are six Stuffed Shrimp per order.)
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" baked-stuffed-shrimp-surf---turf-dinner|Stuf-Shrimp-Surf-Turf|ITEM.|"Baked Stuffed Shrimp
Surf & Turf Dinner With Free Shipping"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/baked-stuffed-shrimp-surf---turf-dinner.html"|""|""|(139.99)|(129.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" "Jumbo" (Oven Ready) Seafood Stuffed Shrimp, Two 8oz.Filet Mignons And Award Winning Clam Chowder for Two!
An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea! Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or Just A Great Thank You!!
"|"On Sale Now!
A Best Seller!
Our Stuffed Shrimp Surf & Turf Incudes:
Six Of Our Outstanding "Jumbo" Seafood Stuffed Shrimp, Two Huge 8oz.Filet Mignons And Award Winning Clam Chowder For Two!

All orders also come with a personalized card with your own message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" best-sellers-proofing||ITEM.|"Best Seller Candidates (2024 performance)"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|"Top Sellers both in Revenue and in Qty Purchased from January to October 2024."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LOBCHIC :15TO25POUND :134TO2POUNLO :212POUNLOB :212TO3POUNDERS :312POUNDER :SMALL-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS-4 :TWO-7-8OZ-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :4CT-7-8OZ-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :TWO-COUNT-10-12-OZ-LOBSTER-TAILS :FOUR-COUNT-10-12-OZ-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :TWO-COUNT-12-14-OZ-JUMBO-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :FOUR-COUNT-12-14-OZ-JUMBO-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :ONE-POUND-PREMIUM-MAINE-LOBSTER-MEAT :TWO-POUNDS-PREMIUM-MAINE-LOBSTER-MEAT :LOBSTER-ROLL-KIT-FOR-4 :LOBSTER-ROLL-KIT-FOR-8 :CORFROMNEWEN :CLAMBAKE-DINNER-FOR-TWO :LOBSTER-CLAMBAKE-DINNER-FOR-SIX :SALT-POND-OYSTERS :FRESH-STEAMER-CLAMS-SHIPPED :FRESH-LITTLE-NECK-CLAMS-SHIPPED :FRESHMUSSELS :SEASCALLOPS :20OZCLCHFORT :STUFFEDCLAMS)"||"" briochebuns|briochebuns|ITEM.|"Brioche Buns"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" calamari||ITEM.|"Calamari"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"If you love Calamari, this is a must! All of our Calamari is caught on the North Atlantic Coast of the USA by local fishermen! We offer hand cut local 100% All Natural Atlantic calamari rings, calamari tubes, Italian Calamari Salad, and yes even whole Dayboat caught squid! There is no other calamari that even compares in quality or flavor!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|"Pt. Judith Calamari"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:HAND-CUT-ATLANTIC-CALAMARI-RINGS :CALIMARITUBES :CALAMARISALAD :WHOLE-ATLANTIC-SQUID)"||"" hand-cut-atlantic-calamari-rings|lgcala-rings|ITEM.|"Calamari Rings!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/hand-cut-atlantic-calamari-rings.html"|""|""|(17.99)|(15.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Locally caught ""Town Dock"" calamari is very versatile and can be served in a variety of ways! Over pasta, or fried calamari, the choice is yours!
(Serving suggestion for Fried Calamari in photo above)
It's the choice of Top Chefs and Restaurants around the country!
1lb. package (ships frozen)
"|"On Sale Now!
100% All Natural ""Town Dock"" Pt. Judith Calamari is hands down the Finest Calamari Available!
Our Hand Cut Domestic Atlantic Calamari rings, caught by local fisherman is great for pastas, appetizers or what ever you choose!
Our Calamari is used by fine Restaurants and Chefs around the country!
Calamari Rings are fully cleaned and sliced, ready to be used in your favorite recipe!
1 lb. per order (ships frozen)
(Calamari Rings are NOT breaded, and come Raw frozen)
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" candle|candle|ITEM.|"Candle"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" candleholder|candleholder|ITEM.|"Candle Holder"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" cour|cour|ITEM.|"Capt. Tim & The Crew of ""Courtney Elizabeth""!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/cour.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"The "Courtney Elizabeth" was built in 1987 specifically for offshore lobstering. She was built in Bayou La Batre, Alabama (yes, the same city as seen in the movie Forest Gump). Captain Tim. ..The Lobster Guy, had the vessel constructed to his personal specifications based on his experience in the lobster industry. The "Courtney Elizabeth" sails the offshore waters of New England year round doing what she does best...lobstering. The "Courtney," As she is affectionately known, carries a crew of 4 to 5 lobstermen during the summer and fall seasons. Her trips usually last 3 to 4 days long (5 to 7 days if you include travel time). When she is not fishing, the crew is constantly busy preparing her for the next trip. Preparing for a trip includes oil changes and loading bait, supplies, and fuel and lots of care! We also ensure she gets a thorough cleaning after each and every trip! Captain Tim is a stickler for the smallest details, so he ensures the vessel is kept in tip top condition! Even today, her condition is similar to when she first left the shipyard before her first trip "home!" She presently hauls up to 2000 lobster traps which are set in 50 trap trawls (a trawl is a string of lobster traps connected by a continuous rope which is approximately 1 mile long). Our Lobster Gear is fished as deep as 200 fathoms in the winter and as short as 20 fathoms in the summer. (1 fathom is equal to 6 feet! ). The traps are tied onto the string by 2 fathom pieces of rope called "snoods." The main string of rope is referred to as the "ground line". The traps (commonly referred to as pots) we use are constructed from vinyl covered wire and average $150 per trap! (you can also still find traps made from wood). The average cost of a complete new trawl for the "Courtney" is around $6000! See her and Captain Tim working on the North Atlantic on the new Discovery Series, Lobstermen airing Oct 16, 2009! http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/lobstermen-meet-capt-tim-handrigan.html
Main engine: 3412 Caterpillar Diesel Generators: 2 (50 kilowatt power plants) 30 ton complete RSW {refrigerated seawater system} Length = 90 feet Width = 23 feet Draft = 11 1/2 feet Gross Weight = 230 tons Cruising Speed = 9 knots The "Courtney Elizabeth" also carries the following equipment: 2 Furuno Radars 2 VHF radios 1 SSB radio 3 Loran-C Navigators 2 GPS 1 Weather Fax 1 Sat phone 1 Cellular Phone 2 Depth Finder/Chromiscope 2 EPIRB distress beacons 1 Eight man offshore survival raft
"|"Capt. Tim & The Crew of "Courtney Elizabeth"!"|""|""|"Our biggest lobster vessel, The ""Courtney Elizabeth""! (Click to read all about her)"|""|""|""|""|""||"" capt--tims--seafood-stuffing|1lb-stuffng|ITEM.|"Capt. Tim's Seafood Stuffing"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/capt--tims--seafood-stuffing.html"|""|""|(14.99)|(12.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Handmade in small batches, this Ultimate Seafood Stuffing has it all and has been a favorite around these parts for a long time! We take Ritz crackers and blend in local crabmeat, fresh picked lobster meat, scallops, some different cheeses, some wine, some lemon a few select spices and wowza, is it good!
Great For Baked Stuffed Lobsters, Stuffed Codfish, or any Seafood Dish! "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:1LB. :SEAFOOD :STUFFING)"||"" captimshrimc|SCS1|ITEM.|"Captain Tim's Awesome Cocktail Sauce!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/captimshrimc.html"|""|""|(4.99)||T|""|""|""|""|"Capt. Tim's Cocktail Sauce Is The Perfect Blended Cocktail Sauce!
Not To Hot, Not To Sweet, But Has A Nice Kick To It!
A must have to go along with your Shrimp Cocktail, Oysters, or Littlenecks!"|"Our Cocktail sauce is a must have to go along with your Shrimp order!
Capt. Tims Cocktail sauce has a ton of flavor, and just the right amount of horseradish to make this a winner!
Great On Our Shrimp, Native Oysters, and Our Fresh Littleneck Clams!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"Captain Tim's Awesome Cocktail Sauce"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" captimlobsal|captimlobsal|ITEM.|"Captain Tim's Lobster Salad"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/captimlobsal.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Captain Tim's Lobster Salad


  1. Cut lobster meat into small chunks
  2. Chop celery (medium to fine, use about 1/3rd of the amount of the lobster meat)
  3. Add mayonnaise (enough to make the mixture moist)
  4. Add a few pinches of salt
  5. Add a few pinches of pepper (large pinches)
  6. Let it stand for an hour or so in the refrigerator and serve
Enjoy!"|""|""|"Lobster Salad"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" captimmomlob|captimmomlob|ITEM.|"Captain Tim's Mom's Lobster Bisque"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/captimmomlob.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Try this great recipe (from my Mom's kitchen):
This delicious bisque is rich in flavor a makes an excellent meal...the basil olive oil is a great touch!


  • 1 Tablespoon chopped shallots
  • 3 Plum tomatoes, peeled and diced
  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 4 1/3 cups rich lobster stock
  • 2 Tablespoons of all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups of heavy cream
  • 5 (or more) ounces of lobster meat
  • 2 Tablespoons dry sherry
  • Salt and pepper (to your own taste)


  1. Sautee the shallots and tomatoes in butter until the liquid from the tomatoes is almost evaporated
  2. Add the flour and stir well
  3. Cook for 5 minutes
  4. Add the white wine and stir well
  5. Add the lobster stock and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes
  6. Add the heavy cream and simmer until bisque slightly thickens
  7. Remove from the stove and strain
  8. Put about 3 ounces of lobster meat in a food processor and puree until smooth
  9. Add the lobster puree to the bisque
  10. Cut the remaining lobster meat into bite-size chunks and add to the bisque
  11. Add sherry, return to medium heat and simmer for 12 minutes
  12. Season with salt and pepper to taste
  13. Garnish with a drizzle of basil olive oil
Fisherman's Tip: Enjoy!!! This will serve four!

Thanks Mom...!"|"Captain Tim's Mom's Lobster Bisque"|""|"Captain Tim's Mom's Lobster Bisque"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" celery|Celery|ITEM.|"Celery"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" choccheesecake|Choc-Cake|ITEM.|"Choc'late Lovin' Spoonful Cake!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/choccheesecake.html"|""|""|(9.99)|(8.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Outstanding ""Sweet Street"" Choc'late Lovin' Spoon Cake To Complete Your Order!
Decadent And Sweet, this will cap off a great lobster dinner!
(1 Slice Per Order, Ships Frozen And Will Thaw Upon Arrival)"|" If You Like Chocolate, Then This Is For You!
A Giant Mouthful Of Chocolate Pudding Between Two Layers Of Dark, Moist Chocolate Drenched Chocolate Cake!

You'll Receive One Slice Of Outstanding Famously Made
""Sweet Street"" Chocolate Lovin' Spoon Cake!
This Is A Great Add On To Your Gift Orders For The Holidays, Birthdays, Or Just A Little Something Sweet For Yourself!
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" chowders-bisques|chowders-bisques|ITEM.|"Chowders & Bisques"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"On Sale Now!
Enjoy All Of Our Award Winning Chowders & Bisques! Our award-winning creamy clam chowder and savory lobster bisque are available in 3 convenient sizes!
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|""|""|"Chowders & Bisques"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CHOWDER :LOBSTERBISQUE)"||"" clam-chowder-recipe||ITEM.|"Clam Chowder 3-Ways"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|"Like lobster rolls and stuffies, Rhodies all have their own way of making chowder. Some folks swear it should be creamy. Some swear it should be clear. Some crazies think it should be red… though they’re clearly not from here. Here’s how to create clammy, healthy-ish versions of all three.


  • 12-16 (3-4 inch) Quahogs OR 20-24 Cherrystones OR 12-16 (4-5 inch)
  • Surf Clams (2 cups clam meat)
  • 4 cups clam juice
  • 8-12 ounces salt pork
  • 4 stalks celery, diced
  • 2 onions, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 medium potatoes, diced
  • 1 teaspoon dill and/or thyme
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 cups heavy cream for ‘New England Style’ (optional 4 tablespoons cornstarch)
  • 2 cups marinara for ‘Manhattan Style’ (dash red pepper flakes)
  • Oyster crackers for serving (optional)


  1. STEAM and CLEAN clams according to ""STEAMING BIG CLAMS FOR RE-COOKING"" (page 18). STRAIN and SAVE 4 cups juice.
  2. CHOP clams into 1 inch chunks by hand, with kitchen scissors, or preferably by a quick pulse in a food processor. SET ASIDE.
  3. SLICE the ‘rind’ off the salt pork if there is one. DICE salt pork into 1 inch cubes. Ensure at least 8 ounces make it into the pot.
  4. HEAT salt pork over medium heat in a large pot until fat renders and it gets golden brown, about 5 minutes. Pieces should be half their starting size. (Some people discard the pork crackles, but we like a little bacon in our chowder!)
  5. ADD celery and onion. COOK until onion is translucent, about 3 minutes. Use this time to scrape up the brown bits from the bottom of the pot.
  6. ADD garlic and cook for 1 minute.
  7. ADD clam juice, potatoes, and spices.
  8. DECIDE what ‘style’ of chowder you are making:
    • Rhode Island-Style (clear): ADD 4 cups water and SIMMER 20 minutes. ADD clams. SIMMER 10 minutes.
    • New England-Style (creamy): ADD 2 cups water and SIMMER 20 minutes. Then ADD clams and 2 cups heavy cream. SIMMER 10 minutes. (For thicker chowder, mix 4 tablespoons cornstarch into cold cream before adding. Stir well.)
    • Manhattan-Style (red): ADD 2 cups water, 2 cups marinara, and a dash of red pepper flakes. SIMMER 20 minutes. ADD clams. SIMMER 10 minutes.
Serve with oyster crackers and remember to SCOOP clams from the bottom.

Kitchen Time: 50 minutes

In Season: Year-round

Servings: 21 quarts chowder

Copyright @2012 Laura Blackwell

Download pdf "|""|""|"Clam Chowder 3-Ways by Laura Blackwell"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" clam-knive|clmknv|ITEM.|"Clam Opening Knives"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/clam-knive.html"|""|""|(7.5)||T|""|""|""|""|"Note: Knives are wood handled with a stainless steel blade. We are not responsible if you cut yourself! ... so be careful, will ya!
(Clam Knives are available as an Add On Item only)
"|"Need A Little Help Opening Your Littlenecks on the half shell?
Our Clam Knives Will Do The Trick For You!

(Clam Knives are available as an Add On Item only)
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"Clam Knife"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" clamchowder||LINK.|"Clam
Chowder"|"http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/lobstersales2/clam-chowder.pdf"" target=""_blank"|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" clfor2tin|CB2tin|ITEM.|"Clambake for 2 Tin"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" clfor4tin|CB4tin|ITEM.|"Clambake for 4 Tin"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" clfor6tin|CB6tin|ITEM.|"Clambake for 6 Tin"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" clams-and-mussels||ITEM.|"Clams & Mussels"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Outstandingly fresh steamers, little neck clams and beautiful wild caught mussels all harvested daily by local fisherman. These are a great add on to any order or simply a great meal all on there own!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation"|"Locally Harvested Clams & Mussels!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:FRESH-STEAMER-CLAMS-SHIPPED :FRESH-LITTLE-NECK-CLAMS-SHIPPED :FRESHMUSSELS :CLAM-KNIVE)"||"" bastfl|fldr4|ITEM.|"Classic Baked Stuffed Flounder!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/bastfl.html"|""|""|(26)|(24)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Stuffed Sole Is Prepared With Local Atlantic Yellowtail Flounder And Stuffed with An Incredible Seafood Stuffing And Tender Bay Scallops!
4ct. Stuffed Flounder per order.
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversary Dinners, Birthdays or A Great Corporate Gift Idea!!
On Sale Now!
Our Classic Seafood Stuffed Sole is A Down East Favorite!
(4 Stuffed Flounder Fillets are in an order, and this feeds 2 People)
Made with Locally caught Day Boat Flounder Fillets, Rolled around Capt. Tim's own Seafood Stuffing with Tender Sweet Bay Scallops inside the stuffing!
It's Easy to Prepare, And Even Easier To Enjoy!
P.S.... This is one of Capt. Timmy's Favorites!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" crab-sald-rolls|crab-sald-rolls|ITEM.|"Classic Crab Salad Roll Kits With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/crab-sald-rolls.html"|""|""|(89.99)||T|""|""|""|""|" So good, you'll think you're sitting seaside on the coast!
Our Crab Roll Roll Kits bring the taste of Maine right into your own home!
This is also a great gift idea!

Includes: 1 lb. Frozen Sweet Atlantic Red Crab Meat, 4 ct. Pepperidge Farm Brioche Buns, Hellmann's Mayo, Horseradish and Fresh Celery!

So Easy To Prepare!
Place your Crab meat in a decent size bowl, add the mayo, finely chop the celery provided, add that, season with salt & Pepper, and add some of the horseradish to taste.
( Note:Horseradish Sauce is strong so start please with a little and add what your preference is!)
You can also make it without the Horseradish Sauce , if you prefer!
Place your crab salad in the fridge for about and hour to chill and ""marry"", Grill your Brioche rolls and your done!
"|"Awesome Crab Salad Kits!
Our Crab Salad Roll Kits Feature Sweet Atlantic Red Crab Meat, Hellman's Mayo, Fresh Celery, Horseradish Sauce, and 4 Brioche Buns!
Our Crab Rolls Are Easy to make and take just minutes to prepare!
Our Crab Roll Kits bring the taste of Summer right into your own home!
That's right, make your own Maine Crab Salad Rolls right in your own kitchen! We ship you enough for 4 Outstanding Crab Sandwiches!
(Crab meat ships frozen)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" classic4|Classic-4|ITEM.|"Classic Lobster and Shellfish Dinner for Four With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/classic4.html"|""|""|(239.99)|(229.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Classic Lobster Dinner has four of our 1 1/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters, Two 18 oz. containers of our Award Winning Clam Chowder, as well as a variety of our fresh littlenecks and maine mussels!

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
(Please Order This Item On It's Own At This Time)
A true New England "Classic" Lobster Dinner!
It has four of our 1 1/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters, Two 18 oz. containers of our Award Winning Clam Chowder (Serves 4), as well as fresh littlenecks and maine mussels for Four people!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" classic2|Classic-2|ITEM.|"Classic Lobster and Shellfish Dinner For Two
With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/classic2.html"|""|""|(139.99)|(129.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"The Lobsterguy Classic Lobster Dinner has two of our 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters, Clam Chowder for Two, as well as a variety of our fresh New England Shellfish, both Little Necks and Maine Mussels!"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
This is a "Classic" New England Lobster Dinner for 2!
It has two of our 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters, Award Winning Clam Chowder for Two, as well as a variety of our fresh New England Shellfish, both Little Necks, and Maine Mussels!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" connect||ITEM.|"Connect"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/connect.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|"Connect"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" contact-us||INFO.|"Contact Us"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Contact Us
Toll free: 1-866-788-0004
329 Great Island Rd
Narragansett, RI 02882

Email: sales@thelobsterguy.com

LobsterGuy's Hours Of Operation
Office Hours are Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm Eastern
Packing Hours are Monday through Friday, Noon to 6:30pm Eastern

Please note: FedEx Overnight Tracking numbers are generated between 4:30pm and 6:30pm on the Day your order ships!
Please Also Note:
All Tracking Numbers Are Emailed ONLY on the Day your Order Ships, And Is ONLY sent to the EMAIL ADDRESS you provided when you placed your order! Tracking Numbers Are Generated on the AFTERNOON YOUR ORDER SHIPS... Please Do Not Call For Tracking Numbers, We Assure You They Will Be Emailed To You!

Standard Delivery Schedule:
We ship fresh Live Maine Lobsters and all other products Mondays through Thursdays
for delivery Tuesdays through Fridays (No Sunday Or Monday Deliveries).

FedEx Saturday Delivery, where available, is an additional 10.00 (per box) FedEx Charge.
Please Check If You Are Eligible For Saturday Deliver @ FedEx.com!

"|""|""|""|""||"" cooking-and-handling||ITEM.|"Cooking & Handling Instructions"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:HOW-TO-COOK-LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTERS :HOW-TO-COOK-NEW-ENGLAND-LOBSTER-CLAMBAKE)"||"" corn|corn|ITEM.|"Corn"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" courtney-elizabeth-crew-hats-|CE-hats|ITEM.|"Courtney Elizabeth Crew Hats"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/courtney-elizabeth-crew-hats-.html"|""|""|(22)|(20)||""|""|""|""|"Instead, check out our NEW LobsterGuy Hats and become a part of Lobster Nation!

"|"Courtney Elizabeth Crew Hats (Discontinued)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" crab-boil-recipe||ITEM.|"Crab Boil (Russell’s Way)"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|"In summer, an island picnic table begs for a hungry crowd and a pile of steamed crabs. Get your crew, grab a few beverages, and pick the sweet meat out of these local crustaceans. Local Rock and Sand Crabs are about 5 inches across. If yours are larger, steam them longer! Crab ‘Boil’ is just a name. Steam your crabs.


  • Dozen Sand or Rock Crabs per batch
  • 1 beer
  • Old Bay seasoning
  • Corn on the cob
  • Melted butter


  1. BOIL 1 inch of water and 1 beer in the biggest pot you have, with a steamer basket.
  2. DROP in a few crabs. SPRINKLE in some Old Bay seasoning.
  3. DROP in more crabs and SPRINKLE more Old Bay.
  4. CONTINUE until all your crabs are in and COVER with a tight lid.
  5. STEAM for 12-15 minutes until bright red.
  6. PLUNGE crabs in ice water immediately.
  7. REMOVE quickly and SERVE!
  8. DON’T FORGET, there’s meat in the body – not just the legs!
Fisherman's Tip: Quickly dipping crabs into ice water after steaming makes them easier to pick as the meat pulls away from the shell.

Kitchen Time: 15 minutes

In Season: Year-round

Serves: Estimate 5-7 crabs per eater for dinner.

Copyright @2012 Laura Blackwell

Download pdf "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" stuffed-sides||ITEM.|"Crab Cakes, Lobster Cakes & More!"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Here are mouth-watering Seafood Appetizers and Entrees that you will love! From our hand-made Jumbo Stuffed Shrimp to our Gourmet "Stuffies" Lobster cakes and Crab cakes, you can't go wrong with the quality of our products! They are all perfect add-ons to any order!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation"|"Crab Cakes, Lobster Cakes, Stuffed Shrimp... "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:MAINE-LOBSTER-CAKES :STUFFEDCLAMS :CLCRCA :BASTFL :BAKED-STUFFED-SHRIMP-DINNER :LOBSTER-MAC-AND-CHEESE :CAPT--TIMS--SEAFOOD-STUFFING)"||"" recipe-ingredients||ITEM.|"Crab Meat, Shucked Oysters, Calamari..."|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Add Some New Of New England's Finest Seafood To Your Recipes!

From Outstanding Locally caught Crab Meat In Two Great Varieties, Shucked Select Oysters, Cleaned Calamari, Whole Dayboat Squid, Chopped Clams....
You Will Not Be Disappointed With Any Of These Choices!"|"Ingredients for that perfect seafood Dinner!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:MAINE-CRAB-MEAT :RED-CRAB-MEAT :SCHUCKED-OYSTERS :ATLANTIC-CODFISH- :HAND-CUT-ATLANTIC-CALAMARI-RINGS :WHOLE-ATLANTIC-SQUID :ATCHCL :CAPT--TIMS--SEAFOOD-STUFFING)"||"" crabboil||LINK.|"Crab
Boil"|"http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/lobstersales2/crab-boil.pdf"" target=""_blank"|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" crackersoyster|Oystercracker|ITEM.|"Crackers (Oyster)"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" paymentmethods||ITEM.|"Credit Cards"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/paymentmethods.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"We process all of our orders through Bank One's secure processing and send all credit card transmissions encrypted and secure! We are an authorized participant in MasterCard's Shop Smart! Program"|"We currently accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Diner's Club. We can also process Discover Cards with phone or faxed orders!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto1|customerphoto1|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto1.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto26|customerphoto26|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto26.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto10|customerphoto10|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto10.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto15|customerphoto15|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto15.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto16|customerphoto16|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto16.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto17|customerphoto17|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto17.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto18|customerphoto18|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto18.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto22|customerphoto22|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto22.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto23|customerphoto23|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto23.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto24|customerphoto24|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto24.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto25|customerphoto25|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto25.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto3|customerphoto3|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto3.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto30|customerphoto30|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto30.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto31|customerphoto31|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto31.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto32|customerphoto32|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto32.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto7|customerphoto7|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto7.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto8|customerphoto8|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto8.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto9|customerphoto9|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto9.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto12|customerphoto12|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto12.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto27|customerphoto27|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto27.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto28|customerphoto28|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto28.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto29|customerphoto29|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto29.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto19|customerphoto19|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto19.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto2|customerphoto2|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto2.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto20|customerphoto20|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto20.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto21|customerphoto21|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto21.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto5|customerphoto5|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto5.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto11|customerphoto11|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto11.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto13|customerphoto13|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto13.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto14|customerphoto14|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto14.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto4|customerphoto4|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto4.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto6|customerphoto6|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto6.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto33|customerphoto33|ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto33.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" customerphoto||ITEM.|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/customerphoto.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Customer Fan Photo"|"Customer Fan Photo"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fans||ITEM.|"Customer Photos!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/fans.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Here at the LobsterGuy we have fans all across the country! We get in new pictures all the time. If you've got a photo of yourself or your family with some LobsterGuy lobsters, send it in and we'll post it right here!!"|"You sent 'em; we post 'em!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CUSTOMERPHOTO :CUSTOMERPHOTO28 :CUSTOMERPHOTO14 :CUSTOMERPHOTO15 :CUSTOMERPHOTO16 :CUSTOMERPHOTO12 :CUSTOMERPHOTO1 :CUSTOMERPHOTO6 :CUSTOMERPHOTO2 :CUSTOMERPHOTO20 :CUSTOMERPHOTO7 :CUSTOMERPHOTO8 :CUSTOMERPHOTO4 :CUSTOMERPHOTO5 :CUSTOMERPHOTO10 :CUSTOMERPHOTO3 :CUSTOMERPHOTO9 :CUSTOMERPHOTO11 :CUSTOMERPHOTO22 :CUSTOMERPHOTO17 :CUSTOMERPHOTO18 :CUSTOMERPHOTO19 :CUSTOMERPHOTO21 :CUSTOMERPHOTO23 :CUSTOMERPHOTO13 :CUSTOMERPHOTO24 :CUSTOMERPHOTO25 :CUSTOMERPHOTO26 :CUSTOMERPHOTO27 :CUSTOMERPHOTO29 :CUSTOMERPHOTO30 :CUSTOMERPHOTO32 :CUSTOMERPHOTO33 :CUSTOMERPHOTO31)"||"" ravereviews2||ITEM.|"Customer Reviews Capt. Tim & his Dad"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/ravereviews2.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""I was looking for something a little different this year to give to my employees as a Christmas gift. I checked out more than a few lobster sites, and decided to give this Capt. Tim guy a shot. He's the same guy on that Discovery Channel lobster show! Boy, am I glad I did! My employees were Thrilled! We sent lobsters, surf & turfs, and clam chowder! Not only were the prices more than fair, the seafood was Great! I don't know how they make those stuffed shrimp, but I have to tell you, they were terrific, and the lobsters and chowder got me and the wife a lot of thank you notes from our employees as well! The lobsterguy is a first class company, and we will be back, probably BEFORE Christmas! great job A++ Steven P, Dallas, TX
"We were so speechless with how easy and amazing the ordering, shipping and of course the lobsters were, no one said a word through the entire dinner! We didn't want to miss a single bite!!! I believe this was the BEST Live Lobster order I have made online!" Now I know why these guys are THE Best in the business!! Carl in D.C.
I have used the Lobster Guy to ship lobster to my daughter (who has lived in, Pittsburgh and San Francisco) a number of times. The product and the Customer Service have been superb. I always recommend them whenever I can. I'll be back excellent! excellent! excellent. Dave
Capt. Tim & Crew, I recently ordered from you for the first time having found your website through Google. Boy, am I glad I did! I got the Captains Pack of 4 1 1/2 lb live Maine lobsters shipping included!! It arrived on time with the lobsters kicking and in no time at all I was feasting on delicious Maine lobster in California for less than a trip to a restaurant would have been. I grew up in New England and my Dad and I dropped pots for personal consumption and caught lobsters all through my childhood and these were as good as any of those were! Thanks again for the incredible value, the speedy delivery and the freshest product around, I will never order lobster again in a restaurant here, Californians don't know anything about real Maine lobster, you will have my business for life. Sincerely, Eric B. West Sacramento, CA
Great, fresh product (both Lobsters and fish) and very nice service!
Captain Tim and Crew, My wife and I had an absolutely wonderful Valentine dinner thanks to your Traditional New England Clam Bake. The order arrived on time and fresh as promised. Having such a feast in the middle of the winter in Montana was a real treat. Brad and Jacqueline B.
I ordered and received the two 3 pound LIVE lobstas right on schedule! I've never seen a three pound lobster and was shocked to see how big three pounds of lobtas really were. I ordered them for Valentine's day and they were a great surprise for my wife. I was so amazed by the size I had to take pictures. I took a picture of one of the lobtas on a turkey platter, and the lobsta filled the platter. I took the picture to work, and to let you know you'll be getting a lot of business from my fellow employees! I will be doing business with you in the future. Thanks again for providing the LOBSTAS that produced the BEST Valentine's day (any day) meal my wife and I ever had. Keep on trapping!
My wife ordered your February special for my birthday dinner and I want to tell you how much I enjoyed it. I was amazed to see these two "monsters" come out of that box! When we sat down to eat?????? FORGET ABOUT IT!! I've ordered live maine bugs before, but never had they tasted so good! Succulent, tender and so sweet. PERFECT! My 3 year old son absolutely loved the fact that they were alive! It was a night that I will not soon forget. What a great experience and I am grateful that you all were a part of it. Thank you so much! I truly can't wait for the next "special occasion" (are Thursday's special?)!! An ecstatic lobster lover, Matt P in Sacramento, CA
I reviewed a few of the other companies-decided to go with Capt. Tim and the lobsterguy after I called to verify delivery. The recipients were ecstatic (Boston to Florida) on Valentines' week-end and the price was the best to boot! Thank you for some of the best lobsters we have had in 30 years! We were hoping to have a special dinner for a great friend and you made it spectacular. It's obvious that you treat your lobsters and customers with tender, loving care...the personal thank-you note from Shannon was an unexpected treat...a lovely "old-fashioned" courtesy not often found today! We will definitely spread the word! Our thanks to everyone at "The Lobster Guy" Vince and Susan
Hey Lobsterguy! Looking forward to our next order! We are crawfish farmers, and we like to tease people that some are the size of small lobsters!! We're telling people about your site!! . ..You have become a family tradition ever since our in-laws sent us some lobsters from you! Aaron C
Just want to Thank You for the wonderful Lobsters you sent our way. ... You made this New England transplant a very happy man for his birthday. ... told him next year we will have to come your way and get them right from the docks.....You perform a very nice service to people who really love your product. ..... again Thank You. .... everything was alive and kicking and tasted Great..... Looking forward to doing business with you again soon. Rosanne
Hi Mr Lobster Guy, I recently sent an order to Lafayette, CA for a thank you gift for some friends. I thought you might like to hear some feedback! They said the lobsters were great, the shrimp and clams VERY FRESH and the lobster bisque the very best they had ever tasted. I am happy that I chose you to do this order for me and will be happy to recommend your company to all. Thanks for a job well done, Jean in Nashua, NH
Hi, My son moved to Florida and said he cannot find any good seafood down there, it's all warm water, which has a different taste. I found your website about 8 months or so ago and have sent your lobsters to my son. He loves it!!! And am still doing so now. I also sent it to my mom with clam chowder, lobster bisque, who lives right here in New England, but doesn't get out much. She was so happy with your lobsters and chowders I am going to make this an annual thing for her. Thank You! You have a great fresh product, I will definitely spread the word!!! Thank You Karen R.
You guys are amazing! Teleported my lobsters from New England to God-Forsaken-Rural-Illinois in under 18 hrs.!!!!! My sister called to say how much she LOVED the gift and we win the "coolest birthday gift" prize! Thank you and consider me a loyal customer! Kathleen
The bottom line in a live lobster purchase is the quality of the lobsters and these folks really deliver phenomenal lobsters. We ordered nine 2.75 - 3 lb. lobsters and they arrived expertly packed in a sturdy Styrofoam container, and, most importantly, all alive. These folks are very personable and are quick to answer emails and accommodate special requests. Prices of lobsters fluctuate with demand and we have found that these folks offer the best prices, even when you factor in the shipping costs. For the true lobster lover, the Lobster Guy is a must!
I have been ordering from Lobster Guy for 4 years now! Every order is on time and arrives as stated. The prices are very good and the product is always fresh. I would highly recommend you try this merchant. I usually order larger lobsters and the prices here are great. I ordered pre shelled lobster meat this past time and was very impressed with what I got. Lots of tail meat and claw meat. Mark M.
We ordered several items off of your menu for our Christmas Dinner this year, and everything was so wonderfully delicious. The clam chowder was the best anyone in my family had ever tasted, it was extraordinary! The packaging was so professional, and the included personal handwritten card was such a nice touch! The whole process was so easy from start to finish! I even had a few questions prior to ordering, and I always received such a quick response! The prices are very reasonable as well! We will be lifelong customers! Thank you again for everything! :) Jordan, Virginia
Just wanted to write and let you know how pleased my Mom was when she received her lobsters and chowder this week. My Mom is a very fussy person ordinarily but she had only good things to say about your products and how they were packaged. The chowder and lobsters were fresh and tasted great. She was very happy. Thank you so much, I often find it hard choosing just the right gift for her but this year I hit the nail on the head and I have you to thank. I will be ordering from you in the future. Donna W., Salem, MA
Just to let someone know that there is really actual human beings out there with small business that actually care, my wife and I really enjoyed your personal touch and attention when we ordered the lobster from you guys. The personal card and the attention of the delivery was really something. She really loved it and so did I. You guy's made my wife's 50th birthday a success! Feel free to post this email on your web site as proof that there are still small companies here in America that want to earn people's business. This is a rarity that should not go un-noticed! Thanks again. Jeff & Marie, Atlanta GA......
The outstanding level of quality of products and customer service are the reason that I am a repeat customer. I purchase from the Lobster Guy for my own use and also use him for a fantastic gift source for friends and family. The lobster meat and the scallops are the best you can get on the net (no pun intended).I vacation in Maine every summer, and the Lobster Guy lets me have the fresh seafood that I love all year round. I purchase many things using the internet. .. the Lobster Guy is my favorite place to shop. John F., Marlborough, M.A.
The staff was VERY helpful! They even called to check my order which I hadn't filled out correctly! I purchased a gift certificate. My niece said that the gift certificate was easy to redeem and everyone there was polite and helpful. The lobster arrived safely and tasted delicious. I plan to do business with the Lobster Guy later this month. Bookmark his site. Many thanks. Anne, Stockton, C.A.
Dear Lobster Guy, Thank you so much for sending our delicious lobsters for our 31st wedding anniversary. The card was an especially nice touch. I will definitely order again, you are the greatest. Laurie G
This is the second time I've ordered from the Lobster Guy and I am not disappointed. There is a large selection of seafood and the prices are extremely reasonable compared to other vendors. I will do business again and again. Sharon H., Tewksbury, M.A.
I was very pleased with the personal service! The enclosed card was a nice touch. The Lobsters were packed well and very alive! I will be ordering again in October for the next visit to Florida as it is a yearly tradition so you will have all my repeat business! Thanks again! Susan. L, Lake City, F.L.
Dear Lobster Guy, Today I received two four-pound lobsters and they arrived in perfect condition (and right on time! ).These big guys looked gorgeous and were certainly fresh --- fresh as in not old and fresh as in feisty! I have never bought a live lobster locally that had any energy at all. We steamed them and the meat (lots and lots! ) was tender, sweet and to-die-for delicious! I have saved the shells as tomorrow they are going into the pot to make fish stock! I have ordered from you in the past and EVERY order has been a success! Thank you! Cindy B., Tulsa, OK
I am impressed!! Everything went as advertised. Delivery was on time. Lobsters were alive and AWESOME!!!! The Lobster Guy is the BEST!!!! Steve M., Clovis, C.A.
Captain TIM, I just wanted to let you know that the lobster that you sent me was wonderful. It was worth the wait. I have a friend who goes to Maine a lot and has to eat Lobster for breakfast, lunch and dinner and said that was the best tasting lobster that she has ever tasted. Thank you for the cooking instructions and for providing such excellent food and service.. I certainly will spread the word around upstate NY about my experience with your company...... Thank you again! Patricia B., Camillus, N.Y.
Born and raised on Cape Cod. Have family still there but I've been in Florida for 30 years. I received a clambake for two yesterday as a Christmas gift. "GREAT" is not worthy, "OUTSTANDING" is more appropriate. Lobsters tried to climb out of the pot!!! You can be sure I will recommend you to others and order more. Thanks for the great product Richard L., Lake Worth, FL
I would definitely order from The Lobster Guy again. The only little issue that would have made my purchase that much better is that I did not know that there was a specific time that I had to order by for my purchase to be delivered at the time I wanted. It worked out perfectly though, and someone got right back to me when I inquired. (I was pleasantly surprised, you do not receive customer service like that anymore! ) The order was delivered and the recipients told me that it was delicious. Laura B., Davie, F.L.
Captain Tim and Leah were wonderful to work with! Our clambakes, two for eight people, were delivered on time by UPS packed securely in dry ice. They were removed from packaging, put on a propane cooker, and left to steam. We were able to enjoy time with our guests while everything cooked and when we opened the tins everything was perfect. The lobster and clams were very fresh and had a wonderful taste. The corn and red potatoes were plentiful. Oh, included of course, were bibs, crackers, and wet naps for everyone all you have to do is add melted butter. Great idea and value for your $$$$. Annette B., Murfreesboro, T.N.
"|"Hear what some of our Great Customers have to say! Thanks so much!!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" custom|CUSTOM|ITEM.|"Customized Order Page"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/custom.html"|""|""|(0.01)||T|"Comment Inscription 250 5"|"
"|""|""|" Special (Custom) Order Item Page.
This Page Is Only For Use By The Customer Service Staff At Lobsterguy.com
Please contact the LobsterGuy Staff Toll Free
@ 1-866-788-0004 If You Would Like A Customized Order!
We Are More Than Happy To Custom Create Any Order You Need!
Thank You!
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" e-gift-certificates||ITEM.|"e-Gift Certificates"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LOBSTERGUY-EGIFT-CERTIFICATE-75-00 :LOBSTERGUY-EGIFT-CERTIFICATE-100-00 :LOBSTERGUY-EGIFT-CERTIFICATE-150-00 :LOBSTERGUY-EGIFT-CERTIFICATE-200-00 :LOBSTERGUY-EGIFT-CERTIFICATE-250-00 :LOBSTERGUY-EGIFT-CERTIFICATE-300-00)"||"" eabeoy|eastbeach|ITEM.|"East Beach Oysters"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" schucked-oysters|shuckd_oyst|ITEM.|"East Coast
Shucked Oysters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/schucked-oysters.html"|""|""|(25.99)|(23.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"These Fabulous East Coast Oysters Are Great For Making Fried Oysters, Oyster Stew, Oyster Stuffing...
This Takes All The Work Out Of It For You, Simple And Easy!"|"Our East Coast Oysters Are Hand Shucked!

These Fabulously Sweet Oysters Are Great For Making Fried Oysters, Oyster Stew, Oyster Stuffing...
This Takes All The Work Out Of It For You!
(Shucked Oysters Are In 1 lb. Containers, Ships Frozen)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" oyster-sampler|Oystr-Smplr|ITEM.|"East Coast Oyster Sampler!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/oyster-sampler.html"|""|""|(58)|(54)|T|""|""|""|""|"These Are Four Unique Tastin' Oysters!
""Wild Goose"", ""Sea Kist"", ""Moonstones"", and ""Ninigret Ponds""!
Everything's Included For An Oysta' Slurpin' Fest!
Cocktail Sauce, Mignonette, Schuckin' Knife, & Lemons!
Note: Please, Be Careful Opening Your Oysters!
We Are Not Responsible If You Cut Yourself!
"|"The Oyster Sampler!
This is a variety of four unique tastin' & succulent oysters!
We'll ship you a 1/2 dozen of each of our ""Wild Goose"", ""Sea Kist"", ""Moonstone"", & ""Ninigret Pond"" Oysters!
We also include Captain Tim's Famous Cocktail Sauce, Two Fresh Lemons, an Oyster Knife and our ever popular Mignonette Sauce!
This is a great gift idea for the oyster connoisseur in your life!

All orders come with a personalized card with your message & cooking instructions for easy preparation!
(We reserve the right to substitute any of the four Oysters if availability is limited, thanks!) "|""|"East Coast Oyster Sampler"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" noname3||LINK.|"Email Captain Tim"|"mailto:Capt_Tim@thelobsterguy.com"|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" noname7||LINK.|"Email us to join our affiliate program"|"mailto:Sales@thelobsterguy.com"|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" embroydered-lob-guy-t|embroydered-lob-guy-t|ITEM.|"Embroidered Lobsterguy T-Shirts!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/embroydered-lob-guy-t.html"|""|""|(22.99)|(19.99)|T|"Sizes Med LG XL XXL"|"
"|""|""|"These embroidered Lobsterguy T-Shirts are simple and cool! They feature the ""Top Secret Alternate"" Lobsterguy logo on the chest with a really cool big Red Lobsta, and a plain clean back. These shirts are Ultra Cotton, 99% cotton & 1% polyester and wear well with minimal shrinkage."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" courtney-elizabeth-mock-turtle-necks-1|CE-mock|ITEM.|"F/V Courtney Elizabeth Crew Necks"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/courtney-elizabeth-mock-turtle-necks-1.html"|""|""|(20)|(18)||""|""|""|""|"Our High quality cotton long sleeve crew necks come with the "Courtney Elizabeth" embroidered on the chest, and the "LobsterGuy" stitched on the collar!
Available in white!
"sizes and colors" "sm white" "med white" "lg white" "xl white (+$2)" "xxl white (+$2)"
"|" These are Cool!
Our High quality cotton long sleeve crew necks come with the "Courtney Elizabeth" embroidered on the chest, and the "LobsterGuy" stitched on the collar! Available in white!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" courtney-elizabeth-crew-sweatshirts-|CE-sweatshirts|ITEM.|"F/V Courtney Elizabeth Crew Sweatshirts!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/courtney-elizabeth-crew-sweatshirts-.html"|""|""|(29)|(27)||"""Sweatshirt Sizes"" ""2XL"""|"
Sweatshirt Sizes: 
"|""|""|"Wear what the deckhands wear on the boat! The "Courtney" is embroidered on the left chest in awesome color and detail!
These 50/50 sweatshirts are great for keepin' the chill off you, and make a great gift idea as well!
"|"These are Thick and Durable Sweatshirts!
These will keep You Nice and Warm!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fish-and-steaks||ITEM.|"Fish & Steaks"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"We offer a great variety of hand cut Fish fillets as well as outstanding choices such as stuffed shrimp, lobster mac&cheese,
stuffed flounder, Atlantic codfish, hand cut Atlantic swordfish steaks as well as beautiful cuts of beef with either tender fillet mignon or the classic rib-eye, they are all excellent choices!"|"Fabulous Fish Fillets * Premium Steaks * Scallops"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:ENTREES :OUSTANDING-STEAKS :ALL-SCALLOPS)"||"" fishermens-cookbook|Ck_book|ITEM.|"Fisherman's Cookbook"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fishermens-cookbook.html"|""|""|(20)|||""|""|""|""|"It's packed with salty tricks and tips on how fishermen, the real experts, prepare seafood! All recipes are trusted, tested and tasty, utilizing only main ingredients that can be harvested from the island or its waters. Chapter headings explain the different varieties Of Seafood available in New England!."|"SOLD OUT!
The Fisherman's Table Cookbook!
Written by Chef Laura Blackwell, it's 120 pages detail creative ways to cook the local New England catch, from lobsters, to crabs, to fin-fish, to berries! Written with input from the Local Fishermen!
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" flounder-francese-recipe||ITEM.|"Flounder Francese - Bob's Way"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|"Flaky fish, wilted spinach, and restaurant-grade rich lemon wine sauce – at home! This dish is ""fancy,"" but really easy and fast! ""I’m strong to the finish cause I eats my spinach. - I’m Popeye the Sailor Man!""


  • 8-10 Flounder fillets (about 2 per eater)
  • 1 cup flour, seasoned with salt and pepper
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 2 Tablespoons canola oil
  • 2 lemons (one thinly sliced, one squeezed for juice)
  • Zest of one lemon
  • 1 cup white wine
  • 1 Tablespoon cornstarch
  • 2 Tablespoons water
  • 2 Tablespoons capers, drained
  • 1 pound baby spinach


  1. WASH your fish and PAT DRY with a paper towel.
  2. PREPARE two shallow bowls for dredging. The first should contain flour seasoned with salt, pepper, and the zest from one lemon. The second should have two beaten eggs.
  3. BOIL two cups of water in a large pot with a steamer basket inside.
  4. PREHEAT oven to 250°F.
  5. HEAT canola oil in a sauté pan over medium-high heat.
  6. DREDGE fillets in the flour, SHAKE off excess, and DIP into the egg.
  7. PLACE immediately into your hot oiled pan and COOK until golden brown on one side, approximately 2-3 minutes. DO NOT DISTURB fish while cooking to keep the coating crispy.
  8. TURN the fillet carefully and BROWN the other side in the same way, without disturbing the fish after turning.
  9. TRANSFER fillets from the pan to a large oven-proof platter. STORE in the oven to keep warm while you sauté the remaining fillets.

  10. When all fillets have been sautéed and are warming in the oven...
  11. DROP spinach into the steaming pot with a steamer basket and cover.
  12. ADD the juice of 1 lemon and white wine to the pan you have been sautéing the fish in, over medium heat. SCRAPE up the crusty bits from the bottom of the pan. COOK until it starts to bubble.
  13. MAKE a slurry with 1 tablespoon cornstarch and 2 tablespoons water. STIR slurry into the sauce, along with capers and lemon slices.
  14. CONTINUE to cook for about a minute or until the sauce begins to thicken slightly. REMOVE from heat.
  15. CHECK on your spinach. If it appears to be cooking unevenly, TOSS it with tongs to expose the raw leaves to the steam.
  16. PLATE your meal. Using tongs, PLACE a serving of spinach in the center of each plate. TOP the spinach with two fillets, perpendicular and slightly overlapping. SPOON sauce over the fish and spinach. GARNISH with a cooked lemon slice. SERVE immediately.
Fisherman's Tip: Flounder fillets are distinctively small, so we usually serve 2 per person.

Kitchen Time: 25 minutes

In Season: Year-round

Serves: Dinner for 4 (estimate 2-3 fillets per eater, less than 1 pound)

Copyright @2012 Laura Blackwell

Download pdf "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" flfr||LINK.|"Flounder
Francese"|"http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/lobstersales2/flounder-francese.pdf"" target=""_blank"|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" live-lobsters---chowder|4ct-w-CCh_halfs|ITEM.|"Four 1 1/2 Lb. Lobsters & Clam Chowder with Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/live-lobsters---chowder.html"|""|""|(219)|(209.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our popular 1 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters And Clam Chowder Make A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
(Please Order This Item On It's Own At This Time)
Our Best Selling Lobster & Chowder Dinner!
A Great Gift Idea! Includes Four 1 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters, and a 1/2 Gallon of Our Award Winning Clam Chowder!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" quwich|4ct-w-CCh_quarter|ITEM.|"Four 1 1/4 lb. Lobsters & Clam Chowder with Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/quwich.html"|""|""|(184)|(174.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Four 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters, and a 1/2 Gallon of Our Award Winning Clam Chowder!

Our Lobsters And Clam Chowder Make A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
Includes Four 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters, and a 1/2 Gallon of Our Award Winning Clam Chowder, It doesn't get much better than this!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" thquwich|4ct-w-CCh_threequarter|ITEM.|"Four 1 3/4lb. Lobsters & Clam Chowder With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/thquwich.html"|""|""|(239)|(229)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Awesome 1 3/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters And Clam Chowder Make A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
(Please Order This Item On It's Own At This Time)
A Great Gift Idea! Includes Four Of Our Perfect Size 1 3/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters, and a 1/2 Gallon of Our Award Winning Clam Chowder!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" twopowich|4ct-w-CCh_2-2h|ITEM.|"Four 2 lb. Lobsters & Clam Chowder With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/twopowich.html"|""|""|(304.99)|(294.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" Four of our "SELECT SIZE" 2 pound Live Maine Lobsters, and a 1/2 Gallon of Our Award Winning Clam Chowder!

A Great Gift Idea, for the Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Tailgating parties, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
Includes four of our "SELECT SIZE" 2 pound Live Maine Lobsters, and a 1/2 Gallon of Our Award Winning Clam Chowder! It doesn't get much better than this!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" faq||ITEM.|"Frequently Asked Questions"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Capt. Tim answers some of the most popular questions:
Q: What do you do at LobsterGuy.com?
A: We specialize in catching Lobsters, offering them to you online, and shipping them right to your door! Fresh live Maine lobsters, live lobster clambakes, and live lobster dinners are available for both private and corporate accounts. We offer a huge array of Fresh Live Maine Lobsters for Holidays, Anniversary Lobster dinners, Birthday Lobster dinners, Lobster Clambakes for Friends and Family gatherings, Lobster Parties, and Great Tailgate food ideas!

Q: Do you only offer Live Lobsters?
A: Not at all! We also offer Maine Lobster tails, hand picked Lobster meat, award winning New England clam chowder, lobster bisque, fresh shellfish such as clams and oysters, stuffed shrimp and a wide variety of outstanding seafood items! (Use the blue navigation bar at the top of the screen to peruse all our current categories!)

Q: What if I want to order a gift for someone else?
A: No Problem! Fresh Maine lobsters are great for any occasion. Birthdays, Anniversaries, and special holidays such as Valentine's day, Father's day, Mother's day are all perfect opportunities to surprise that special someone. We will be glad to include a hand written birthday, holiday, or anniversary card with your own personal message! Please make sure the recipient knows when their lobster gift is arriving! You don't have to tell them what it is, but please let them know you are sending a perishable gift ok? We want this to be a great experience for them, and since you choose the delivery date, we cannot be responsible if the recipient is away or on vacation. If you don't want to give away the surprise, or are not sure they will be home, you can always opt for a gift certificate for anything we offer on the website, it's that easy! Gift certificates never expire, gives you peace of mind and it allows your recipient greater flexibility to receive their gift when the time is just right for them!

Q: Do you offer Gift Certificates?
A: Yes! Gift Certificates make excellent Lobster Gifts for those special people in your life - what better gift than to receive Live Maine Lobsters, Lobster Clambakes, or any of our other fantastic seafood specials for Valentine's Day, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Anniversary or Birthday dinners. Our Lobster Gift Certificates allow the recipients to select their seafood gifts and a convenient overnight delivery date that is right for them! We offer monetary Gift Certificates as well as Gift Certificates for any specific product or dinner that we offer! How easy is that?

Q: What is your redemption policy?
A: The redemption policy is fast and easy! Just call us toll free (866-788-0004) or shoot us an email to sales@thelobsterguy.com to set up delivery! We will need your gift certificate information along with when and where the items will be delivered, that's it!

Q: Where can I find info for corporate packages and gifts?
A: For corporate packages and corporate Lobster gift ideas, look right here!
Corporate Gift Giving Lobsterguy will gladly customize your corporate gift needs tailored just for you! Everything we offer on site can be set up for a gift that will please the masses! All shipments include a nautically-themed, handwritten card with your own message, easy to follow redemption instructions,as well as complete cooking instructions for easy preparation of your gift! We take care of everything for you!

Thanks! -Capt. Tim"|"Frequently Asked Questions"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" testimonials||INFO.|"Fresh Catch Rave Reviews"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-east-coast-oysters-shipped||ITEM.|"Fresh East Coast Oysters"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-east-coast-oysters-shipped.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"We offer you a variety of Four World Class Oysters! Our Fresh Oysters are Harvested every Day by local Fisherman! They come from the fresh cool salt water ponds of New England, and are known as some of the Finest eatin' Oysters around! Great On The Half Shell, Oysters Rockefeller, Or Oyster Stew!
There are Six Oysters per order! ( Don't Forget Capt. Tim's Cocktail Sauce To Go With Em'!)"|"Select From 4 Varieties Of Fresh Oysters! "|""|"Fresh Oysters"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:SALT-POND-OYSTERS :ROME-POINT-OYSTERS :NINIGRET-OYSTERS :MATUNUCK-OYSTERS :OYSTER-SAMPLER :50CTEACOOY :SCHUCKED-OYSTERS :OYSTER-KNIVES :OYMISA :CAPTIMSHRIMC :FRESH-LITTLE-NECK-CLAMS-SHIPPED :CLAM-KNIVE)"||"" fresh-little-neck-clams-shipped|1qt_nex|ITEM.|"Fresh Little Neck Clams"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-little-neck-clams-shipped.html"|""|""|(10.99)|(9.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Whether you're making clams casino, clams and pasta, or just steamed with garlic and butter (our favorite!) you won't go wrong with our Fresh Littleneck Clams!

Little necks are shipped live in the shell. One order of "Necks" is one Quart. A quart is one and a quarter to one and a half pounds. There are typically 10-13 Necks per quart."|"Tender And Sweet Fresh Little neck Clams!
Dug Fresh And Brought In Daily By The Local Fisherman.

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" freshmussels|1qt_muss|ITEM.|"Fresh Maine & PEI Mussels!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/freshmussels.html"|""|""|(9.99)|(8.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Fresh Large Maine Mussels Are Harvested Daily And Brought In Fresh With Pride By The Local Fisherman! Mussels are shipped live in the shell.
Note: One order is a quart. A quart is one and a quarter to one and a half pounds. There are typically 15-20 mussels per quart.
"|"These Fresh Caught & Fine Eatin' Maine Mussels are very versatile and easy to prepare! Steamed, over Pasta or sautéed, you can't go wrong!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"Fresh Mussels!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-native-shellfish||ITEM.|"Fresh Shellfish"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy Offers A Great Assortment Of Fresh Local Shellfish!
Little Neck Clams, Soft Shell Steamer Clams, Fresh Large Maine Mussels, and A Variety Of 4 Different Yet Succulent East Coast Oysters!
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:FRESH-LITTLE-NECK-CLAMS-SHIPPED :FRESH-STEAMER-CLAMS-SHIPPED :FRESHMUSSELS :SALT-POND-OYSTERS :ROME-POINT-OYSTERS :NINIGRET-OYSTERS :MATUNUCK-OYSTERS :OYSTER-SAMPLER :50CTEACOOY :SCHUCKED-OYSTERS :CAPTIMSHRIMC :OYMISA :CLAM-KNIVE :OYSTER-KNIVES)"||"" fresh-steamer-clams-shipped|1qt_steamers|ITEM.|"Fresh Steamer Clams!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-steamer-clams-shipped.html"|""|""|(13.99)|(12.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Order Soft Shell Steamer Clams And Have Them Shipped Fresh Overnight Right To Your Door!
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment!
Steamers are shipped live in the shell. One order is one quart. A quart is one and a quarter to one and a half pounds. There are typically 13-18 steamers per quart.on average, but sizes do vary on occasion.
Please Note: Some Minor Breakage May Occur When Shipping Steamers. We Take Great Care And Every Precaution, But We Are Not Responsible For Breakage.(Don't Worry! It Seldom Happens!)"|"

Our Tender & Sweet Soft-shell Clams are dug daily by the local Clam Diggers! We hand pick only the finest Soft Shell clams for shipment to You!
There is nothin' like Fresh Steamers Dipped in Butter!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation! Please keep in mind that steamers are soft shell clams and a small amount of shell breakage can occur in transit."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fr||ITEM.|"fresh-steamed-maine-lobster"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Lobsters For Thanksgiving? You Bet!
Our Fresh Steamed Lobsters Have become ""Wicked"" Popular For Thanksgiving Dinner!

Use The Coupon Code LOBSTA10 And Take An Additional 10% Off The Sale Prices On All LobsterGuy Items For Your Thanksgiving Dinner!

Order Now, This Offer Expires Tuesday November 21st!

Want The Lobsters But Just Don't Want To Cook Them?
No Problem!
We'll Ship You 4 Of Our Finest Maine Lobsters Steamed Fresh just for You On The Evening Of Your Shipment!
"|""|""|"Steamed Lobster 4 Packs"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" frdimasa|1lb_frutti-salad|ITEM.|"Frutti Di Mare Seafood Salad!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/frdimasa.html"|""|""|(15.99)|(13.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"
Tender calamari rings, poached mussel meats, shrimp, and bay scallops with red roasted pepper strips, sliced black olives and diced red onions make this whole catch!(Available as An Add Item On Only)
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!"|"On Sale Now!
This "Fruits of The Sea" Salad Has it All!
Tender calamari rings, poached mussel meats, shrimp, and bay scallops with red roasted pepper strips, sliced black olives and diced red onions marinated in an incredible balsamic marinade make this one of our most popular seafood salads!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"Frutti Di Mare Salad!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" redeem|GC_REDEEM|ITEM.|"Gift Certificate Redemption"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/redeem.html"|""|""|(0.01)|(0)|T|"""GC & Order Numbers; Comments"" Inscription 250 5"|"

"|""|""|" Lobsterguy Custom Redemption Page.
This Page Is Only For Use By The Lobster Guy Staff.
Please call the LobsterGuy Staff To Assist You With Your Gift Certificate Redemeption.
Toll Free @ 1-866-788-0004
Thank You!
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" gift-certificates||ITEM.|"Gift Certificates"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:MAILED-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :SEND-AS-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :E-GIFT-CERTIFICATES)"||"" gifcer1||ITEM.|"Gift Certificates!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/gifcer1.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"

LobsterGuy Gift Certificates!
We Make It Easy On You, And Even Easier On Your Recipient!
We Offer Both Dollar Value Gift Certificates or Product Gift Certificates, And E-Gift Certificates!
Just Choose The GIFT CERTIFICATE Option at Check out, It's That Simple!
Gift Certificates are sent regular USPS Mail

If you are rushed and need your Gift Certificate immediately, we can also sent it FEDEX for an additional $20.00
"|"Lobster Guy Gift Certificates are year-round favorites and make the perfect gift for Anyone!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:|75-00-LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATES| :100-00-LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :150-00-LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :200-00-LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATE-250-00 :LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATE-300-00)"||"" gifts-and-more||ITEM.|"Gifts & More"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|"A Full Assortment of Gift Certificates, The Lobster Guy Gifts, Accessories and Recipes!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:MAILED-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :SEND-AS-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :E-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :THELOBSTERGUY-GIFTS :ACCESSORIES :LOBSTER-RECIPES)"||"" lobster-chocolate-sampler|choc_lob|ITEM.|"Gourmet Chocolate Lobster Sampler!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-chocolate-sampler.html"|""|""|(9.99)|(8.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Your ""Sweet"" Chocolate Lobster comes in a 4 Inch gold square box, sitting on a bed of ""Seaweed""!
This is a cute little ""Lobster-Themed"" item for you, and it really is delicious chocolate!
(This item is available as an add-on item only)
"|"Enjoy A Solid Chocolate Lobster & two Clams From The Famous Sweenor's Chocolate Co!
Your ""Sweet"" Lobster comes in a gold square box sitting in a bed of ""Seaweed""!

This is awesome milk chocolate, made locally by the Sweenor Family, the best ""Chocolatiers"" around!
This is a cute little ""Lobster Themed"" Item for you, and it really is awesome chocolate!
(This item is available as an Add On Item only)
"|""|"Milk Chocolate Lobster Sampler!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" clcrca|CrabCake|ITEM.|"Gourmet Classic Crab Cakes"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/clcrca.html"|""|""|(16.99)|(14.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Crab Cakes make a great add on to any of our Live Maine Lobsters or Lobster Dinners! Chock full of sweet crab meat these 4 oz. crab cakes are available to you in packages of two.
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
"|"On Sale Now!
After receiving so many great reviews about our crab cakes included in our packages we decided to offer them as an appetizer!
Loaded with Lump crab meat and bursting with Flavor! There are two 4 oz. crab cakes per order.

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
"|""|"Crab Cakes"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" maine-lobster-cakes|maine-lobster-cakes|ITEM.|"Gourmet Lobster Cakes! (2 Per Pack)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/maine-lobster-cakes.html"|""|""|(14.99)|(12.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our New ""Lobsta Cakes"" make a great add on to any of our Live Maine Lobsters or Lobster Dinners!
Chock full of Lobster meat, these Two 4 oz. Lobster cakes are simply outstanding!

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
"|"On Sale Now!
These Are A Great Lobster Appetizer!
My Cousin Colleen came up with these a few years ago at the Holidays and they were SO GOOD, we talked her into giving up the recipe!
Colleen is known in these parts as a ""True FOODIE"", and makes some amazing seafood dishes!
We (Colleen, rather!) recommends pan frying these on low in a tad of olive oil and butter until golden brown on both sides.
Trust Us, You'll Love Em!

(There are two 4 oz. lobster cakes per order)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" dip-and-pate||ITEM.|"Gourmet Seafood Dips!"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"These fabulous Lobster & Crab dips and Smoked Fish Pâté will get any Holiday party or gathering off to a great start! Made by hand in small batches with love, these are all outstanding and come ready to serve either hot or cold!
We Do All The Work, You Take all The Credit!
(We suggest serving the Lobster and Crab dips warmed but that's just us!)"|"Seafood Appetizer Dips and Pâté!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:MALODIP :CRABDIP :SMPESAPA :GOSMBLPA :PRSMFI)"||"" seafood-salads||ITEM.|"Gourmet Seafood Salads"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our Splendid Gourmet Seafood Salads are prepared with the finest local seafoods, spices and vegetables, and are mixed in small batches with delicious marinades!
They come ready for you to serve and enjoy! We offer you four Great Seafood Salads as well as our Outstanding Smoked Fish Sampler!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|"Delectable Seafood Salads"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:FRDIMASA :CALAMARISALAD :MUSSELSALAD :NEWENSNSA :PRSMFI)"||"" gosmblpa|1ct_blue-pate|ITEM.|"Gourmet Smoked Bluefish Pâté"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/gosmblpa.html"|""|""|(13.99)|(11.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Served warm or cold, it is an outstanding Seafood appetizer bursting with the tremendous flavor of our smoked peppered Bluefish!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!(Available as an add on item only)

"|"On Sale Now!
Our smoked Peppered Bluefish Pâté is made with only the finest ingredients!
Made with hand cut smoked Bluefish fillets, It's Rich and Creamy and bursting with flavor!
This Pâté is a Great Holiday Appetizer!
1/2 lb. per order

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" prsmfi|1pk_SmkdFish|ITEM.|"Gourmet Smoked Fish"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/prsmfi.html"|""|""|(25.99)|(23.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Smoked Fish has that True New England smoked flavor with no preservatives! It's a nice variety of assorted smoked Bluefish, Mackerel And Salmon fillets.

Smoked Fish makes a great gift idea for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just as a Great Thank You!
"|"On Sale Now!
Our premium Smoked Fish is without a doubt some of the finest available on the East Coast, or in the Country for that matter!
It has that true New England Aged smoked flavor with no preservatives! It's a flavorful assortment of premium smoked Salmon, Mackerel And Bluefish fillets.
(1.5 lbs Per order, 1/2 pound of each variety)
"|""|"Gourmet Smoked Fish"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" stuffedclams|StClam|ITEM.|"Gourmet Stuffed Clams"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/stuffedclams.html"|""|""|(14.99)|(12.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"We take big ole' clams, shuck 'em, mix ' em with seasoned bread crumbs, clam juice, and spices and put it back in the shell ready to bake!
Just heat, add a squirt of lemon, and maybe a shot of hot sauce and you are good to go!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea! (Two per order)
"|" On Sale Now!
Our Quahog (pronounced) "Kwaw Hawg" Stuffies are an Ole'Fashioned New England treat!
We take big ole' clams, shuck 'em, mix ' em with seasoned bread crumbs, clam juice, and spices and put it back in the shell ready to bake!
(Two Stuffies per order)

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" half-gallon-of-lobster-bisque|LB-half_gal|ITEM.|"Half Gallon of Lobster Bisque"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/half-gallon-of-lobster-bisque.html"|""|""|(24.99)|(22.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Half Gallons Of Lobster Bisque are a perfect blend of Maine lobster, sherry, cream and spices. This lobster bisque is one of our most popular sellers!
Note: Half Gallons of Lobster Bisque serve 4-8 people easily. (Ships frozen)
"|"On Sale Now!
Our Award Winning Lobster Bisque is a perfect blend of Maine lobster, sherry, cream and spices. This lobster bisque is one of our most popular sellers!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" half-gallon-of-clam-chowder|CCh_half-gal|ITEM.|"Half Gallons of Clam Chowder"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/half-gallon-of-clam-chowder.html"|""|""|(23.99)|(21.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Chock full of tender sweet clams, with just the right amount of potatoes in a rich flavorful broth!
Simply put, you're going to love this Award Winning Chowder!
Half Gallons serve between 4-8 people easily.
(Ships frozen)
"|"On Sale Now!
Our Best Selling Chowder!
Our Award Winning Creamy Clam Chowder is chock full of tender sweet clams, with just the right amount of potatoes in a rich flavorful broth!
Simply put, you're going to love it!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"half-gallons-of-clam-chowder"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" hand-cut-swordfish-steaks|SwdS1|ITEM.|"Hand Cut Swordfish Steaks!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/hand-cut-swordfish-steaks.html"|""|""|(18.99)|(17.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Sword steaks are cut right here on premises and frozen the same day to ensure their great flavor! "Fire up the Grill" and toss on a couple of these babies!
Grilled Sword is Capt. Tim's favorite dinner!

An Outstanding Gift Choice And A Great Gift Idea! Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"On Sale Now!
Looking for something GREAT on the grill?
Our Atlantic Swordfish steaks are caught in the deep waters of the North Atlantic! We cut our Whole Swordfish right here on the premises,and most of them are cut by Capt. Tim himself! (We're not Kidding!)
There is nothing finer on the grill than a nice thick slab of Sword!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fatgramcalin||ITEM.|"Health info"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/fatgramcalin.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"100 gm Serving Saturated Fat Cholesterol Calories Lobster 0.1g 72 mg 98 Beef(top round) 2.0g 90 mg 207 Chicken(light meat) 1.3g 85 mg 173 Pork Loin 3.6g 85 mg 213"|"Health info"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" holiday-delivery-schedules1||INFO.|"Holiday Delivery Information For 2024"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/holiday-delivery-schedules1.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|"Read All About Our Holiday Delivery Schedules"|""|"Holiday Delivery Schedule for 2024"|""|"

Happy Holidays From The LobsterGuy!
We Will Begin Accepting Holiday Orders For Christmas And New Years
On Tuesday November 26th 2024!

Please, Take A Moment To Read This Page Carefully,
We Want Your Holiday Experience To Be A Great One!

***Please, Remember To Order Frozen Items Early Such As Lobster Tails, Chowders Etc. And Have Them Shipped To You Early To Avoid The Holiday Rush, And Stress!***

* Tracking Numbers For Your Order!
Please, Do Not Call Us For Tracking Numbers.
Your Tracking Number Will Be EMAILED ONLY To The EMAIL ADDRESS You Provided When You Placed Your Order With Us.
The Tracking Number Is ONLY Generated By FedEx And ONLY AFTER Your Box Is Packed And Ready To Go!
Again, Most Tracking Numbers Are Sent Out The Afternoon your Box Is Shipping For Next Day Delivery.
Again, Tracking Numbers Are ONLY Sent to The EMAIL ADDRESS you provided on your Order Form!
Please note that due to high holiday volume and staffing shortages Nationwide,
FedEx is currently not honoring regular operating commitment delivery times and or delivery time guarantees so some delivery delays may occur.
We strongly recommend purchasing the optional shipping insurance
(Please see more details at checkout!)

Please, be patient, if your FedEx box is not exactly on time, it will get there we expect same day and close to it's scheduled time.
IMPORTANT: If you live in a REMOTE Area, UPS & Fed Ex MAY consider this area 2nd Day delivery depending on HOW remote you are!, (Like if your off the Grid!?) Please contact FedEx at 1-800-463-3339 for more info!
(That's why we are suggesting to folks PLEASE ORDER AND SHIP FROZEN ITEMS EARLY!)
Get Your Order In And Delivered And Pop It In The Freezer, Less Stress And One Less Thing To Worry About! Most Shipping And Delivery Dates Leading Up To Christmas And New Years Will Fill Quickly, So Order Early Please, All Orders Are First Come First Serve During The Holidays!

If You Are Sending A Gift, PLEASE Make Sure Your Recipient Will Be Home to Receive It, If Not Then Please Consider Sending A LobsterGuy Gift Certificate Instead!
Again, If you are NOT sure your Recipient will be home, please consider opting for one of our LobsterGuy Gift Certificates.!
We Offer Both Traditional Mailed Gift Certificates, Or the Super Easy And Fast LobsterGuy Emailed Gift Certificate!
Check Them Both Out, and scroll down to review our holiday delivery schedule and Important Lobster Holiday Shipping Info!
Thanks, Capt. Tim

Available Shipping And Delivery Days For The Week Prior To Christmas 2024
Ship Date Delivery Date Order By
Mon, Dec 16, 2024 Tue, Dec 17, 2024 7 PM EST Thu Dec 12, 2024
Tue, Dec 17, 2024 Wed, Dec 18, 2024 7 PM EST Fri Dec 13, 2024
Wed, Dec 18, 2024 Thu, Dec 19, 2024 7 PM EST Sat Dec 14, 2024
Thu Dec 19, 2024 Fri Dec 20, 2024 7 PM EST Sun Dec 15, 2024
*Fri Dec 20, 2024* *Sat Dec 21, 2024* 7 PM EST Mon Dec 16, 2024
*Sat Dec 21, 2024* *Mon Dec 23, 2024* 7 PM EST Tue Dec 17, 2024 (2 day Transit)
Please Order And Ship Frozen Orders Ahead Of Time!
We encourage you to order and ship your frozen lobster tails, chowders etc. well ahead of the Holiday Rush and store them in your freezer ahead of time! One less thing to do for the busy Holidays right!
* Please be advised some shipping and delivery dates may reach capacity and orders are taken on a first come first serve basis. *Please remember that FedEx Saturday Delivery is NOT available everywhere! When placing your order online it will check if you have Saturday delivery or not during the checkout process. If you do NOT have Saturday delivery available to your zip code, you will receive an error message at the top of the page!
If you live in a remote or rural area, please call us or FedEx @ 1-800-463-3339 to ensure that your zip code has overnight shipping. Some remote areas have a 2 day in transit travel time!.
*Please Note: FedEx Saturday Delivery has an additional charge of $10.00
FedEx Express Is Closed Sun, Dec 22, 2024!
Available Shipping And Delivery Days For The Week Of Christmas 2024
Ship Date Delivery Date Order By
Mon, Dec 23, 2024 Tue, Dec 24, 2024 7 PM EST Thu Dec 19, 2024
Thu, Dec 26, 2024 Fri, Dec 27, 2024 7 PM EST Sun Dec 22, 2024
*Fri Dec 27, 2024* *Sat Dec 28, 2024* 7 PM EST Mon Dec 23, 2024
*Sat Dec 28, 2024* *Mon Dec 30, 2024* 7 PM EST Mon Dec 23, 2024 (2 day Transit)
Please Order And Ship Frozen Orders Ahead Of Time!
We encourage you to order and ship your frozen lobster tails, chowders etc. well ahead of the Holiday Rush and store them in your freezer ahead of time! One less thing to do for the busy Holidays right!
* Please be advised some shipping and delivery dates may reach capacity and orders are taken on a first come first serve basis.
FedEx Express Is Closed Sun, Dec 22, 2024! FedEx Is Closed Wed, Dec 25, 2024!
Available Shipping And Delivery Days For The Week After Christmas 2024
Ship Date Delivery Date Order By
Mon, Dec 30, 2024 Tue, Dec 31, 2024 7 PM EST Thu Dec 26, 2024!
Tue, Dec 31, 2024 Wed, Jan 1, 2025 NO SHIPPING! FedEx IS CLOSED ON Wed Jan 1st IN OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS !
Wed, Jan 1, 2025 Thu, Jan 2, 2025 NO SHIPPING! FedEx IS CLOSED ON Wed Jan 1st IN OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS !
Thu, Jan 2, 2025 Fri, Jan 3, 2025 7 PM EST Sun Dec 29, 2024
*Fri Jan 3, 2025* *Sat Jan 4, 2025* 7 PM EST Mon Dec 30, 2024
Please Order And Ship Frozen Orders Ahead Of Time!
We encourage you to order and ship your frozen lobster tails, chowders etc. well ahead of the Holiday Rush and store them in your freezer ahead of time! One less thing to do for the busy Holidays right!
* Please be advised some shipping and delivery dates may reach capacity and orders are taken on a first come first serve basis.
FedEx Express Is Closed Sun, Dec 29, 2024! FedEx Is Closed Wed, Jan 1, 2025!
$CUSTOM-BANNER-3$ Please Note:
**During the Winter Months, We Look Very Carefully At The Weather Forecasts!
If We Feel That Weather Will Delay Your Shipment In Transit On A Certain Day, We Reserve The Right Not To Ship, And We Will Contact You To Reschedule Your Delivery Date.**
We Do This With Your Best Interest At Heart, And Although It Is Not Foolproof, We Are Acting On Your Behalf, We Want To Do Everything We Can To Ensure You Have A Great Experience!
If You feel the weather in your area is going to be bad, please, reach out to us and reschedule it!
Thanks Capt. Tim

**We are not responsible for weather delays that FedEx deems to be an ""Act of God"", that may on rare occasions delay or impair your delivery**
FedEx has also waived it's on-time delivery commitments for the Holiday Season.
What does this mean?
Most, if not all packages will be delivered on-time, however, some packages may be delayed but will be delivered the same day, just not by the scheduled commit time.

If you are shipping FROZEN products, please, order and ship AHEAD of the Holidays so you have them, Less Stress for everyone!... tx Capt. Tim,
FedEx Delivery Times Information!
*All LobsterGuy Orders Are Shipped FedEx Overnight
* FedEx DOES NOT ALWAYS Enforce It's commitment delivery time during the Busy Holiday Delivery Schedule!
If you MUST have a package by a specific time of day, we strongly recommend that you schedule the delivery at least 1 day in advance, and order Frozen Items ( Store Them In Your Freezer) even Days In Advance of the holidays to give yourself time and less stress!

Saturday Delivery Questions?
* Please note that Saturday delivery is NOT available everywhere.
When placing your order online it will check if you have Saturday delivery or not during the checkout process. If you do NOT have Saturday delivery available to your zip code, you will receive an error message at the top of the page!
If you live in a remote or rural area, please call us or FedEx @ 1-800-463-3339 to ensure that your zip code has overnight shipping. Some remote areas have a 2 day in transit travel time!.
FedEx Saturday Deliveries do carry standard additional delivery charges (An additional $10.00)
* You Can Call FedEx at 1-888-742-5877 and give them your Delivery Zip Code to see if FedEx ships to your zip code overnight or if it has 2 day travel time!

Sending A Surprise Gift?
If you are NOT sure your Recipient will be home, please consider opting for one of our LobsterGuy Gift Certificates.!
For your convenience, just click the Red links to the LobsterGuy Gift Certificate Page!
We Offer Both Traditional Mailed Gift Certificate Packs, Or You Can Opt For Our Fast And Easy Email Gift Certificates!
The Above Link Will Take You To Both!
(Your recipients can redeem their Gift Certificates at ANY time, especially when the time is right for them and Enjoy it After the Holiday Rush!)

Important Holiday Delivery/ Recipient Information, Please Read!
FedEx is Extremely Busy during the Holidays, so please take all precautions to ensure you receive your package!
*Please be on hand to accept delivery, or Let Your Recipient Know they have a PERISHABLE product coming that day!
*Please be sure to include Gate codes on your order form for the FedEx Driver if necessary as well correct and current shipping Information.
(FedEx Will charge you for incorrect addresses and it may also delay timely delivery of your order, so please make sure your info is current AND correct!)
(It can still be a surprise, but Please let your recipient know to expect a Perishable Delivery!)

** Please, Take Care of your Product upon arrival, open and unpack your order upon receipt and store in the Fridge or Freezer as directed. We Want you to have a great experience so please, take care of your shipment!
FedEx has also waived it's on-time delivery commitments for the Holiday Season.
What does this mean?
Most, if not all packages will be delivered on-time, however, some packages may be delayed but will be delivered the same day, just not by the scheduled commit time.
If you are shipping FROZEN products, please, order and ship AHEAD of the Holidays so you have them, Less Stress for everyone!... tx Capt. Tim,

$CUSTOM-BANNER-1$"|"LobsterGuy's 2024 Holiday Information & Delivery Schedule!"|""|""|""||"" holiday-delivery-schedules||INFO.|"Holiday Information & Delivery Schedule for 2024!"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" holiday-delivery-schedule||INFO.|"Holiday Information & Delivery Schedule for 2024!"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy's Holiday Information & Delivery Schedule for 2023! Happy Holiday Deliveries Happy holidays from the LobsterGuy! We will begin accepting holiday orders for Christmas and New Year's on Tuesday, November 21st, 2023! Please take a moment to read this page carefully. We want your holiday experience to be a great one! Please remember to order frozen items early, such as lobster tails and chowders, and have them shipped to you early to avoid the holiday rush and stress! Delivery Times: 'Please be patient if your box is not exactly on time. We expect it to arrive the same day or close to its scheduled time. Frozen Products: If you are shipping frozen products, please order and ship ahead of the holidays to avoid potential delays and stress. All LobsterGuy orders are shipped Fed EX Next Day Air, but does not always enforce its commitment delivery time during the busy holiday season. If you must have a package by a specific time of day, we strongly recommend that you schedule the delivery at least one day in advance and order frozen items (store them in your freezer) even days in advance of the holidays. Handle with Care: Please take care of your product upon arrival. Open and unpack your order immediately, and store it in the refrigerator or freezer as directed. Weather Delays: During the winter months, we monitor weather forecasts carefully. If we believe weather will delay your shipment, we may reschedule your delivery date. If you are concerned about weather in your area, please reach out to us to reschedule. Important Holiday Delivery Information: Fed Ex is extremely busy during the holidays, so please take all precautions to ensure you receive your package. Please be on hand to accept delivery, or let your recipient know they have a perishable product coming. Be sure to include gate codes on your order form for the UPS driver if necessary, as well as correct and current shipping information. Incorrect addresses may result in additional charges and delivery delays. Even if it is a surprise, please let your recipient know to expect a perishable delivery! Order Early: We strongly suggest ordering and shipping frozen items early to avoid the holiday rush. Get your order delivered and popped in the freezer for less stress! Shipping and delivery dates leading up to Christmas and New Year's will fill quickly, so order early. All orders are first come, first served during the holidays. Remote Area Deliveries: If you live in a remote area, FedEx may consider your location a 2-day delivery zone. Please contact UPS at 1-800-742-5877 for more information. Sending Gifts: If you are sending a gift, please make sure your recipient will be home to receive it. If not, consider sending a LobsterGuy Gift Certificate instead. We offer both traditional mailed gift certificates and a super easy and fast emailed gift certificate! Scroll down to review our holiday delivery schedule and important lobster holiday shipping information! Tracking numbers for your order: Do not call us for tracking numbers. Your tracking number will be emailed to the email address you provided when you placed your order. The tracking number is generated by FED EX only after your box is packed and ready to go. Most tracking numbers are sent out the afternoon your box ships for next-day delivery. FED EX Shipping: Due to high holiday volume and staffing shortages nationwide, FED EX is currently not honoring regular operating commitment delivery times and/or delivery time guarantees, so some delivery delays may occur. We strongly recommend purchasing the optional shipping insurance (please see more details at checkout!). Weather Delays: During the winter months, we monitor weather forecasts carefully. If we believe weather will delay your shipment, we may reschedule your delivery date. If you are concerned about weather in your area, please reach out to us to reschedule. Weather Delays & UPS Commitments: We are not responsible for weather delays that FED EX considers to be an ""Act of God,"" which may, on rare occasions, delay or impair your delivery. FED EX has also waived its on-time delivery commitments for the holiday season. This means that most packages will be delivered on time, but some may be delayed. However, any delayed packages should still arrive the same day, just not by the originally scheduled time. _______________________________________________________ Available Shipping And Delivery Days For The Week Prior To Christmas 2023 Ship Date Delivery Date Order By Mon, Dec 11, 2023 Tue, Dec 12, 2023 7 PM EST Thu Dec 7, 2023 Tue, Dec 12, 2023 Wed, Dec 13, 2023 7 PM EST Fri Dec 8, 2023 Wed, Dec 13, 2023 Thu, Dec 14, 2023 7 PM EST Sat Dec 9, 2023 Thu Dec 14, 2023 Fri Dec 15, 2023 7 PM EST Sun Dec 10, 2023 *Fri Dec 15, 2023* *Sat Dec 16, 2023* 7 PM EST Mon Dec 11, 2023 Order Frozen Items Early: We encourage you to order and ship your frozen lobster tails, chowders, etc., well ahead of the holiday rush and store them in your freezer. One less thing to do for the busy holidays! Limited Capacity: Please be advised that some shipping and delivery dates may reach capacity, and orders are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Saturday Delivery: UPS Saturday delivery is not available everywhere. When placing your order online, the system will check if Saturday delivery is available to your zip code. If not, you will receive an error message. If you live in a remote or rural area, please call us or UPS at 1-888-742-5877 to ensure that overnight shipping is available to your location. Some remote areas have a 2-day transit time. FED EX Saturday deliveries have an additional charge of $12.00. You can call UPS at 1-888-742-5877 to confirm if your zip code has overnight or 2-day shipping. FEDEX Closure: FED EX Express is closed on Sunday, December 17th, 2023. _______________________________________________________ Available Shipping And Delivery Days For The Week Of Christmas 2023 Ship Date Delivery Date Order By Mon, Dec 18, 2023 Tue, Dec 19, 2023 Wed, Dec 20, 2023 Thu, Dec 21, 2023 SORRY, FULLY COMMITTED. NO LONGER AVAILABLE Thu, Dec 21, 2023 Fri, Dec 22, 2023 SORRY, FULLY COMMITTED. NO LONGER AVAILABLE *Fri Dec 22, 2023* *Sat Dec 23, 2023* SORRY, FULLY COMMITTED. NO LONGER AVAILABLE Order Frozen Items Early: We encourage you to order and ship your frozen lobster tails, chowders, etc., well ahead of the holiday rush and store them in your freezer. One less thing to do for the busy holidays! Limited Capacity: Please be advised that some shipping and delivery dates may reach capacity, and orders are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. FED EX Closures: UPS Express is closed on Sunday, December 24th, 2023. UPS is closed on Monday, December 25th, 2023. _______________________________________________________ Available Shipping And Delivery Days For The Week After Christmas 2023 Ship Date Delivery Date Order By Mon, Dec 25, 2023 Tue, Dec 26, 2023 NO SHIPPING! UPS IS CLOSED ON MON DEC 25TH IN OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS ! Tue, Dec 26, 2023 Wed, Dec 27, 2023 7 PM EST Fri Dec 22, 2023 Wed, Dec 27, 2023 Thu, Dec 28, 2023 7 PM EST Sat Dec 23, 2023 Thu, Dec 28, 2023 Fri, Dec 29, 2023 7 PM EST Sun Dec 24, 2023 *Fri Dec 29, 2023* *Sat Dec 30, 2023* 7 PM EST Mon Dec 25, 2023 Order Frozen Items Early: We encourage you to order and ship your frozen lobster tails, chowders, etc., well ahead of the holiday rush and store them in your freezer. One less thing to do for the busy holidays! Limited Capacity: Please be advised that some shipping and delivery dates may reach capacity, and orders are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. UPS Closures: UPS Express is closed on Sunday, December 31st, 2023. UPS is closed on Monday, January 1st, 2024."|"LobsterGuy's Holiday Information & Delivery Schedule for 2024!"|""|""|""||"" hoisoy|hopeisland|ITEM.|"Hope Island Oysters"|""|""|""|""|(0)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" hosa2|Horseradishsauce|ITEM.|"Horseradish Sauce (2pk)"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" how-to-cook-live-maine-lobsters||ITEM.|"How to Cook Live Maine Lobsters"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|"

*Please Take Care of Your Order, Keep in COLD until You Are Ready to Prepare it!*

We recommend steaming versus boiling your live lobsters!

If you cook more than one lobster at a time, you will need to increase the overall cooking time by only a few minutes. Do NOT use the combined total weight! You can use the lobster's antenna as a tester: tug a bit on the antenna and if it pops right off, they are done. To verify accurate cooking, look between the lobster body and the tail. You will have to slice the membrane to expose the meat. The meat should appear solid white with splashes of pink/red. It should not appear gray or jelly-like. All lobsters have a light to dark green substance in their body cavity called the tomalley, basically the lobsters liver/pancreas. Some folks enjoy eating it and consider it a delicacy. We recommend that you do not eat it, all the body meat surrounding it is fine to enjoy! Also, some female lobsters may be carrying eggs, which unfortunately, no one can see inside the lobster. When cooked, it will appear solid red/orange. If uncooked, it may appear to be green or black in color and gelatinous inside the body and on rare occasions on the tail meat of the lobster This can be rinsed off prior to eating. Again, there is no way to tell if a lobster is carrying eggs inside their body and as rare as it is, the lobster is completely safe to eat. Do not over cook lobsters. With about 2 inches of water and a few pinches of salt in a large pot (steaming rack is optional), bring the water to a rolling steam over high heat. Carefully add your live lobsters into the pot. Cover the pot tightly, as that will bring the water back to a boil as quickly as possible. Once the water boils again, begin timing. Use the individual lobster’s size to calculate your approximate cooking time: 13 minutes for the first pound and 3 minutes per pound for each additional pound. Lobsters will turn bright red when cooked.

Example: 2 to 2-1/2 pound lobsters should steam for 16 minutes; 11-pound lobsters, for 141 minutes.

To save your lobsters for later, immerse them in an ice-water bath immediately after cooking. Failure to do this will allow the lobsters to continue cooking, possibly leading to overcooked lobsters! Cooked lobsters will store in the fridge for up to 2 days. To keep longer, remove the meat from the shell, and freeze for later use. We suggest that you remove the flap of meat along the back of the lobster tail and rinse this area under cold water to remove any roe and or entrails prior to freezing; this will make for better quality lobster when you are ready to use it! We also suggest storing your lobster meat in a zip-top bag, removing as much air as possible.

To reheat a cooked lobster, we recommend steaming: bring 2-3 inches of water to a boil, carefully place the lobsters in the pot, cover tightly, and cook for only 2-3 minutes. Do not overcook. Disclaimer: Please be advised that consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness. Raw, uncooked shellfish or seafood should not be consumed by pregnant women or anyone with an underlying medical condition."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" how-to-cook-new-england-lobster-clambake||ITEM.|"How to Cook New England Lobster Clambake"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|"

*Please Take Care of Your Order, Keep in COLD until You Are Ready to Prepare it!*

Genuine New England Lobster Clambake

Voted the best seafood gift to receive 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021!
Well, here it is! A real New England Clambake served right in your own home, ready to be cooked in the container you received it in.You can cook it over an open fire, in a fireplace, or on the kitchen stove... all in about one hour! The traditional perfection of the skilled ""Bakemaster"" has been achieved by the perfect method of packing live lobsters, ocean fresh clams, top grade sausage wrapped with fillet of fish, corn on the cob, onions, sweet potatoes, and red potatoes. Many years of preparing lobster clambakes and listening to customer feedback has helped us perfect this long standing New England tradition! Please, do not UNPACK your bake! It is ""Built to Cook"" just the way it is! Just add wateas directed and steam away!The cooking process will take approximately 1-2 hours. (Use caution when removing the lid, contents will be hot!) Enjoy!

Clambake Cooking Instructions

Do not remove your clambake contents!Tins are packed specifically to be cooked with these directions!
Your clambake has been expertly packed for you and everything will cook perfectly in its tin – just remove any gel packs and packing newspaper from the top, keep the live lobsters and everything else in the tin, and follow these directions! For best results, read this section in full before you begin cooking. The usual cooking time is 60 minutes for a 2 person bake to about 80 minutes for a 6 person bake. Use care once you begin cooking, as the tin and the lid will be hot!
  1. For a 2 person bake add 11 cups of water to the contents of the can.
    For a 3 or 4 person bake add 2 1 cups of water to the contents of the can.
    For a 5 or 6 person bake add 5 cups water to the contents of the can.
  2. Place lid back on can and place entire can on stove or fire on high heat.
  3. Once steam rises from the vent holes in the cover, reduce heat so that the steam is barely rising from the lid.
  4. The red potato on top is your ""thermometer"". Test the potato with a fork and when the potato is done, your ""Bake"" is cooked to perfection! Remember, it will take about an hour for the 2-person bake and longer for the larger bakes. Do not overcook; remember to use your red potato as a guide!
  5. Please use care removing the lid, (we recommend using oven mitts) as the container, lid, and contents will be hot!

"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" howtocookyou|howtocookyou|ITEM.|"How to Cook Your Live Lobster Clambake!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/howtocookyou.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"

This Simple-to-Cook Clambake will definitely be a hit!

We include professionally prepared clambake cooking instructions with your order, but here is a quick overview:

FIRST: remove the gel pack(s) and newspaper packaging that are on top, under the clambake lid. For 1 and 2-person bakes, add 1 1/2 cups of water to the contents of the can; For 3 and 4-person bakes, add 2 1/2 cups of water to the contents of the can.

SECOND: place lid back on can.

THIRD: place entire can on stovetop or grill until steam rises from vent holes in the cover.

FOURTH: gradually reduce heat in small increments until the steam is barely rising from the lid. Carefully remove the cooking tin from the heat and let stand for a few minutes, then remove the cover. It will be hot, so take care with it!

FIFTH: use the potato on top for your guide...we call it the "tester". Test the potato with a fork and when the potato is done, your bake is cooked to perfection! The usual cooking time is about 60 minutes.

All orders come with a personalized card with Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!

"|"How to Cook Your Live Lobster Clambake!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" shipping-insurance-base|shipping-insurance-base|ITEM.|"Insurance for your Order"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/insurance-items.html"|""|""|(2)|||""|""|""|""|"Shipping Insurance Fee - DO NOT DELETE THIS ITEM"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" shipping-insurance-flat|shipping-insurance-flat|ITEM.|"Insurance for your Order"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/insurance-items.html"|""|""|(20)|||""|""|""|""|"Shipping Insurance Fee - DO NOT DELETE THIS ITEM"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" shipping-insurance-150-300|shipping-insurance-150-300|ITEM.|"Insurance for your Order from $150 to $300"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/insurance-items.html"|""|""|(12)|||""|""|""|""|"Shipping Insurance Fee - DO NOT DELETE THIS ITEM"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" shipping-insurance-300-450|shipping-insurance-300-450|ITEM.|"Insurance for your Order from $300 to $450"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/insurance-items.html"|""|""|(14)|||""|""|""|""|"Shipping Insurance Fee - DO NOT DELETE THIS ITEM"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" shipping-insurance-450-650|shipping-insurance-450-650|ITEM.|"Insurance for your Order from $450 to $650"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/insurance-items.html"|""|""|(16)|||""|""|""|""|"Shipping Insurance Fee - DO NOT DELETE THIS ITEM"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" shipping-insurance-650-more|shipping-insurance-650-more|ITEM.|"Insurance for your Order over $650"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/insurance-items.html"|""|""|(18)|||""|""|""|""|"Shipping Insurance Fee - DO NOT DELETE THIS ITEM"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" calamarisalad|1lb_cala-salad|ITEM.|"Italian Style Calamari Salad!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/calamarisalad.html"|""|""|(14.99)|(13.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" Our Calamari Salad! Black olives, diced red onions and roasted red pepper strips are mixed with tender calamari rings to create an instant classic!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea! (Available as an Add On Item Only)
"|"On Sale Now!
Our Incredible Calamari Salad!
Tender Calamari rings marinated with black olives, diced red onions and roasted red peppers in a Sweet and savory Marinade! An Instant Classic!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 6pounder|Jumbos|ITEM.|"JUMBO Maine Lobsters"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/6pounder.html"|""|""|||T|" "|""|""|""|"Due to varying sizes on Jumbos
(They range in Size from 5.5 pounds all the way up to 12 pounds!)

We ask that you call us toll free (1-866-788-0004) to see what sizes are currently available!
(It Does Vary From Trip to Trip!)
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Ideas!"|" Currently Sold Out, Sorry!
Give us a shout, Toll Free, 1-866-788-0004, and we'll let you know what sizes the Boats are bring in, and what Sizes are Available!
JUMBO's are ONLY Sold and Priced by the Pound
(The current price per pound for Jumbo's is $15.99 lb. and availability is limited at this time!)

All orders come with a personalized card with your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(The Largest Lobster We Will Steam Is 3-3.5 Pounds)
(Jumbo Lobsters Cannot Be Steamed For Shipment)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" shrimp-and-scallops-surf-n-turf|Jo-Sea-Surf-Turf|ITEM.|"Jumbo Shrimp & Sea Scallops Surf n' Turf With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/shrimp-and-scallops-surf-n-turf.html"|""|""|(145.99)|(135.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" This Is A Great Surf And Turf Dinner Choice!
Complete With 1 Lb. Of Our "Jumbo" (8-12 per lb.)Shrimp, Two 8oz.Filet Mignon and 1 Pound Of Native Deep Water Sea Scallops!

An Outstanding Gift Choice And Also A Great Gift Idea For The Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"Free Overnight Shipping And On Sale Now!
A Very Popular Surf & Turf Choice!
Our Shrimp And Scallops Surf & Turf!
1 Lb. Of Our "Jumbo" (8-12 per lb.) Gulf Shrimp, Two Huge 8oz. Filet Mignon and 1 Pound Of Awesome Sea Scallops!
( This is one of our most popular Gift Items!)

All orders also come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" shrimp-cocktail-delivery|1lb_RTEShrimp|ITEM.|"Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/shrimp-cocktail-delivery.html"|""|""|(26.99)|(24.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"For Great Shrimp Cocktail Follow This Easy Tip:
Simply Thaw And Steam ( Do Not Boil) These Outstanding Shrimp for About 3 Minutes, Remove And Put Your Shrimp Immediately Into An Ice Bath With Ice And Water For A Few Minutes...( Shrimp Cook Really Fast So 3 Minutes, A Quick Stir And Your Done!) Immediately Drain With A Strainer And Pop Them In The Fridge For An Hour To Chill And You Are Ready To Serve, It's Really That Easy!
Don't Forget To Order Capt. Tim's Fantastic Cocktail Sauce To Go With Them!
(1 lb. shrimp per order)

A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
"|"On Sale Now!
These U-15 JUMBO Gulf Of Mexico Raw Uncooked Shrimp Make A Great Shrimp Cocktail With Only A Few Minutes Prep Time!
Trust Me Folks, If you Can Steam Water, You Can Make A Party Favorite Everyone Enjoys And Raves About!
( Yes, You'll Be A Star, A Legend, Hit Of The Party, They Might Even Build A Monument For You.... No Really They Will!)

These Outstanding 100% All Natural Gulf Shrimp Are SO EASY To Prepare!
They Are Simply Outstanding!
These Jumbo U-15 Size (There Are Under 15 Shrimp Per lb.) Shrimp Make A Great Shrimp Cocktail Appetizer, or are great in ANY recipe calling for a Great Shrimp! Scampi, Stir Fry, These Are Perfect For All Choices!
These Jumbos Come Peeled and De-veined But With The ""Tail On"" For Your Convenience!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(Under 15 shrimp per lb. One Pound Per Order, Ships Frozen)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" butter-1-2-sticks|butter-1-2-sticks|ITEM.|"Land O' Lakes 1/2 Sticks of Salted Butter!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/butter-1-2-sticks.html"|""|""|(1.25)||T|""|""|""|""|" 1/2 Sticks Of Premium Land O Lakes Butter are available for an add on Item For Your LobsterGuy Orders!
""Ya gotta Have Salted Butta For Your Lobsta's!""
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment!
(Ships Frozen)
"|" Convenient 1/2 Sticks Of Premium Land o Lakes Butter!
Ya gotta have ""Butta"" For Your Lobsta!
This is an easy add-on to complete your gift!
These Land O Lakes 1/2 sticks of creamy salted butter are just the right size and no waste!
( Butter Sticks Are 1/4 cup Each And Are Available as An Add On Item To Complement Your Order!)
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTER :WANT-THEM-STEAMED :LOBPICSET :LOBSTER-BIBS :CLAM-KNIVE :OYSTER-KNIVES :FISHERMENS-COOKBOOK :LOBSTER-CHOCOLATE-SAMPLER)"||"" whole-atlantic-squid|Whole-Squid|ITEM.|"Large Atlantic Squid!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/whole-atlantic-squid.html"|""|""|(13.99)|(12.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"We Hand Pick Only the Finest Large Squid The Day They Are Unloaded And Freeze Them Into 2 Pound Packages To Ensure Their Quality And Flavor!
Great For Making Any of Your Favorite Calamari Dishes.
Our Atlantic Large Squid is served around the country by Chefs and Restaurants alike!
( 2 lb.s per order, Ships Frozen)
"|"On Sale Now!
100% Natural Whole Atlantic Squid!
This is " Dayboat" Loligo Squid that is Caught Here Locally In The Waters Of New England!
It is brought in fresh by the local boats and hand packed into 2 lb. packages for your convenience!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
( Ships Frozen)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" largemayo|lgmayo|ITEM.|"Large Mayo"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lemon|Lemon|ITEM.|"Lemon"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" live-lobster-12-packs-shipped||ITEM.|"Live Lobster 12 packs Shipped"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/live-lobster-12-packs-shipped.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our 12 Packs Are Great For Tailgating At The Game, Holiday Functions,Or Company Picnics!
We'll Pack These Babies Up Fresh For You And Ship Them Overnight, Right To Your Door!
"|"On Sale Now!
Order a 12 pack and be the Hit of the Party!
You'll Become A True Legend, And You'll Be Revered By All!
You'll Save Big by ordering a 12 pack of Live Lobsters!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"12 Packs Of Lobsters!"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:12-PACK-1-1-4-LB--LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTERS :12PAOF112POL :12PAOF1134LI :12-PACK-SELECT-SIZE-MAINE-LOBSTERS :BUTTER-1-2-STICKS)"||"" live-lobsters-and-shellfish-dinners||ITEM.|"Live Lobsters And Shellfish Dinners"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"The Lobsterguy "Classic" Lobster And Shellfish Dinners Are A True New Englanders Favorite Meal!"|"Live Maine Lobsters And A Variety Of Fresh Shellfish!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CLASSIC2 :CLASSIC4 :CORFROMNEWEN :NEWENDOUBCOR)"||"" newendoubcor|SD-4|ITEM.|"Live Maine Lobster Shore Dinner for Four!
With Free Shipping"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/newendoubcor.html"|""|""|(269.99)|(259.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" The Shore Dinner for Four comes with:
Four 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters
Two boxes of Award Winning Clam Chowder, 18oz each
Two boxes of Superb Lobster Bisque, 18oz each
Two quarts of fresh Littleneck Clams!
A Great Gift Idea: for the Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a great ""Thank You""!
"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
Complete with Four 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters, Award Winning Clam Chowder, Superb Lobster Bisque & Fresh Littleneck Clams! This Is New England Dining At Its Finest!!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" corfromnewen|SD-2|ITEM.|"Live Maine Lobster Shore Dinner for Two!
With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/corfromnewen.html"|""|""|(159.99)|(149.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy's Shore Dinner comes complete with Two 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters, 2 ct 18 oz. Award Winning Clam Chowder, Superb Lobster Bisque and Fresh Littleneck Clams! This Is New England Dining At Its Finest! A Great Gift Idea for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!!"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
Our Live Maine Lobster "Shore Dinner" For Two Is A True New England Dinner!
Complete with Two 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters, Award Winning Clam Chowder, Superb Lobster Bisque & Fresh Littleneck Clams!
This Is New England Dining At Its Finest!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobster||ITEM.|"Lobster"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|"All Things Lobster!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LIVELOBSTERS :LOBSTERTAILS :PREMIUM-MAINE-LOBSTER-MEAT :MAINE-LOBSTER-ROLL-KITS :LOBSTER-MAC-AND-CHEESE)"||"" accessories||ITEM.|"Lobster & Clam Eatin' Accessories!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/accessories.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"You'll Find All The "Tools of the Trade" You'll Need To Help Enjoy Your Lobster Dinners! Picksets, Bibs, Shuckin' Knives Etc. Are All On This Page!

Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:WANT-THEM-STEAMED :LOBPICSET :CLAM-KNIVE :OYSTER-KNIVES :LOBSTER-BIBS :BUTTER-1-2-STICKS :TOPSPLOBUJBU :THELOBSTERGUY-HAT :FISHERMENS-COOKBOOK :LOBSTER-CHOCOLATE-SAMPLER)"||"" lobster-bibs|4bibs|ITEM.|"Lobster Bibs (4 Per Pack!)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-bibs.html"|""|""|(2)||T|""|""|""|""|"Our disposable Lobster Bibs keep you from "wearing" your Dinner!
(Bibs are available as an Add On Item only)
One order is a set of Four, Plastic Lobster Bibs.
"|"Our Lobster Bibs Will Help Keep Your LobsterGuy Lobsta' Dinner Goin' In Ya, and Not On Ya!
Plus, it keeps the wife's "eye rolling" to a minimum because you're not "wearing" your Dinner!
(One order is a set of Four Disposable Lobster Bibs)

(Bibs are available as an Add On Item only)
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobster-bisque-serves-two|LB18|ITEM.|"Lobster Bisque For Two!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-bisque-serves-two.html"|""|""|(15.99)|(14.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" A perfect blend of Maine lobster meat, sherry, cream and spices. This award winning lobster bisque is one of our most popular sellers!
Note: 18oz. Lobster Bisque serves Two. {Ships frozen}
"|"On Sale Now!
Our Award Winning Lobster Bisque is a perfect blend of Maine lobster, sherry, cream and spices. This lobster bisque is one of our most popular sellers!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobounthwe|lobounthwe|ITEM.|"Lobster boats Unloading This Week!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobounthwe.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our Lobster Boats Are Working In Some Of The Toughest Weather The North Atlantic Can Dish Out! We Bring You The Finest And Freshest Live Maine Lobsters Year Round, Direct From The LobsterGuy!"|"When We Say your Lobsters Come Direct From the Boats, We Mean It! This is Capt. Tim with a recent catch!!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobster-clambake-dinner-for-five|CB-5|ITEM.|"Lobster Clambake Dinner for Five!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-clambake-dinner-for-five.html"|""|""|(425)|(415)|T|""|""|""|""|"The Lobster Clambake for Five comes with:
• Five 1-1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters; • Five Quarts of Little Neck Clams; • Five pieces of Sausage Wrapped in Flounder Fillet; • Five Servings of Red Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Onions; • and Five pieces of Corn on the Cob; • and Five Lobster bib & pick sets! It's all in its own cooking tin with instructions!

Great for Parties, for Tailgating at the game, Anniversary Dinners, or a Great Lobster Birthday Gift Idea! {You can Also UPGRADE your Lobster size in your BAKE by clicking the ""Upgrade your Lobster"" link to your Right!}"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
The Lobster Clambake for Five!
Enjoy one of our most popular items, one that will get both of us rave reviews! This Traditional Lobsterbake Dinner comes complete in it's own cooking tin and is a TON of food!
It's sure to please any and all seafood lovers!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobster-clambake-dinner-for-four|CB-4|ITEM.|"Lobster Clambake Dinner for Four!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-clambake-dinner-for-four.html"|""|""|(344)|(334)|T|""|""|""|""|" The Lobster Clambake for Four comes with:
• Four 1-1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters; • Four Quarts of Little Neck Clams; • Four pieces of Sausage Wrapped in Flounder Fillet; • Four Servings of Red Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Onions; • and Four pieces of Corn on the Cob; • and Four Lobster bib & pick sets! It's all in its own cooking tin with instructions!

Great for the Holidays, Big Parties ,or Tailgating at the Big Game, or even as a Gift Certificate!"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
The Lobster Clambake for Four!
Enjoy one of our most popular items, one that will get both of us rave reviews! This Traditional Lobster Clambake Dinner is a TON of food and sure to please any and all seafood lovers!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
If you order more than one clambake, we will combine them into as few cooking tins as possible. If you have a different requirement, please specify this in your order comments & we will happily accommodate your request! Thanks!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobster-clambake-dinner-for-six|CB-6|ITEM.|"Lobster Clambake Dinner for Six!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-clambake-dinner-for-six.html"|""|""|(496)|(486)|T|""|""|""|""|"The Lobster Clambake for Six Includes:
• Six 1-1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters; • Six Quarts of Little Neck Clams; • Six pieces of Sausage Wrapped in Flounder Fillet; • Six Servings of Red Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Onions; • and Six pieces of Corn on the Cob; • and Six Lobster bib & pick sets! It's all in its own cooking tin with instructions!

Great for Parties, for Tailgating at the game, Anniversary Dinners, or a Great Lobster Birthday Gift Idea!
Note: (You can also UPGRADE your Lobster size for your BAKE by clicking the ""Upgrade your Lobster"" link to your right!)"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
Enjoy one of our most popular items, one that will get both of us rave reviews!
The LobsterGuy Clambake For Six!
This package is sure to please any seafood lover!
Folks, This is a TON of Food, all in it's own cooking tin! Just Add Water And Steam, That's It! Our Clambakes Are Also Great For Tailgating At The Game!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobster-clambake-dinner-for-three|CB-3|ITEM.|"Lobster Clambake Dinner for Three! "|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-clambake-dinner-for-three.html"|""|""|(262)|(252)|T|""|""|""|""|"The Lobster Clambake for Three Includes:
• Three 1-1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters; • Three Quarts of Little Neck Clams; • Three pieces of Sausage Wrapped in Flounder Fillet; • Three Servings of Red Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Onions; • Three pieces of Corn on the Cob • and Three Lobster bib & pick sets! It's all in its own cooking tin with instructions!
Great for Parties, for Tailgating at the game, Anniversary Dinners, or a Great Lobster Birthday Gift Idea!"|"Free Shipping On This Item!
Enjoy one of our most popular items, one that will get both of us rave reviews!
The Lobster Clambake for Three!
This traditional lobster clambake dinner comes with a TON of food all in it's own cooking tin!
Our Clambakes are is sure to please any and all seafood lovers!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" clambake-dinner-for-two|CB-2|ITEM.|"Lobster ClamBake Dinner for Two With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/clambake-dinner-for-two.html"|""|""|(179)|(169)|T|""|""|""|""|"The Lobster Clambake for Two Includes:
• Two 1-1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters; • Two Quarts of Little Neck Clams; • Two pieces of Sausage Wrapped in Flounder Fillet; • Two Servings of Red Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Onions; • and Two pieces of Corn on the Cob; • Two Lobster bib & pick sets!
It's all in its own cooking tin with instructions!
"|"Free Shipping On These Items!
Our Best Selling Clambake Dinner Gift!
A Complete Lobster Clambake For Two Complete In It's Own Cooking Tin!
Easily Prepared Right On Your Own Stove, Just Add Water And Steam!
How Easy Is That!
Voted THE Best ONLINE Lobster And Seafood Delivery Company for 2021, & 2022 By Consumer Reviews!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" basiclobster|basiclobster|ITEM.|"Lobster Cooking 101!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/basiclobster.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"

We recommend that you STEAM your lobsters!

They come out the same as your traditional boiled lobster, but there is less watery mess, and less of a chance of overcooking them!
  • Find a pot big enough to hold all your lobsters. If you have quite a few, you may want two pots.
  • Add a few inches of water and a bit of salt to your pot.
  • Bring the water to a full, rolling boil.
  • Add your lobsters and begin steaming them. Be careful not to splash hot water on yourself!
  • Put the lid or its cover on your pot and continue to steam.
  • Use the chart below for general cooking time guidelines
1 1/4 lb (Chix) 9-11 min 1 3/4- 2 lb 15-17 min 3 1/4-3 3/4 lb 21-23 min
1 1/4-1 1/2 lb 11-13 min 2 1/2-2 3/4 lb 17-19 min 4 lb 23-25 min
1 1/2-1 3/4 lb 13-15 min 2 3/4-3 lb 19-21 min 5 lb 25-27 min

Multiple lobsters cooked together may require additional cooking time.

Lobsters will turn bright red when cooked. To check for accurate cooking, look between the lobster body and the tail. Carefully slice the membrane to expose the meat, (or tug on one of the antennae when your cooking time is complete if it pops off, your lobster is cooked!) The meat should be an opaque white with splashes of pink or red. It should not appear gray, translucent, or jelly-like.

IMPORTANT: Female lobsters may have roe (eggs) or tomalley in their tails. It will appear solid red or as a black/green-like jelly. We have absolutely no control of the "insides" of a female lobster or in the time in which it decides to start its internal egg process! This may be eaten or removed, or simply rinsed off.

Serve with melted butter and Enjoy!

Please, pay attention to your cooking times! We are not responsible for you overcooking your lobsters!
(Overcooking your Lobsters will turn the lobster meat to mush!)"|"Lobster Cooking 101"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" free-shipping-lobster-dinners||ITEM.|"Lobster Dinners With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/free-shipping-lobster-dinners.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"These Are All Great Options For Your Seafood Dinners!
These Are Some Great Lobster Dinners That Come Complete With Free Overnight Shipping!
We Offer You Several Lobster Dinners To Choose From, And They Are All Fantastic Choices And They Also Make A Great Gift Idea!

Please Note: Adding Additional Items In Addition To Our Free Shipping Items will generate shipping charges ONLY for the additional items you added to your cart)
(Saturday Delivery If Available To Your Area Is An Additional FedEx Charge of 10.00 And Will Be Calculated At Check Out For You If You Choose Saturday Delivery)
Thank You!
Order Online Anytime, But For NEXT Day Delivery, Please Order By 7 PM EST the Evening Prior to Shipping
Our Customers Say:
""Amazing quality and reliable. I’ve started ordering as gifts now because everything I order has exceeded my expectations. I just recently ordered the 2lbs Maine lobster meat for my mother and it was full of tail and claw meat. She raves about it and will be a lifelong customer as well. Not to mention the clear communication, tracking info, premium shipping, and packaging of the product…which all were done just right. Must order from TheLobsterGuy!""
"|""|""|"Free Shipping Ideas!"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:NEWENCLAMBAK :LOBSTERTAILS :LIVE-LOBSTERS-AND-CHOWDER-DINNERS :MAINE-LOBSTER-SHORE-DINNERS :SURF-AND-TURF--MAINE-LOBSTER-DINNERS :CLASSIC :MAINE-LOBSTER-ROLL-KITS)"||"" links||ITEM.|"Lobster Guy Links!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/links.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"
LobsterGuy around the Web!
The Discovery Channel Follow Capt. Tim as he fishes for lobster on Lobstermen!!
Facebook Come be a LobsterGuy.com Fan on Facebook!!
The Boston Foodie TBF's quick interview of Captain Tim!
Bacon Today Daily news on the world of sweet, sweet bacon (and lobster!)
Epinions LobsterGuy's "Unbiased Reviews by Real People"
Insider Pages Read LobsterGuy Reviews - "recommendations that matter most"
Yelp! LobsterGuy reviews on Yelp!
Other Website Links!
The Lobster Institute "The source of information about all things Maine lobster"!
Maine Lobstermen's Association "Advocates for a sustainable lobster resource and the fishermen and communities that depend on it."
Point Judith Fishermen Memorial Foundation Foundation to preserve the memory of those who have lost their lives at sea.....
Point Judith Light House How we know we're home!
NOAA's Marine Weather Forecasts Our trusted source for marine weather forecasts. See what the guys are facing for weather offshore!!
Narragansett, RI Our local town homepage.
John Sisson Marine Art Great local New England commercial fishing related scenes!
BaconFreak.com Because Bacon goes with Everything!!
All Restaurants In One Place We think the name says it all!
"|"Backin' Her In! Finally Home After a LONG TRIP....... Links are Below!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobster-mac-and-cheese|lobster-mac-and-cheese|ITEM.|"Lobster Macaroni & Cheese!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-mac-and-cheese.html"|""|""|(25)|(23)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our "Lobsta Mac N Cheese" Is Made Old School Style!
Tender Maine Lobster Meat Mixed With Italian Pasta Elbows Swimming In A Cheddar Cheese Cream Sauce! It's That Simple But Oh So Rich And Filling!
Each 1 lb. Order Has A 1/4 lb. Of Premium Tail, Claw & Knuckle Lobster Meat Mixed Into It! We Didn't Get Too Fancy, But We Sure Got It Right!
Nothing Fancy Here, But Boy Is It Good!
Tender Maine Lobster Meat Mixed With Italian Pasta Elbows Swimming In A Cheddar Cheese Cream Sauce, And A Sprinkle Of Buttery Ritz Crackers On Top!
Serves Two (or One, if really hungry!)

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LOBSTER-MAC-AND-CHEESE)"||"" lobster-recipes||ITEM.|"Lobster Recipes"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-recipes.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"

Please check here for our Lobster Recipes!
All of the recipes will help you prepare your order for that scrumptious occasion. We thank you for stopping by! Please tell all of your friends, family, and associates about us!

Looking for our Cooking Instructions? View or download a.pdf here: LobsterGuy Cooking & Handling Instructions

Do you have a Great Lobster recipe to share? If so, please email it to us and we'll put it on this recipe page and of course, we'll give you credit for it!

"|"Lobster Recipes!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:BASICLOBSTER :RHODISLOBROL :CAPTIMLOBSAL :TROPLOBSALSE :CAPTIMMOMLOB :SALMON-BISQUE-RECIPE :CIOPPINO-RECIPE :CLAM-CHOWDER-RECIPE :CRAB-BOIL-RECIPE :FLOUNDER-FRANCESE-RECIPE :LOBSTERMANS-MAC-N-CHEESE :TEQUILA-LIME-GRILLED-CALAMARI-RECIPE)"||"" lobpicset|PikSet|ITEM.|"Lobster Shell Breaker & Pick Kit"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobpicset.html"|""|""|(8.99)||T|""|""|""|""|"The Lobster Pick Set includes:
One Shell Breaker,
One Pick Fork,
One "How to eat a Lobster Instructions" Place mat,
One Lobster Bib,
& One Wet Nap!!

(Pick Sets are available as an Add On Item only)
"|"A must have to help you open your fresh Live Maine Lobsters!
These "Tools of the Trade" with help you enjoy every morsel of Your Live Maine Lobsters!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(Pick Sets are ONLY available as an Add On to your order)
"|""|"Lobster Pick Sets"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" eaholosp|eaholosp|ITEM.|"Lobster Specials!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/eaholosp.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Lobster Specials!"|"Lobster Specials!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LIVE-LOBSTERS---CHOWDER :LIVE-LOBSTERS---CHOWDER)"||"" lobsterfaq||ITEM.|"Lobster Trivia"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterfaq.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"1. What do lobsters eat?
Lobsters eat flounder, urchins, clams, mussels, and a variety of other items from the ocean.
2. How many pairs of legs are on a lobster?
Lobsters have 5 pairs of legs. Two large front claws and eight walking legs (pereiopods).
3. What is the purpose of each claw?
The larger claw is the claw used to crush and the other claw is used to rip.
4. What is the biggest lobster on record?
The biggest recorded lobster is 43 pounds.
5. How can I tell how old a lobster is? A good rule of thumb to calculate a lobsters age is to multiply the lobsters weight by 4, then add 3 (this is a good estimate to the lobsters age).
6. When do lobsters eat?
Lobsters usually eat after sunset (at night).
"|"Lobster Trivia"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" locomu3|mug|ITEM.|"LobsterGuy ""I'm with Stupid"" Coffee Mugs!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/locomu3.html"|""|""|(8.5)|(7)||""|""|""|""|"Currently out of stock! Our Mug has "I'm with Stupid" cartoon on the front and the LobsterGuy logo on the back.
Our Mugs & T Shirts are priced as add ons.
"|"Currently out of stock! Our LobsterGuy Mugs are very popular gifts and a great Idea for the Lobster Lover!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-gaiter|lobsterguy-gaiter|ITEM.|"Lobsterguy Gaiters! "|""|""|""|""|(5)||T|""|""|""|""|""|"Lobster Guy Gaiters Face Covers!

This is an awesome face cover!

This is a cute ""Lobster Themed"" face cover that's worn like a scarf and quickly & easily pulls up as a face covering! We have found them to be wicked easy to use, and they are machine washable or hand washable as well.
(We are offering these at product cost only)
Made In Taiwan
(This item is available as an Add On Item only)
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-hats---shirts||ITEM.|"LobsterGuy Hats & Shirts"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguy-hats---shirts.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our customers and viewers of Discovery Channels "Lobstermen", the TV Series Capt. Tim filmed, keep asking for Hats & Shirts!
Sooo... we had a bunch made up and they are going like hotcakes!
These are really a popular holiday "Add-on Item" and great for holiday gifts! These are HILARIOUS!! We sell Lots of these! Made especially for the LobsterGuy by cartoonist Jeff Pert! They come with "Lobster Cartoon" on the back, and the Cool LobsterGuy logo on the pocket! People laugh their "tails" off when they see these!
"|"Crew Gear"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:THELOBSTERGUY-HAT :IMWISTTSH :HOWABOBTE :COURTNEY-ELIZABETH-MOCK-TURTLE-NECKS-1)"||"" newsection||ITEM.|"LobsterGuy Tailgating Idea's!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/tailgaiting.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"
LobsterGuy offers a Wide variety of Lobsters & Lobster Dinners For Your Football Tailgating Menu's, Holiday Dinners, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduation Gifts Or For Any Special Occasion!
If you are looking to reward your customers or employees, then order them a LobsterGuy Gift or Gift Certificate that will not be soon forgotten!

We Will also be More Than Happy To Customize Your Lobster Dinner Gift For You, We Do It All The Time!

(Volume Discounts Are Also Available!)

Feel free to give us a call, Toll Free @ 866-788-0004 and we will be more than happy to take care of your company gifts for you! Who doesn't love "Lobstas"!
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:NEWENCLAMBAK :HOSIXPAOFLIM :LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACKS :TWOPAOFLIMAL :LIVE-LOBSTER-12-PACKS-SHIPPED :CLASSIC :LOBSTERTAILS)"||"" videos||ITEM.|"LobsterGuy Videos"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/videos.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"
"|"LobsterGuy Videos"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-egift-certificate-100-00|EGC100|ITEM.|"LobsterGuy's $100.00 E-Gift Certificates!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguy-egift-certificate-100-00.html"|""|""|(100)||T|""|""|""|""|"Lobsterguys 100.00 Email Gift Certificates Are Fast And Easy, And Are Great For That Computer Savvy Person In Your Life!
Just Fill in Your Recipient, Your Own Personal Message, And Send! It's Really That Easy!
Your Recipient Will Receive Their Gift In Just Moments Along With Easy To Follow Directions And A Redemption Code That Is Unique Only To Them!"|"New For 2014!
LobsterGuy Now Offers You ""E Gift"" Certificates!
This Is A Fast And Easy Way To Send A Gift For The Holidays, Birthdays, Anniversaries, You Name It!
"|""|"$100 E-Gift Certificates"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-egift-certificate-150-00|EGC150|ITEM.|"LobsterGuy's $150.00 E-Gift Certificates!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguy-egift-certificate-150-00.html"|""|""|(150)||T|""|""|""|""|"Our Email Gift Certificates Are Fast And Easy, And Are Great For That Computer Savvy Person In Your Life!
Just Fill in Your Recipient, Your Own Personal Message, And Send! It's Really That Easy!
Your Recipient Will Receive Their Gift In Just Moments Along With Easy To Follow Directions And A Redemption Code That Is Unique Only To Them!"|"New For 2014!
LobsterGuy Now Offers You ""E Gift"" Certificates!
This Is A Fast And Easy Way To Send A Gift For The Holidays, Birthdays, Anniversaries, You Name It!
"|""|"$150 E-Gift Certificates"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-egift-certificate-200-00|EGC200|ITEM.|"LobsterGuy's $200.00 E-Gift Certificates!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguy-egift-certificate-200-00.html"|""|""|(200)||T|""|""|""|""|"Lobsterguys 200.00 Email Gift Certificates Are Fast And Easy, And Are Great For That Computer Savvy Person In Your Life!
Just Fill in Your Recipient, Your Own Personal Message, And Send! It's Really That Easy!
Your Recipient Will Receive Their Gift In Just Moments Along With Easy To Follow Directions And A Redemption Code That Is Unique Only To Them!"|"New For 2014!
LobsterGuy Now Offers You ""E Gift"" Certificates!
This Is A Fast And Easy Way To Send A Gift For The Holidays, Birthdays, Anniversaries, You Name It!
"|""|"$200 E-Gift Certificates"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-egift-certificate-250-00|EGC250|ITEM.|"LobsterGuy's $250.00 E-Gift Certificates!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguy-egift-certificate-250-00.html"|""|""|(250)||T|""|""|""|""|"Lobsterguys Email Gift Certificates Are Fast And Easy, And Are Great For That Computer Savvy Person In Your Life!
Just Fill in Your Recipient, Your Own Personal Message, And Send! It's Really That Easy!
Your Recipient Will Receive Their Gift In Just Moments Along With Easy To Follow Directions And A Redemption Code That Is Unique Only To Them!"|"New For 2014!
LobsterGuy Now Offers You ""E Gift"" Certificates!
This Is A Fast And Easy Way To Send A Gift For The Holidays, Birthdays, Anniversaries And Are Great As Corporate Gift Idea's!
"|""|"$250 E-Gift Certificates"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-egift-certificate-300-00|EGC300|ITEM.|"LobsterGuy's $300.00 E-Gift Certificates!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguy-egift-certificate-300-00.html"|""|""|(300)||T|""|""|""|""|"Lobsterguys Email Gift Certificates Are Fast And Easy, And Are Great For That Computer Savvy Person In Your Life!
Just Fill in Your Recipient, Your Own Personal Message, And Send! It's Really That Easy!
Your Recipient Will Receive Their Gift In Just Moments Along With Easy To Follow Directions And A Redemption Code That Is Unique Only To Them!"|"New For 2014!
LobsterGuy Now Offers You ""E Gift"" Certificates!
This Is A Fast And Easy Way To Send A Gift For The Holidays, Birthdays, Anniversaries And Are Great As Corporate Gift Ideas!
"|""|"$300 E-Gift Certificates"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-egift-certificate-75-00|EGC75|ITEM.|"LobsterGuy's $75.00 E-Gift Certificates!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguy-egift-certificate-75-00.html"|""|""|(75)||T|""|""|""|""|"Email Gift Certificates Are Fast And Easy, And Are Great For That Computer Savvy Person In Your Life!
Just Fill in Your Recipient, Your Own Personal Message, And Send! It's Really That Easy!
Your Recipient Will Receive Their Gift In Just Moments Along With Easy To Follow Directions And A Redemption Code That Is Unique Only To Them!
"|"New For 2014!
LobsterGuy Now Offers You ""E Gift"" Certificates!
This Is A Fast And Easy Way To Send A Gift For The Holidays, Birthdays, Anniversaries And Are Great As Corporate Gift Ideas!
"|""|"$75 E-Gift Certificates"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" browse-all-products||ITEM.|"LobsterGuy's Browsing Page Gets You There Quick And Easy!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/browse-all-products.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Shipped Fresh Overnight Right To Your Door Since 1996!
The holidays are right around the corner! If you are thinking of shipping your order to someone as a gift... no worries! We do not include receipts or purchase orders, just your Lobster Guy order and your personalized handwritten card! If you're not sure your recipient is going to be home to receive their order, then please opt for sending them a gift certificate! We want you and your recipient to have a happy holiday season!
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LOBSTER :MAINE-LOBSTER-DINNER-SPECIALS :FRESH-NATIVE-SHELLFISH :CHOWDER :LOBSTERBISQUE :GREAT-SEAFOOD-APPETIZERS :FISH-AND-STEAKS :DESSERTS :GIFCER1 :THELOBSTERGUY-GIFTS :ACCESSORIES :LOBSTERGUY-BEST-SELLERS :LOBSTER-RECIPES)"||"" readwhatourc||ITEM.|"Lobsterguy's Customer Feedback"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/readwhatourc.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Send us your pics and feedback and we will be GLAD to post them!

Click on the Lobsterguy logo to return to the Home Page!

LobsterGuy continuously receives the Yahoo! GOLD STAR AWARD!
What is this you ask?
The Yahoo! Star next to a store's name is a sign of superlative quality!
It means that the store is participating in the
Yahoo! Customer Rating Program and customers who have ordered from LobsterGuy have given Us the highest ratings!
Stores like LobsterGuy are the Best of the Best, with at least 95% positive ratings!
Read What Our Customers Have To Say, And Feel Confident You Have Made The Right Choice Purchasing Your Live Lobsters Direct From Capt. Tim!

I sent the romantic dinner to my parents for their 25th wedding anniversary. They were thrilled and delighted. I was very thankful that the delivery went off without a hitch and the product was of excellent quality and a very very generous quantity! Thank you LobsterGuy.com. My parents will never forget it. Thank you again LobsterGuy - You Rock!!!!! Kelly, WA

My husband and I lived in New England most of our lives where lobster is readily available. But we very rarely bothered to purchase it. We now live in Florida where large lobsters are impossible to obtain. Since dealing with The Lobster Guy, we have eaten more lobster in the past year than we ever ate the entire time living in New England. We love the experience of making baked stuffed lobster at home. And the employees at The Lobster Guy have always made us feel we are special customers. Donna, FL

Captain Tim & Staff, I placed an order last Wednesday for delivery on Friday, November 12. I received my order around noon. The lobsters were FANTASTIC... I cannot express to you how pleased I was about the ordering process from beginning to end. The lobsters were GORGEOUS and the taste was INCREDIBLE!! My husband is a hard sell when it comes to purchases/value, etc. He ranted and raved at what a terrific deal it was, and how professional the packaging(card - handwritten)was. We will be return customers. Claudia K., Seattle, WA

Everything was great! I loved it. Leonard, D., NJ
You guys have the best clam chowder in the world. I'll be ordering regularly. Barry T.,OK

Capt. Tim: the Texans love the lobster but we have to teach them about live lobsters. As usual I got rave reviews on your lobsters. Dave F., Newport, RI

Hi, Received my order today and enjoyed it tonight. It was great. John S., GA
Thanks for your great service . Martin S., NJ
Very, very fair pricing. Thank You! Michael D. Millis, MA
Very impressed with the quality of the lobsters and the soup. I had it sent as a birthday party gift for my mother-in-law and she said she had never had better seafood. The chowder and bisque were outstanding. Roger P., TX

This was probably THE BEST experience I have ever had with an on line merchant. The site was not only well designed, but the courtesy and OVERACHIEVEMENT of the owners makes them a one of a kind operation. Not to mention their prices are the best I've seen anywhere. Keep up the good work...you've got my vote. Two claws up!!! , Edward M., Port Orchard, WA

Easy to use, "user friendly", price more than competitive. Holly M., FL
Great site...And easy ordering! Mark S., MA
Absolutely outstanding. I can't say enough about your low prices and great quality...I'll order again Mike S., Clemson, SC
Tim, We thoroughly enjoyed the clambake for 6. Not only was the food delicious, but it was a lot of fun. Six future customers, Shannon G., ND

Many thanks and I appreciate your responsiveness and look forward to doing future business with you. I had no clue that lobster was available at such a terrific price. Steve L., San Francisco, CA

Captain Tim: Thank you SO much for an EXCELLENT birthday gift for my Dad. He is a gourmet cook and absolutely LOVED the clambake. He told us all about how the clambake was delivered, the packaging, the instructions (I am absolutely sure that my Dad stood in front of the pot the entire time it took for steam to come out, and dutifully made sure he reduced it to "wisps of steam.") He said it was the best meal he's had in some time.

My mom loved it too, and she's picky about her seafood...It is clear from the packaging, the handling, your attention to detail to send us an email to let us know the airbill, etc., that you've got a top notch company. In this day and age, good service is hard to find, and is extremely appreciated. We will definitely have more orders for other members of our family and friends. I can't think of a better gift! By the way, excellent web site! Keep it up! Finally, thanks for making my Dad's 65th birthday a memorable one! P.S. Extra special thanks to Jennifer for her help. Our Warmest Regards, Jackie and Jeff A., Virginia Beach, VA


Just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed our clambake. My wife surprised me with a huge clambake for my 45th birthday. I'm from New England - now in Seattle - so dearly love and miss the old fashioned bakes. We ate until we could eat no more. Everything was so good and the quality was tops. This birthday will go down as truly fantastic thanks to TheLobsterguy.Com. (We're already thinking about the next special occasion for a bake). Sincerely, Russ and Elaine, Seattle, WA

The lobster bake was a very unique birthday gift for my Mom and arrived right on time. She thought the personal cards were a real sweet touch. My parents said that the lobsters were scrumptious, I wouldn't know because they didn't even save me a bite. Thanks Lobster Guy. Amy S., Bloomsburg, PA

The clambake was excellent and we savored every bite, being a land-locked New Englander, I especially enjoyed it, the flounder was delicious! You can be sure that we will order from you in the future, Thanks again and take care, Sara M., Knightstown, Indiana

I would also like to tell you again that you guys are the best. The party this is for a birthday party for someone who grew up in Maine. I check 16 companies over the internet, and your combos and prices just cannot be beat. You're saving me a heck of a lot of work, and guaranteeing a smile on everyone's face. Thanks again. Mike S., Van Nuys, CA

Excellent service, quality products, excellent value. Ray F., Jacksonville, FL

I am really impressed with TheLobsterGuy! The service was quick, personalized, and exactly as represented. The prices were the best on the internet and the service was even better. Thanks a bunch! Van V., California


The Lobster dinner arrived as promised. My parents were very appreciative. The Lobsters were still kicking when they arrived and tasted great. Thank you very much. Jackie G., Alaska

Nice user friendly site. Easy to understand and use; aesthetically pleasing front end. Eldridge W., Vero Beach FL
Everything arrived in excellent condition. They look great. Thanks so much. Ray F. Jacksonville, FL

The clambake was a great success - a true treat for the individual in our party who had never experienced a clambake before. It came as close to the real thing as I think possible in a mail - order meal. The lobsters were still feisty even after waiting a day before steaming them. The chowder was also a hit. I "researched" several companies who ship clambakes and none had as much for the price. I appreciated the personal touches (hand written notes with the order and a confirmation call the day I received the shipment ). I can highly recommend this business and will do business with LobsterGuy.com again. Deborah M., Katy, TX

Hi Tim, The lobster for my fiance's birthday dinner was a big hit! It was so much lobster we ended up using the leftovers for a lobster pizza. Gina M., CA

Dear Captain Tim, Just a note to say thank you for helping to make our Lobster Fest a huge success! Our lobsters arrived, live and kicking, on the day we needed them. We prepared a fabulous seaside dinner for 10 that included steamers, seafood chowder, grilled lobsters, roasted corn and potatoes and grilled veggies. Everything was delicious, but the LOBSTERS were the "Maine" Event! Our guests were so impressed by the fact that the lobsters had been flown live from the East Coast all the way to California! They were very sweet and delicious! (The Lobsters, not our guests! ) Thank you again for your great product and great customer service! We will certainly recommend you to our friends and look forward to ordering from you again! Your Friends in Fresno California, Miss Patti and Roger

Hi Tim, I received the clambake today and my wife and I completely enjoyed it. It was simply delicious. Everything was so fresh and easy to cook. We are happy to have found your website and you can look for me to continue ordering from you. Again thank you and I have no problem recommending you to my friends in Georgia who long for old fashion New England Clambakes. Regards, John S., Marietta, GA

I just want to comment about how wonderful the service was -- not to mention the lobsters! With Lobsterguy.com I will never be at a loss for a gift idea for an anniversary, birthday, or special occasion again. Everybody loves live lobster and with the internet service I can order from anywhere. You can bet that all the people in my life will benefit greatly from your unique idea. I am sold on Lobsterguy.com! Rob G., Montgomery, AL

Dear Tim: I just wanted to take time to thank you for the excellent service with my recent seafood order. The lobsters and the bisque were great! I really enjoyed shopping with you. Thanks so much! Andrew M. Clarksville, TN

Capt. Tim, WOW! The lobster clambake is quite a feast! It was the perfect surprise for my wife on our anniversary. We very much appreciate the personal touch, as well as the outstanding food. The quality was unmatched, and the price the lowest we have seen. Thanks again, we'll be back! R&K Lane, Phoenix, AZ

Everything was terrific!! Thanks a lot. .. I've bookmarked your web site for future use! The Brown's
Dear Capt. Tim: Just a quick note to tell you how thoroughly pleased we were w/ your service and seafood! Living in Western NC it is difficult to obtain the fresh seafood I was accustomed to growing up along the Jersey Shore! I was really looking forward to eating the steamers....I haven't had them for at least five years...and they were just terrific! I really appreciated the hand-written note enclosed w/ the order...what a very special touch! Thank you again! You can be sure we will order from "The Lobster Guy" in the very near future. Sincerely, Rose & Bill G., NC
Very efficient and easy to follow procedure Andrew M., Atlanta, GA
Your site is great!! Convenient and economical!!! Michelle B., Portsmouth, RI
A great site! Amy S., Concord, MA

Hi! I just received a phone call from my VERY excited in-laws to whom we had your lobsters sent. They LOVED them! This was a part of my father-in-laws'80th birthday present. You made it special for us. This is a great service. We will be looking forward to using your services in the future. Thanks again. Sue S., Irving, CA

Dear Tim, Thanks very much for the Bake. It was great fun to hear my friends from SC whispering to one another that "this Yankee corn is pretty good and the shellfish is excellent!" It was quite a successful dinner. I think you've got a great product going and hope to repeat the order once another occasion presents itself. Brett S., Charleston, SC

You are a lifesaver! Since Les has just about everything he needs, we were at a loss to figure out what we should give him for his birthday. These lobsters will be great. Robert S., Irvin, CA

This is a very good site. Easy to use and informative. Patti & Roger H., Fresno, CA

Tim, Thank you for doing such a great job with my dad's gift order. He received it by 12pm on Wednesday. Everything was there and in great shape. My Dad was very impressed with the personal touches you added, like a real card and the personalized note with the cooking instructions. My parents were impressed with how much food and how delicious it was. This was probably the best birthday present I have ever gotten him. I will certainly pass your website along to my friends and come back again. Thank you for the prompt, friendly, and personal service. Sincerely, Maureen Courtney-John, Albany, NY

Captain Tim, I know that the order made it to my sister - she paged me when it arrived and when I called back she already had it on the stove steaming! She was very pleased and she appreciated your card as well. Thank you for your help with this - it really made a special day for her. Craig H., New Orleans

LobsterGuy, Your lobster was a huge treat for my weekend plans. I look forward to placing an order for the 4th of July. I was pleased with service. Thanks for the goods. Matt

Dear Lobsterguy, The lobsters you sent were magnificent. They arrived in perfect condition. We prepared them as you suggested and we ended up with a feast fit for a king. Thanks again for the great service and we look forward to future treats. Sincerely, E. C. Sharpe MGen (Ret), USAF

Capt. Tim, Thank you very much for the personal attention you took with my order. My wife loved the lobsters...what a hit! Thanks for putting a Birthday card along with the order (she loved it). I'll definitely be ordering again. Rob G, Louisville, KY

Great site! I love the fact you can see your price as you go. Matt W., Minnesota

Captain Tim, Your web site is great and the lobster is even better. I have recommended you to all my friends. The quality of the seafood is terrific and the service has been outstanding. I really like the variety of seafood you offer and the convenience can't be beat. Keep up the good work. PK, San Antonio, TX


WWW.TheLobsterGuy.com, We will definitely order from you again. I've searched everywhere on the web for live lobsters and no one can beat your prices (including shipping). Your fax system works great. You've met all of my needs. Calvin M., Las Vegas

Hello, I moved from New England 3 years ago and have finally found the place to buy live lobsters. My friends and family thank you. Tim J., Monterrey, CA
Thanks for thinking about the consumer. You have the best prices I could find for lobsters. You're the best. Rob S., Atlanta, GA
"|"Customer Reviews"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobstermans-mac-n-cheese||ITEM.|"Lobsterman's Mac 'n' Cheese"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|"There are three rules of Lobsterman’s Mac ‘n’ Cheese:
  • Don’t overcook your lobster – steam them a few minutes less than done.
  • There should be at least a 1:1 ratio of lobster meat to pasta.
  • Use mild cheese so the lobster flavor comes through!


  • 3 'chicken' lobsters OR 2 bigger lobsters, steamed till almost done (11-2 cups meat)
  • 11 cups uncooked 'medium-sized' pasta (macaroni, bow ties, etc.)
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon ground mustard
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1 cup 'stronger' but still mild cheese (Monterey Jack, Mild Cheddar...)
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 1 cup seasoned breadcrumbs


  1. HARVEST lobster meat and cut into bite-sized chunks. SET ASIDE.
  2. BOIL water for pasta.
  3. PUT macaroni in, COVER, and SHUT OFF heat. TIME for 10 minutes, then DRAIN.
  4. TURN broiler on ‘low’ if available. If not, ‘high’ works.
  5. MELT 1 stick butter in a large saucepan over medium heat.
  6. STIR in flour until smooth and bubbling (peanut butter consistency).
  7. WHISK in milk gradually. ADD mustard and pepper.
  8. SIMMER, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes until thickened and whisk lines stay visible.
  9. TURN heat to low.
  10. STIR in cheese and HEAT until just melted. REMOVE from heat.
  11. STIR in sour cream, drained macaroni, and lobster chunks.
  12. TRANSFER to a greased 9x9 baking dish.
  13. MELT 2 tablespoons butter and MIX with seasoned breadcrumbs. SPRINKLE on top.
  14. BROIL until breadcrumbs are golden brown (watch closely – it can take as little as 3 minutes!).
  15. SHUT OFF broiler and move casserole to the lower rack. Let it continue to warm for 10 minutes. SERVE and accept praise!
Kitchen Time: Active 10 minutes. Oven 15 minutes.

In Season: Year-round

Serves: Dinner for 4

Copyright @2012 Laura Blackwell

Download pdf "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lomacnch||LINK.|"Lobsterman’s
Mac n Cheese"|"http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/lobstersales2/lobstermans-mac-n-cheese.pdf"" target=""_blank"|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" live-lobsters-and-chowder-dinners||ITEM.|"Lobsters & Chowder Dinners With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/livelobstersandchowderdinners.html"|""|""||||"Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|"
"|""|""|"Awesome Lobster & Chowda Dinners with Free Shipping! These Are By Far One Of Our Most Popular Lobster Dinners We Offer, and you can pick the Lobster size you prefer!
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment "|" Lobsters & Award Winning Clam Chowder Dinners"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:QUWICH :LIVE-LOBSTERS---CHOWDER :THQUWICH :TWOPOWICH)"||"" mailed-gift-certificates||ITEM.|"Mailed Gift Certificates"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:|75-00-LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATES| :100-00-LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :150-00-LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :200-00-LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATE-250-00 :LOBSTERGUY-GIFT-CERTIFICATE-300-00)"||"" steamed-maine-crabs||ITEM.|"Maine Crab"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/steamed-maine-crabs.html"|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|"Premium Deepwater Atlantic Jonah Crabs, Crabmeats & Dips! Hand Selected And Steamed Fresh Just For You The Day Of Shipment, Our Jonah Crabs have a very sweet meat that is very popular and can be enjoyed either chilled, or steamed for a few minutes to enjoy them Warm! We Also Offer Outstanding Hand Picked Jonah Crab Meat As Well As The Super Sweet Atlantic Red Crab Meat Harvested From The Deep Waters Of The North Atlantic Canyons, And don't forget Our Awesome Crab Dip!

Order Online Anytime, But For NEXT Day Delivery, Please Order By 10 AM EST"|"Can You Say Crab!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CLCRCA :CRABDIP :MAINE-CRAB-MEAT :RED-CRAB-MEAT :SIX-STEAMED-CRABS-DELIVERED :ONE-DOZEN-STEAMED-CRABS-DELIVERED :MALODIP :SMPESAPA :GOSMBLPA)"||"" maine-crab-meat|1lb_crbmt|ITEM.|"Maine Crab Meat"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/maine-crab-meat.html"|""|""|(44.99)|(42.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Maine Crab Meat Is Picked Fresh And Frozen The Same Day To Ensure Its Great Taste!
This crab meat is bursting with flavor, and is so versatile! Crab salad, homemade Crab Cakes, or Crab Quiche! Whatever you decide!
1 lb. Maine Crab meat
(Our Premium Crab meat is Shipped Frozen 1 ct. 1b.Container)"|"Our Sweet Crab meat comes from the deep cold waters of the North Atlantic, and is hand-picked crab meat!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!

(Our Premium Crab meat is Shipped Frozen 1 ct. 1b.Container)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CRABDIP)"||"" malodip|1ct_lob-dip|ITEM.|"Maine Lobster Dip!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/malodip.html"|""|""|(12.99)|(11.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Sensational Lobster Dip! Serve it Warm, or Cold, on your Favorite crackers!
It's Your choice! It's Great Both ways!" This Lobster Dip is SO GOOD, Capt. Tim had To BRIBE his Mom for her Recipe! (Thanks Grace!)
We had one customer call and tell us.... he ate it ALL with a Spoon!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
"|"On Sale Now!
Wicked Good Lobster Dip!
A Sensational Holiday Dip made with 100% Tail, Knuckle And Claw Meat! Made Only In Small Batches, This Dip Is The Ultimate Holiday Snack Food!
It's Smooth & Creamy And Loaded With Chunks Of Lobster!
This is a staple appetizer around Capt. Tim's House Every Holiday!
1/2 lb. per order

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobster-roll-kit-for-4|LobRoll-4|ITEM.|"Maine Lobster Roll kit for 4 With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-roll-kit-for-4.html"|""|""|(132)|(128)|T|""|""|""|""|"So good, you'll think you're sitting seaside on the coast!
Our Lobster Roll Kits bring the taste of Maine right into your own home! This is a great gift idea!

Includes: 1 lb. Frozen Premium Tail, Knuckle and Claw Maine/ Nova Scotia Lobster Meat, New England Style Rolls for the griddle, Hellmann's Mayo, and Fresh Celery!"|"So good, you'll think you're sitting seaside on the coast!
Our Lobster Roll Kits Feature Premium Tail Knuckle And Claw Lobster Meat!
Our Lobster Roll Kits bring the taste of Maine right into your own home!
That's right, make your own Lobster Salad Rolls right in your own kitchen! We ship you enough for 4 big homemade lobster rolls!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobster-roll-kit-for-8|LobRoll-8|ITEM.|"Maine Lobster Roll kit for 8 With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-roll-kit-for-8.html"|""|""|(212)|(208)|T|""|""|""|""|" You will receive 2 pounds of our Hand Picked Lobster Maine/ Nova Scotia lobster meat, more than enough to make 8 BIG homemade Lobster rolls right in your own kitchen!

Includes: 2lbs. Frozen Premium Lobster meat, 8 New England style rolls, Hellmann's mayo, and fresh celery!
(Ships Frozen)"|"On Sale Now!
Our customers LOVE our Maine Lobster roll kits, and they wanted them bigger!
Includes Premium Tail, Claw And Knuckle Lobster Meat!

Well here you go! This Original Lobsterguy Lobster Roll Kit Makes 8 Large "Lobsta Rolls"!
Our Lobster Rolls Are So good, you'll think you're sitting sea side on the coast enjoying the taste of Maine right in your own home!
We'll ship you more than enough for 8 big homemade lobster rolls!
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" maine-lobster-roll-kits||ITEM.|"Maine Lobster Roll Kits"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/maine-lobster-roll-kits.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"This is a VERY Popular Gift Idea for those who love Lobster Salad, and includes Free shipping

Our Lobster Roll Kits Include our 100% Natural Premium Hand Picked Lobster meat (No Preservatives)
and comes with "New England Style" frankfurter rolls for the griddle, Hellmann's mayo, celery and, of course, easy to prepare directions!

"|"Maine Lobster Roll Kits"|""|"Lobster Roll Kits"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LOBSTER-ROLL-KIT-FOR-4 :LOBSTER-ROLL-KIT-FOR-8)"||"" maine-lobster-seafood-extravaganza-dinner|SL-SE|ITEM.|"Maine Lobster Seafood Extravaganza Dinner"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/maine-lobster-seafood-extravaganza-dinner.html"|""|""|(205.99)|(195.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Your Seafood Extravaganza includes:
• Two 1 1/2 pound Fresh Live Maine lobsters • One pound of Awesome Sea Scallops • One pound of JUMBO Peeled and De-veined Ready To Steam Shrimp • One order of Capt. Tim's Cocktail Sauce • One pound of Hand-picked Crab Meat • and • 1 ct 18 oz. of Clam Chowder • 1 ct 18 oz. of Lobster Bisque!
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
"|"On Sale Now!
This Is A Great Live Lobster Dinner Start To Finish and comes With A Great Variety Of Lobsters, Chowder, Bisque,
Crab meat, Jumbo Gulf Of Mexico Peeled And De-Veined Ready To Steam Shrimp And Awesome Local Sea Scallops!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" maine-lobster-shore-dinners||ITEM.|"Maine Lobster Shore Dinners With Free Shipping!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/maine-lobster-shore-dinners.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our Maine Shore Dinners Bring you table side along the Summer Coast! Comes Complete with fresh 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters & Award Winning Clam Chowder,
Superb Lobster Bisque & Fresh Littleneck Clams. This Is Shore Side New England Dining At Its Finest, And Free Shipping Is Included.
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CORFROMNEWEN :NEWENDOUBCOR :8-OZ-BLACK-ANGUS--FILLET-MIGNON :UPGRADE-LOBSTER-SIZE-FOR-DINNER)"||"" lobstertails|lobstertails|ITEM.|"Maine Lobster Tails"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobstertails.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Capt. Tim Offers you 4 Sizes Of Cold Water Maine Lobster Tails that are SO easy to prepare!
The Finest Cold Water Maine Lobsters Tails Shipped Overnight Right To Your Door With Free Shipping

""We’ve loved ordering from LobsterGuy! We’ve been their customers for several years now, and so we ordered again this year for the same good, delicious reason again!""
On Occasion, We Also Stock quantities of Even Bigger 14-16 oz. 16-18 oz. and also massive 18-20 oz.Tails! Please call us toll free @ 1-866-788-0004 for Pricing And Availability on larger sizes. Thanks!

"|""|""|"Lobster Tails On Sale"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:SMALL-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :SMALL-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS-4 :TWO-7-8OZ-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :4CT-7-8OZ-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :TWO-COUNT-10-12-OZ-LOBSTER-TAILS :FOUR-COUNT-10-12-OZ-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :TWO-COUNT-12-14-OZ-JUMBO-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :FOUR-COUNT-12-14-OZ-JUMBO-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS)"||"" lobster-shore-diners||ITEM.|"Maine Shore Dinners!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobster-shore-diners.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Shipped Overnight To Your Door From The Coast Of New England!
Our Live Maine Lobster ""Classic"" & ""Shore Dinners"" Are An Awesome Home-style ""New England Seafood Dinna"" And Also Make A Great Holiday, Birthday Or Seafood Gift Idea!
"|"Live Maine Lobster Shore Dinners!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CLASSIC2 :CLASSIC4 :CORFROMNEWEN :NEWENDOUBCOR)"||"" musselsalad|1lb_Muss-salad|ITEM.|"Marinated Mussel Salad"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/musselsalad.html"|""|""|(12.99)|(11.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Sweet and succulent poached mussel meats are paired with a delicious marinade accompanied with red and green pepper strips and hot pepper rings.
A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
Available as an add on item only) 1 pound per order.
"|"On Sale Now!
Our Marinated Mussel Salad is made from only the Finest Maine & PEI Mussels and tossed with red peppers, spices, and tossed in a delicious balsamic marinade!
An Excellent Seafood salad choice!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" newensnsa|1lb_NEsnail|ITEM.|"Marinated Scungilli (Snail) Salad!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/newensnsa.html"|""|""|(21.99)|(19.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"New England Snail Salad: This is a real "swamper" New England food, but is also served in some of the finest restaurants, Go Figure! Our Snail Salad is just plain awesome! We take thinly sliced, fresh cooked snail meat, marinate it in a blend of olive oil and vinegar, add some fresh celery, garlic (lots of it!), black pepper, and that's it. The result is some of the best snail salad you'll find anywhere!
One order is one pound."|"On Sale Now!
Scungilli Salad!
We take thinly sliced, fresh cooked Atlantic conch meat, marinate it for days in a blend of virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, add some fresh cut celery, "lots" of garlic, pepper, seasonings and well that's it!.
This is a great Snail Salad that is very popular here in New England!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
One order is one pound."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" large-chocolate-lobster|large-chocolate-lobster|ITEM.|"Massive Chocolate Lobsta!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/large-chocolate-lobster.html"|""|""|(21.99)|(19.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"This Behemoth Chocolate Lobster from the folks over at Sweenor's Chocolates is ALL Milk Chocolate and Hand Made! Made with 100% Premium Chocolate and weighs in at almost 3/4s of a pound!
It's Sweet, its cool and it's excellent chocolate!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" more-side-dishes||ITEM.|"More Sides"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"If you want to send the complete package then these little add-ons with take care of that. ""Butta"" is a necessity with lobsters, (At least in our world!),
Pepperidge Farm ""Top-split"" New England style Rolls are only in the New England area (We don't know why that is either!)
and our Mignonette sauce for Oysters is a staple ingredient, along with our awesome Cocktail Sauce and dips etc!
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|"Add-ons you may need!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CAPT--TIMS--SEAFOOD-STUFFING :MAINE-CRAB-MEAT :RED-CRAB-MEAT :BUTTER-1-2-STICKS :TOPSPLOBUJBU :OYMISA :CAPTIMSHRIMC :CLAM-KNIVE :OYSTER-KNIVES :LOBPICSET :DIP-AND-PATE :SHRIMP-COCKTAIL-DELIVERY)"||"" pd-template||MAIN.|"My Account"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|"TheLobsterGuy - My Account"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" wishlist||ITEM.|"My Favorite Products"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" seascallops|1lb_SeaSC|ITEM.|"Nantucket ""Day Boat"" Sea Scallops!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/seascallops.html"|""|""|(34.99)|(32.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our All Natural Dry Dayboat caught Sea Scallops are Fresh Frozen the same day they are caught!
(The boats leave the docks around Midnight and return around midday to unload their catch! You cannot find a higher quality scallop anywhere!)
There are on average 10 to 25 scallops per pound.
( What we mean by the term "Dry Scallops" is absolutely NO preservatives or chemicals, Just 100% Natural Awesomeness!)"|"On Sale Now!
Our Best Selling Scallops!
These are 100% Natural with NO preservatives!
Our Deep Sea Scallops are Famous around the country for being THE BEST tasting Scallops Anywhere!
Caught Fresh Off The Coast Of Nantucket And New England Waters By Day Boat Fishermen, These Are The Best Scallops From The Best Scallop Grounds In The World!
Broiled, Baked or Fried, they are versatile, flavorful, and just plain Awesome!
Our Dry Dayboat caught Sea Scallops are Fresh Frozen the Same Day they are caught!
(One Pound Per Order)

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation"|""|"Atlantic Sea Scallops"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" newensnsapo|2lb_NESnail|ITEM.|"New England Scungilli (Snail) Salad - Two pounds"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/newensnsapo.html"|""|""|(18.99)|||""|""|""|""|"Two pounds of New England Snail Salad: This is a real "swamper" New England food, but is also served in some of the finest restaurants, Go Figure! Our Snail Salad is just plain awesome! We take thinly sliced, fresh cooked snail meat, marinate it in a blend of olive oil and vinegar, add some fresh celery, garlic (lots of it!), black pepper, and that's it. The result is some of the best snail salad you'll find anywhere!"|"Scungilli Salad!
We take thinly sliced, fresh cooked conch meat, marinate it for days in a blend of virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, add some fresh cut celery, "lots" of garlic, pepper, seasonings and we'll that's it!.
This is a great Snail Salad that is very popular here in New England!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" test-ship-info||INFO.|"No Name"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" noname12|noname12|ITEM.|"No Name"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/noname12.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"No Name"|"No Name"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" noatflfi|2lbsflounderfillet|ITEM.|"North Atlantic Flounder Fillets!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/noatflfi.html"|""|""|(26.99)|(24.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" Broiled, Baked or Fried, Our Flounder Fillets Are 100% Natural And Are Sustainably Harvested with NO preservatives!
This Delicate Fish Is very versatile and takes minutes to prepare!
2 lbs. per order 4-5 fillets on average)"|"On Sale Now!
North Atlantic ""Blackback"" Flounder Or Yellowtail Flounder Fillets! (2 Pounds Per Order)

Locally Caught In New England Waters By Dayboat Fisherman, These Delicate Local Fillets Are Outstanding For Home Made Fish & Chips, Flounder Francaise, Broiled With Lemon an Butter Or Simply Fried!
Our Flounder Is Hand Cut And Filleted The Same Day It's Landed At The Docks And Flash Frozen The Same Day To Ensure It's Great Quality!
(2lb. per order 4-5 fillets on average per order, ships frozen) "|""|"North Atlantic Flounder Fillet!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" nostoy|northstar|ITEM.|"North Star Oysters"|""|""|""|""|(0)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" hosixpaoflim|hosixpaoflim|ITEM.|"ON Sale ""The Captain's"" Live Lobster 6 Packs!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/hosixpaoflim.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"We Will Pack You Six Sweet Succulent Fresh Live Maine Lobsters And Ship Them Fresh Overnight Right To Your Door!
A Great Gift Idea, for The Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!"|"

Our 6 packs of Fresh Live Maine Lobsters come in a Variety of Sizes!!
Pick A Size That Works For You!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
You Save BIG When ordering a 6 Pack!"|""|"Live Lobster 6 Packs!
On Sale Now!"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:6PACKHALF :LIOBSIXPASHI :6PAOF134TO2P :SIXPAOF2POLO :SIXPACKOF2123S :BUTTER-1-2-STICKS :WANT-THEM-STEAMED)"||"" live-maine-lobster-4-packs|live-maine-lobster-4-packs|ITEM.|"ON SALE! 4 Packs of Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/live-maine-lobster-4-packs.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our Four Packs Of Live Maine Lobsters Are A Perfect Gift, Or For Any Occasion!
We'll Hand Select Four Fresh Hard Shell Maine Lobsters, Pack Them Up And Ship Them Fresh Overnight, Just For You!
"|" A Top Seller!
These Our Some Of Our Most Popular Lobster Packs!

""Four Packs"" Of Fresh Live Maine Lobsters Packed And Shipped Just For You!
All orders come with a personalized hand written card with Your Message & cooking instructions for easy preparation! "|""|"Live Lobster 4 Packs!
On Sale Now!"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:4PAOF114POLI :FOPAOFTWOPOL :FOPAOF3POLOS :FOPAOF2123PO :FOPAOF3POLIM :BIG-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACK :BUTTER-1-2-STICKS :WANT-THEM-STEAMED)"||"" twopaoflimal|twopaoflimal|ITEM.|"ON SALE! Two packs of Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/twopaoflimal.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our perennial favorite, live, luscious lobsters caught by Captain Tim, The Real LobsterGuy!
How about having a catch of neatly packed fresh live lobsters delivered to your doorstep tomorrow, Just for The Two of You!
(Ships Same Day if purchased by 10am EST)
"|"Voted THE Best ONLINE Lobster And Seafood Delivery Company for 2021,2022 & 2023 By Consumer Reviews!

Perfect For Any Occasion!

These Live Lobster "Two packs" are a great value!
We Offer You A Variety Of Choices With Our Two Packs Of Fresh Live Lobsters!

All orders come with a personalized hand written card with Your Message & Complete Cooking Instructions for easy preparation! "|""|"Live Lobster 2 Packs!
On Sale Now!"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:TWOPAOF1LIMA :TWOPA1LBLIMA :TWOPACK :TWOPAOF2212P :TWOPAOF25TO3 :TWOPAOF33POL :TWOPAOF3POLI :BUTTER-1-2-STICKS :WANT-THEM-STEAMED)"||"" one-gallon-clam-chowder|CCh_Gal|ITEM.|"One Gallon Clam Chowder"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/one-gallon-clam-chowder.html"|""|""|(42.99)|(39.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy's Gallon Of Clam Chowder is chock full of tender sweet clams, with just the right amount of potatoes in a rich flavorful broth! Simply put, you're going to love This Award Winning Chowder!
Note: One Gallon Creamy Clam Chowder serves 8-12 people. Great For Tailgating! {Ships frozen}
"|"On Sale Now!
Our Award Winning Creamy Clam Chowder is chock full of tender sweet clams, with just the right amount of potatoes in a rich flavorful broth!
Simply put, you're going to love it!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" one-gallon-lobster-bisque|LB-Gal|ITEM.|"One Gallon Of Lobster Bisque"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/one-gallon-lobster-bisque.html"|""|""|(43.99)|(42.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Our Gallons Of Lobster Bisque is a perfect blend of Sweet Maine lobster, sherry, cream and spices. This lobster bisque is one of our most popular sellers! A Gallon Will Feed The Whole Gang!
Note: One Gallon Lobster Bisque feeds 8-12 people.
(Ships frozen)
"|"On Sale Now!
Our Award Winning Lobster Bisque is a perfect blend of Maine lobster, sherry, cream and spices. This lobster bisque is one of our most popular sellers!

All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" one-pound-premium-maine-lobster-meat|1lb_FzLM1|ITEM.|"One pound Premium Maine Lobster Meat"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/one-pound-premium-maine-lobster-meat.html"|""|""|(69.99)|(65.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Premium Lobster meat!
Lobster Tail, Knuckle, and Claw Meat Only!
Our lobster meat is cooked and picked fresh every day and frozen immediately to ENSURE its great flavor! We offer you our finest lobster meat in one pound packs! Our Maine and Nova Scotia Lobster meat can be used in all kinds of seafood dishes and recipes!
1 lb. Maine Lobster meat
(Our Lobster meat is Shipped Frozen)"|"
Best Selling Lobster meat!
Premium Maine or Nova Scotia lobster meat for those who just want to do away with cooking and picking lobsters!
All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
(Our Lobster meat is Shipped Frozen)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" onions|Onions|ITEM.|"Onions"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" noname||ITEM.|"Optional FAX Order Form"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/fax-order-form.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"To fax your order, please fill out this form and fax it to us
Toll Free @ 855-788-0444.

We ship Mondays thru Thursdays, with delivery days Tuesdays thru Fridays
(There are NO Sunday or Monday deliveries by FedEx).

Saturday delivery, where available, is an additional charge from FedEx, and will be added to your shipping charges.
Please verify the availability of Saturday delivery to your location.

Total Shipping charges will calculated and added to your order.

Download our Fax Form Here

You can click here to download the PDF file.

Please call Toll Free @ 1-866-788-0004 if you have any questions.
Please fax your order Toll Free to: 1-855-788-0444.

"|""|""|"Optional Fax Order Form"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" other-entrees||ITEM.|"Other Entrees"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/other-entrees.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Other Entrees"|"Other Entrees"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:HAND-CUT-SWORDFISH-STEAKS :BASTFL :MAINE-LOBSTER-SURF-AND-TURF :ATLANTIC-SALMON-FILLETS)"||"" pleasvisoura||ITEM.|"Our Affiliates"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/pleasvisoura.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Popular Categories"|"Our Affiliates"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" valentine||ITEM.|"Our Dinner Ideas!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/valentine.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"We've gathered all our dinner offerings here just for you! We offer so many combos that you're sure to find one that fits your appetite! "|"These awesome dinners have Shipping Included!"|""|"Lobster Dinners & Combos"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:NEWENCLAMBAK :MAINE-LOBSTER-SHORE-DINNERS :ROMANTIC-LOBSTER-DINNERS :MAINE-LOBSTER-SEAFOOD-EXTRAVAGANZA-DINNER :MAINE-LOBSTER-SURF-AND-TURF)"||"" our-policies||ITEM.|"Our Policies"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"

Our Commitment To You And To Our Lobsters!

Sustainably Harvested Lobsters!

The Maine and New England Lobster Fishery is one of the most protected wild-caught fisheries on the planet! The Lobster Guy, its boats and fishermen strictly adhere to these policies to protect and preserve the fishery for generations to come!

There are Federal size limits on the minimum size of lobsters that can harvested and we also ""V notch"" female egg-bearing lobsters - we mark them, protecting them from harvest even after they have shed their eggs. Since they cannot be harvested they are able to repopulate and grow!

We also have escape vents in the traps that allow the juvenile lobsters to enjoy a free meal on us then escape thru the vent back to the ocean floor to freedom!

The lobster fishery is important to all Lobstermen up and down the coasts of New England, and preserving the resource for today as well as future generations of Lobstermen to come is paramount to Capt. Tim and all Lobstermen worth their salt!

Low Price Guarantee

We GUARANTEE that we have the lowest published prices on the web for our lobsters.

There is ONE EXCEPTION to this guarantee. We cannot guarantee lower prices than another lobster company's prices if they DO NOT GUARANTEE your lobsters are hardshell and alive when you receive them! Yes, it's true, there are companies that don't guarantee their lobsters. Other sites just state ""Guarantee"" in their advertising and figure consumers won't research the prices on other sites. I feel this is a shame!

How can I offer this guarantee? Because we already have the lowest prices - we pass along our significant FedEx Shipping Discounts to YOU, the Customer, and that's the Honest Answer! Plus we also have the freshest live lobsters which we catch off our own lobster boats!

I have been a Lobsterman for over 38 years! I want to earn your business, and I want to provide the Lowest-Priced Best Quality Live Lobsters. We get to show you our great customer service and the freshest hard shell lobsters, lobster dinner packages and seafood products...all while you get the lowest price and best products available!

LobsterGuy ships hand-selected, fresh hard-shell lobsters just for you, and NEVER sacrifice quality like some second and even third party retailers, we catch, handle and package them ourselves!

If by chance you ever find a lower price, please email us with your zip code at sales@thelobsterguy.com, and we will certainly look into it!

Order Modifications & Cancellations

You can cancel or reschedule delivery of your order up to One Day Prior to the day it ships. You must call us toll free at 1-866-788-0004 or email us at sales@thelobsterguy.com to arrange this.

Order cancellation MUST be made and confirmed by TheLobsterGuy PRIOR to SHIPMENT! A cancellation or reschedule email will be sent to you to verify.

You cannot call or contact FedEx to cancel an order, they are only the shipping company. It must be done and verified thru TheLobsterGuy.com. Lots of preparation and planning goes into shipping your order, so unfortunately, once we reach the shipping date, an order cannot be altered or cancelled.

If you need to amend your order after you have placed it, please contact us! We can usually add, subtract, or adjust ordered items for you!

If your existing order is shipping for delivery before or during a holiday season, any changes, cancellations, or modifications must be requested and accepted three (3) days prior to the delivery date. We cannot guarantee order adjustments during the busy holiday season!

Returns & Refund Policy

Eligible Products:

Because of the nature of the items, perishable products are NOT accepted for return.

Other non-perishable items (tee shirts, mugs, pick sets, etc.) may be returned, though you must first contact us before sending back an item and state a reason.

Gift Certificates are not returnable and cannot be redeemed for cash (unless otherwise required by law).

Return postage (via any method with tracking) is to be paid by the customer. Items must be in their original, unused condition. Once the returned product has been received, your refund will be processed within 3 business days. Original shipping charges will not be refunded and a 10% restock fee will be subtracted from your refund.

Issues with Receipt or Condition of Package:

If you encounter a rare problem with any items in your shipment, You must report the problem via email or phone immediately upon receipt of product on the day of your delivery. (All packages are shipped via FedEx Overnight and delivery is usually by mid-morning to mid-afternoon for your time zone unless specified elsewhere.)

If you reach us after hours, please leave a message with all of the details. Photographs of damaged product and packaging are required. If your order is missing an item, please thoroughly inspect the package and remove all packing materials. Small items, like pick sets or bibs, can be underneath packing paper. Items like Chowder and Lobster Bisque that ship frozen can and have been mistaken for gel packs! So please check your box carefully!

If your package has been delayed in transit due to a weather event (designated as such by FedEx), this falls under ""Act of God Clause"" and we cannot issue you a refund or reship your order. Note: as long as the contents of the package are still cold to the touch, the product inside is still fine to cook and consume.

If there is any other problem with your package, we can coordinate a refund or a reshipment of the item(s) in question. You must contact us upon receipt of your order on the day of delivery and advise us of the specific problem with your order. You will be required to email us photos of the damage or other issue encountered.

We can be contacted via phone toll free at 866-788-0004 or via email at sales@thelobsterguy.com. If you leave a message or send an email, please include your order number (if available) and the Shipped To name on the package, including the proper spelling.

Terms & Conditions

Neither FedEx nor LobsterGuy will be held responsible for any delivery delays that are included under FedExs ""Liabilities not Assumed"". You can request the most recent list from either LobsterGuy or FedEx or you may consult the FedEx website. These are typically rare events that include hazards such as severe or extreme weather events. Any weather disruption or other National Service Disruption (as designated by FedEx) may delay normal delivery routes, times, and/or schedules and neither FedEx nor LobsterGuy will be held responsible for the contents of such packages. Specifically, once in transit, the LobsterGuy will not honor any claims, be held financially responsible, or replace shipments of packages that FedEx has declined to cover. If you think your local weather may impact your delivery, please call and reschedule your shipment no later than 12 pm on the day your order is to be shipped. We will do all we can to safeguard against weather delays but we are not responsible for Mother Nature. Thank you.

Please note that signatures MAY BE REQUIRED for delivery.
If the total of your order is over $500, a SIGNATURE WILL be required for delivery.
Deliveries to BUSINESS ADDRESSES WILL REQUIRE a signature for delivery.
Deliveries to apartment buildings, townhouses, and condo complexes MAY REQUIRE a signature.
Deliveries to residential locations MAY require a signature for delivery -- it will be up to the discretion of the individual FedEx delivery driver.

In the very rare occurrence of an order discrepancy or damage it must be reported to us within 4 hours of delivery. You can report via phone or email at: 1.866.788.0004 or sales@thelobsterguy.com

For all gifts, YOU are responsible for notifying your recipient about delivery.
YOU are also responsible for entering and verifying the proper and current delivery address including the correct zip code! The delivery address must be CURRENT AND ACCURATE. FedEx and LobsterGuy cannot be held responsible for any orders with the incorrect delivery information, including, but not limited to: incorrect zip code; incorrect or missing house/apartment/suite numbers and/or letters; incorrect or incomplete street names; and/or misspellings, etc.

Incorrect addresses usually result in a delivery delay of least one regular business day. Please note that FedEx does not count Saturdays or Sundays as regular business days.

FedEx charges us to correct an address....a fee of $24.00 will be charged to you if the address given is incorrect or incomplete. If the delivery address needs to be adjusted, on-time delivery is NOT guaranteed and may result in a delayed delivery date.

LobsterGuy is not responsible for delays caused by incorrect shipping information. We will not reship or refund orders when the address information given is incorrect.

Order from LobsterGuy with confidence, and you'll see why we have the lowest prices, best lobsters, and the best customer feedback... all without sacrificing quality!

Capt. Tim
The LobsterGuy

"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ourlobves||ITEM.|"Our Vessels"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/ourlobves.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"

Hey there, folks! Welcome aboard TheLobsterGuy.com – your go-to spot for the freshest seafood straight from the coast of Maine! I'm Tim Handrigan, the proud owner and captain of the ""F/V Courtney Elizabeth,"" as seen on Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch Series, Lobstermen.


Courtney Elizabeth--Captain Tim Handrigan

""The 'Courtney Elizabeth' was constructed in 1987 exclusively for offshore lobstering. She was built in Bayou La Batre, Alabama, the same city featured in the movie 'Forrest Gump.'

Captain Tim, known as The Lobster Guy, oversaw the vessel's construction, tailoring it to his precise specifications based on his extensive experience in the lobster industry. Year-round, the 'Courtney Elizabeth' navigates the offshore waters of New England, excelling in her primary pursuit: lobstering.

Affectionately referred to as 'Courtney' by her crew, the vessel typically carries a team of 4 to 5 lobstermen during the summer and fall seasons. These trips typically extend 3 to 4 days, with travel time adding an extra 5 to 7 days.

During periods between fishing expeditions, the crew remains tirelessly engaged in preparing the vessel for the next journey. This preparation involves oil changes, loading bait, supplies, and fuel, all handled with meticulous care. Furthermore, the vessel undergoes a thorough cleaning after each and every trip.

Captain Tim's exacting standards ensure that the 'Courtney' remains in pristine condition. Even today, her state mirrors that of her maiden voyage from the shipyard. Presently, she accommodates up to 2000 lobster traps, set in 50 trap trawls—a configuration wherein a continuous rope connects a series of lobster traps, spanning approximately 1 mile.

Our Lobster Gear is deployed at varying depths, reaching up to 200 fathoms in winter and as shallow as 20 fathoms in summer (1 fathom equals 6 feet). Each trap is secured to the string using 2-fathom pieces of rope, known as 'snoods.' The primary rope string is referred to as the 'ground line.' The traps, commonly called 'pots,' are predominantly constructed from vinyl-covered wire, with an average cost of $150 per trap. (Wooden traps are also still in use).

The average cost of outfitting a complete new trawl for the 'Courtney' amounts to around $6000.

Courtney Elizabeth Main Engine Specs & Onboard Equipment:

Main Engine: 3412 Caterpillar Diesel Generators | 2 (50 kilowatt power plants) | 30 ton complete RSW (refrigerated seawater system) | Length = 90 feet | Width = 23 feet | Draft = 11 1/2 feet | Gross Weight = 230 tons | Cruising Speed = 9 knots

Onboard Equipment: 2 Furuno Radars | 2 VHF radios | 1 SSB radio | 3 Loran-C Navigators | 2 GPS | 1 Weather Fax | 1 Sat phone | 1 Cellular Phone | 2 Depth Finder/Chromiscope | 2 EPIRB distress beacons | 1 Eight man offshore survival raft


Aces High--Captain Teddy McCaffrey

Captain Teddy’s love for the sea and lobster fishing runs deep, stemming from his earliest memories working alongside his father, Ed. From the tender age of 8 and being being able to stand on deck, he absorbed the rhythms of the ocean and the craft of fishing. His apprenticeship began working with his Dad, learning the ropes of seamanship and mastering the nuances of catching lobsters from his Dad .

As Teddy matured, so did his skills and ambitions. He ventured into the offshore lobster fishery, seeking new challenges and experiences. Crewing on vessels like the F/V Monitor and the F/V Courtney Elizabeth provided invaluable lessons in seamanship and leadership under the watchful eye of Captain Tim. These formative years shaped Teddy into the capable and confident skipper he is today!

The culmination of Teddy's journey came when he acquired his own offshore lobsterboat, the F?V Aces High, a vessel that represented not just a purchase, but a manifestation of his dedication and passion. With painstaking attention to detail, he's transformed the Aces High into a vessel worthy of his aspirations, ready to navigate the demanding waters and brutal offshore lobster fishery with aplomb.

Captain Tim's admiration for Teddy's prowess is evident: 'He is one of the finest young skippers to emerge in a long, long time, and boy, can he catch lobsters!'

Indeed, Teddy's journey from deckhand to a top respected captain is a testament to his skill, determination, and unwavering love for the sea.

    "|"Welcome Aboard Our Vessels"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" desserts||ITEM.|"Outstanding ""Sweet Street"" Desserts!"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"How Bout A Few Really Great Choices of Really Great Cakes To Top Off A Great LobsterGuy Dinner!
These delectable cakes and chocolates are simply an outstanding addition to any order!
Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:CHOCCHEESECAKE :ULTIMATE-CARROT-CAKE :SALTED-CARAMEL-VANILLA-CRUNCH-CAKE :LOBSTER-CHOCOLATE-SAMPLER :LARGE-CHOCOLATE-LOBSTER)"||"" all-scallops||ITEM.|"Outstanding Scallops"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/all-scallops.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our Scallop Page Starts With The Premier Customer Favorite, Atlantic Sea Scallops! These 100% All Natural Deep Sea Scallops Are Caught In The Cold Clear Waters Of Nantucket Sound And George's Banks And Are World Renowned As The Finest Sea Scallops Available Anywhere! We also offer our sweet and tender Bay Scallops that are great in their own right!

Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|""|""|" Awesome Scallops"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:SEASCALLOPS :NONAME10 :SHRIMP-AND-SCALLOPS-SURF-N-TURF)"||"" shipping-questions-and-info||ITEM.|"Overnight Shipping and Information!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/shipping-questions-and-info.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"

Want Delicious Live Maine Lobsters, but live in Southern California?
Want to send Mom and Dad a New England Lobster Clambake to Florida?
No Problem! We ship to nearly anywhere in the contiguous US of A, Overnight!

The Experts at FEDEX will be handling your shipping logistics once your package has received its tracking number.

With The LobsterGuy and FEDEX it's what we do and we've been doing it right for over 26 Years!

FEDEX Shipping Information:
LobsterGuy Ships ALL Orders via FEDEX NEXT DAY AIR.
What this means is that your order should be delivered around 12 pm,
The delivery commitment time depends on the destination zip code and ranges from 10:30am to 4:30pm. The more rural the delivery, the later in the day the commit time. If you would like to know your delivery commit time, please email us or call us and we can look it up for you and get you a better idea.

All Packages are sent SHIPPER RELEASE, which means the FEDEX driver will leave your package as long as it is deemed a safe location. Typically, signatures are required for deliveries to a business address, apartment building, or condo complex.


Please, Double Check your SHIPPING INFORMATION BEFORE you place your order, and make sure it is current updated and, most importantly, accurate!
FEDEX will Charge YOU for All Address corrections, and re-routing fees of your package if the information you provided is not correct!
FED will also NOT Guarantee Same Day delivery if there is an incorrect address, and FEDEX will charge the customer (You) a 25.00 address correction fee

If you are shipping to an office building, or apartment or condo complex, PLEASE notify the recipient that a PERISHABLE PACKAGE is being delivered!
Deliveries above the 1st floor of buildings will only be attempted ONCE, and FEDEX may require a signature for these deliveries.
If delivery is NOT made on the first attempt, FEDEX will then contact you to arrange a possible second attempt to deliver your package. (there is no exact reattempted delivery time once this occurs) or pickup at the local FEDEX depot may be required, especially around the Holiday Season, so please notify your recipient, we cannot stress this enough!

Again, It is at the FEDEX drivers sole discretion whether to leave your package!
If he deems it NOT safe, he will NOT leave the package, so PLEASE notify your recipients that they are to receive a perishable delivery!
(You can still keep what's inside the box a surprise!)

Remember, FEDEX delivers millions of parcels a day, so let's get this right the first time so everyone is happy!)
They are available to ensure your shipping process is easy and effortless!

TRACKING Your Order!

  • FEDEX will generate a tracking number for your order only AFTER it has been packaged and is ready for pickup the day it ships.
    A FEDEX tracking number for your package will ONLY be sent to the email address YOU specified on your order form.
    Your tracking number will be sent after 4pm EST, ONLY on the DAY YOUR ORDER IS TO BE SHIPPED.
  • Once Your Package Has A Tracking Number And Left Our Docks For Shipment, and you have questions or concerns about your orders delivery status, please do not hesitate to call FEDEX Toll Free @ 1-800GOFEDEX and they will more than glad to help!
  • Please provide your tracking number when you call,
    (Again, Your Tracking Number will be emailed to you only on the Afternoon your order ships out)
    If you are sending a gift, PLEASE make sure that the recipient is AWARE they will be receiving Perishable Products!
    Surprises are awesome, but YOU need to make sure your recipient knows they will be receiving a Perishable Gift on the Delivery Date You Requested!
    We are not responsible for packages NOT received by unavailable recipients, so please make sure they know they have a SURPRISE coming from You!

  • Important:
    Please Keep an Eye on your Local Weather!
    FED EX & LobsterGuy will do all we can to ensure weather does not impede the delivery of your order.
    In some extreme cases, we reserve the right to suspend or reschedule your delivery. Should we make this decision, we will contact you immediately, However, it is up to YOU the customer, to be aware of your local weather!
    LobsterGuy is NOT responsible for delays or undelivered shipments due to weather delays.
  • FEDEX considers this to be an ""Act of God Clause"" and will NOT honor any reimbursement and or claim for non-delivery due to severe weather.
  • Our orders are shipped in Styrofoam-lined cardboard boxes and shipped with frozen gel packs to keep everything cold! Larger boxes of lobsters are shipped with lobsters upright in their own partitioned space.
    "|"UPS Shipping"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" oymisa|mignonette|ITEM.|"Oyster Mignonette Sauce"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/oymisa.html"|""|""|(4.99)||T|""|""|""|""|"Capt. Tim's Mignonette Sauce Is The Perfectly Blended Oyster Sauce!
    A must have to go along with your Oysters, and even Littlenecks!
    Our Mignonette Oyster Sauce Is A Great addition to any Oyster Order!

    Our Mignonette is made using a blend of red wine vinegar, sweet onions, chopped garlic and cracked pepper!
    It's fantastic drizzled over your fresh shucked oysters as an alternative to cocktail sauce
    Great On Our Native Oysters, and even our Fresh Littleneck Clams!
    (Available as an Add On item only)
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" oyster-knives|oystknv|ITEM.|"Oyster Shucking Knives!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/oyster-knives.html"|""|""|(7.5)||T|""|""|""|""|"Our Oyster knives are wood handled with a stainless steel curved blade that is made just for shuckin' oysters.
    Note: We are not responsible if you cut yourself, so Please, be careful will ya!

    (Oyster Knives are available as an Add On Item only)
    "|"These Oyster Shuckin' Knives Will Make it a Snap to Pop Open Your Fresh Local Oysters From The LobsterGuy!
    It Helps If You Put Your Oysters In The Freezer For About 10 minutes Before You Open Them!

    (Oyster Knives are available as an Add On Item only)
    All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" plpooy|plumpoint|ITEM.|"Plum Point Oysters"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" popular-categories||ITEM.|"Popular Categories"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/popular-categories.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Slow Smoked for Capt. Tim by the boys at Fox Seafood, It has that True New England smoked flavor with no preservatives! It's a nice variety of assorted smoked Bluefish, Mackerel And Salmon fillets.
    1 pound per order.
    A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
    "|"Popular Categories"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" premium-maine-lobster-meat||ITEM.|"Premium Maine Lobster Meat!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/premium-maine-lobster-meat.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Great Tasting Sweet Succulent 100% Natural Maine Lobster Meat!
    This is Premium Tail, Knuckle, and Claw Meat! Premium Maine & Nova Scotia cold water lobster meat for those who just want to do away with cooking and picking lobsters! Our lobster meat is cooked and picked fresh every day and is flash-frozen immediately after picking to ensure its great flavor!
    Order online anytime, but all orders for Next Day Delivery must be placed by 7 PM EST the day before shipment."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:ONE-POUND-PREMIUM-MAINE-LOBSTER-MEAT :TWO-POUNDS-PREMIUM-MAINE-LOBSTER-MEAT :LOBSTER-ROLL-KIT-FOR-4 :LOBSTER-ROLL-KIT-FOR-8 :CRAB-SALD-ROLLS :MAINE-CRAB-MEAT :RED-CRAB-MEAT :TOPSPLOBUJBU)"||"" privacypolicy||PRIVACYPOLICY.|"Privacy Policy"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy.com has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy and our commitment to you! The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website, LobsterGuy.com.

    IP Addresses & Cookies:

    Your IP address is only used to help identify you and your shopping cart.

    Our site uses a small file called a Cookie to keep track of your shopping cart. A cookie is a small data file that certain Web sites write to your hard drive when you visit them. A cookie file can contain information such as a user ID that the site uses to track the pages you've visited, But the only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. A cookie can't read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. We do not store passwords or any personal information about you. We use this ID to identify you anonymously in our database and to track the pages you visit on our site. For added security, we encrypt your user ID.

    Additionally, third party vendors, including Google, show LobsterGuy.com ads on sites on the internet. Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on your prior visits to our website. You may opt out of Google's use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page..

    Links & Forms on our Website:

    Our site may contain links to other sites for promotional purposes. LobsterGuy.com is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.

    Our site uses an order form for customers to request information, products, and services. We collect visitor's contact information (ex. email addresses) and, when placing orders, financial information (ex. account or credit card numbers). Contact information from the order form is used to send orders to our customers. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below. Financial information that is collected is used to ONLY bill the user for products and services requested. We do not keep your credit card information on file.

    We do not automatically sign you up for our mailing list. To be added our email specials list, please use the link below. You may edit your subscription or opt-out at any time.


    This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control.
    We NEVER transmit your data through unsecure means....we receive your data through secure/encrypted channels by PAY PAL and we NEVER give, sell, or produce your personal information.

    Choosing to Opt-Out:

    Our site provides users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us and our partners at the point where we request information about the visitor.

    We give users the following options for removing their information from our database to not receive future communications or to no longer receive our service. You can:

    Send email to: info@thelobsterguy.com
    Visit the following: https://www.thelobsterguy.com/contact-us.html
    Call us toll-free at: 1-866-788-0004
    Fax us at: 401-284-3348
    Send mail to the following postal address:
    P.O. BOX 3189
    Narragansett, RI 02882

    Correcting/Updating Info:

    This site gives users the following options for modifying information previously provided:
    Email: info@TheLobsterGuy.com
    Visit: https://www.thelobsterguy.com/contact-us.html
    Send mail to the following postal address:
    P.O. BOX 3189
    Narragansett, RI 02882

    Contacting the Web Site:

    If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, please contact:
    Captain Tim Handrigan
    P.O. BOX 3189
    Narragansett, RI 02882

    "|""|""|""|""||"" quonnieoysters|Quonnie|ITEM.|"Quonnie Oysters"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ravereviews1||LINK.|"Rave Reviews"|"http://www.lobsterguy.com/readwhatourc.html"|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"See what past customers had to say about the Lobster Guy!"|""|""|""|""|""||"" redpotato|RPotato|ITEM.|"Red Potato"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 24corepaofli|24corepaofli|ITEM.|"Restaurant Lobster Packs"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/24corepaofli.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Please give us a call with your particular needs and we will give you a quote and advise on the available overnight shipping options! Toll Free @ 1 -866-788-0004 Or just email us your request for a quote to: sales@thelobsterguy.com We ship only Hard Shell premium Live Maine Lobsters! Regular Shipping Days are Mondays Thru Thursdays, with some limited Saturday Deliveries available."|"We Offer 24 count Restaurant Packs of our Live Maine Lobsters. Available in 1 1/4s, 1 1/2s, 1 3/4 pound sizes. We will also be glad to customize your order for larger size Lobsters!!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" rodich|rdchocolate|ITEM.|"Romantic Dinner Chocolates "|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" romantic-lobster-dinners|RD-1|ITEM.|"Romantic Lobster Dinners!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/romantic-lobster-dinners.html"|""|""|(166.99)|(161.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" Includes:
    Two 1 3/4 to 2 pound Live Maine Lobsters, 1lb. of JUMBO 8-12 Peeled And De-veined Gulf Of Mexico Shrimp, Cocktail Sauce and Fresh Lemon, Clam Chowder, Lobster Bisque, 2 Lobster Bib and Pick Sets, superb gourmet chocolates and a romantic long stem candle and candle holder is also included! ♥ Go ahead, treat yourselves!

    This Is A Great Gift Idea, for The Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!!
    "|"On Sale Now!
    A perfect Idea for that Holiday, New Years Eve, Valentine's, Birthday or Anniversary Dinner, or just for that special evening for the two of you!
    We Include Everything You'll Need From Start To Finish To Enjoy Are Great Romantic Seafood Dinner!
    Go Ahead And Treat Yourselves!!

    All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" salted-caramel-vanilla-crunch-cake|carmel-cake|ITEM.|"Salted Caramel Vanilla Crunch Cake!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/salted-caramel-vanilla-crunch-cake.html"|""|""|(9.99)|(8.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"A Light, buttery vanilla-flecked cake with waves of caramel cake and layered with salted caramel crunch and a creamy custard layer!
    1 Slice of Caramel Vanilla Crunch Cake Per Order (Ships Frozen)"|"Awesome Caramel Crunch Cake!
    Another Winner From The Great Folks At ""Sweet Street Desserts""!
    This Decadent Salted Caramel Vanilla Crunch Cake Has It All!
    Light sweet waves of buttery vanilla cake layered with salted caramel crunch and a creamy custard layered center!
    Get your dessert forks out!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" saandfl|SausFldr|ITEM.|"Sausage and Flounder"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" entrees||ITEM.|"Seafood Entrees & Fish Fillets!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/entrees.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"A Great Assortment Of Classic Home Style Seafood Dishes Our Customers Love!
    Capt. Tim's commitment to quality and value are second to none with all of our Seafood Entrees from our wildly Popular Lobster Mac & Cheese, To Our Delightful Stuffed Shrimp As Well As Local Premium Fish Fillets!
    Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|""|""|"Seafood Entrees & Fish Fillets"|""|""|""|""|""|"(:BAKED-STUFFED-SHRIMP-DINNER :LOBSTER-MAC-AND-CHEESE :HAND-CUT-SWORDFISH-STEAKS :ATLANTIC-CODFISH- :ATLANTIC-SALMON-FILLETS :BASTFL :NOATFLFI)"||"" nsearch||SEARCH.|"Search The LobsterGuy Website!"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Don't see what you're looking for? Try the red All Products link in the menu above or call us toll-free at 1-866-788-0004 and we'll be more than thank happy to help you!
    - Thanks, Capt. Timmy & The Staff @ LobsterGuy! "|"The Finest& Freshest Live Maine Lobsters And Lobster Dinners Shipped Fresh Overnight From The Lobsterman Himself!
    Capt.Tim Of Discovery Channels "Lobstermen" Series!
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" secureserver|secureserver|ITEM.|"Secure Server"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/secureserver.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Click above logo or here for Home Page Lobster Guy.com processes all transactions using "Yahoo! Stores" industry-standard SSL encryption. Yahoo! Stores use the Stronghold secure server, which is one of the best in the industry. It supports industry-standard 128-bit SSL encryption. When you enter your credit card number into the order form, it is transmitted across the Internet in an encrypted (scrambled) form, then decoded when it gets to us. If you are not the kind of person who worries about being hit by lightning as you're crossing the street, you probably don't have to worry that your credit card number will be intercepted on the way to a secure Web site. According to CNN... "The prevalent opinion...is that on-line credit card use is actually no riskier for consumers than traditional "low-tech" transactions." We (as consumers ourselves), order products online all the time, both as a company and as individuals. When we use a credit card to buy something online, we feel as safe as we would using a credit card in a store or restaurant. If you would rather not place your order online, just call us to place your order over the phone! 866.788.0004"|"Feel secure when you order online with us!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" noname8||ITEM.|"Selecting a Shipping Date"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/noname8.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"*** We ship Mondays through Thursdays for deliveries on Tuesday through Fridays. *** We also offer shipping on Fridays for deliveries on Saturdays to many (but not all) major cities and towns. Entering your zip code during the checkout process will let you know what delivery dates are available to your location (including Saturdays). You may also call us and we can check for you! Our toll free number is 866.788.0004! *** Please be aware that Saturday delivery is a special service and there is an additional charge that will be calculated into the total cost of your order. Also... We need to give the lobsters some time to get used to flying on a plane, most of them don't like planes, so we have to talk them into it. With that in mind, please submit your order no later than 1pm EST the day it needs to be shipped. For example, if you would like your order to be shipped for delivery on Friday, we need your order in by 1pm EST on Thursday.
    Thank you! The LobsterGuy Staff
    "|"Selecting a Shipping Date"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" send-as-gift-certificates||ITEM.|"Send Products as Gift Certificates"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" shipping-info||ITEM.|"Shipping Info"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" info||INFO.|"Shipping Information"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|"The Nitty Gritty Shipping Info"|""|""|""|"LobsterGuy currently ship orders overnight Monday through Thursday, with delivery on Tuesday through Friday!

    Saturday delivery (where available), is an additional FedEx Weekend delivery charge. If you are unsure if Saturday delivery is available to your area, please call us Toll Free @ 866-788-0004 or contact FedEx @ 1-800-GOFedEx or Click here to go to FedEx.com for immediate help.

    Tracking Info For Your Order!

    IMPORTANT: Your FedEx Tracking Number for your package/order will be emailed to you only after your order has been packed by us and once it leaves our facility for shipment

    FedEx Tracking #'s are generated and typically sent to you around 5 PM EST the day your order ships. Your tracking info will be automatically sent to the email address that you provided during checkout at the time you placed your order.

    Please use our TRACK MY ORDER tool to track the status of your order while still at our facility as well as get your FedEx Tracking Number. This tool can be conveniently accessed at any time from the masthead and footer of any page on our site, so please, no need to call for tracking numbers, Thank You!

    Shipping Policy Details...

    • Once your Package has left our docks, it is in the hands of FedEx (1-800-GOFEDEX). If you require additional information on your package, please contact FedEx with your tracking number directly toll-free 1-800-GOFEDEX and they will more than happy to assist you!

    • We ship all orders for Overnight Delivery via FedEx in the Continental United States to you or your recipients.

    • Our packages are typically delivered anywhere from early morning to early afternoon, but rural areas may take longer.

    • You MUST provide a PHYSICAL address for product delivery. We do NOT deliver to P.O. Boxes NOR do we deliver to FedEx or UPS Stores or ANY Other 3rd Party Sites.

    • Under No Circumstances Can Orders Be Rerouted For Delivery. If for some reasonable reason you need to pick up your package, we can arrange for you to pick it up at your local FedEx Station Only With a Photo ID. Please contact us for details and assistance.

    • We send ALL packages ""SHIPPER RELEASE"" which allows the FedEx delivery person to leave the package at its destination with the FedEx Drivers Discretion

    • If FedEx deems your area to be NOT satisfactory to leave your package SIGNATURE RELEASE, FedEx reserves the right to NOT leave the package, and will attempt to contact you to arrange for the next suitable delivery or pick up at the nearest FedEx location. (Personal Verification and a PHOTO ID MATCHING THE NAME ON THE ORDER WILL be required)

    • If you are shipping to an apartment or office building, FedEx will make ONE attempt to deliver.

    • To insure proper ON TIME delivery, PLEASE make sure the RECIPIENT information you provide us for your order is ACCURATE and CURRENT. We are not be responsible for delayed deliveries due to inaccurate shipping information, and additional FedEx charges may be applied for address correction and re-routing for proper delivery. In this case, same day delivery is no longer guaranteed! Correct delivery address information is your responsibility so PLEASE check the delivery information carefully!

    • If sending gifts, we strongly suggest you notify your recipient that a perishable package is en route on that day to ensure someone is available to receive it.

    • Shipments to warm weather climates should NOT be left unattended for long! Your box is a shipping container and needs to be cared for accordingly, and it should NOT be left out in the heat!

    • We are not responsible for weather delays that FedEx deems to be an ""Act of God"", that may on rare occasions delay or impair your delivery.

    • FedEx has also waived its on-time delivery commitments for the Holiday Season. What does this mean? Most, if not all packages will be delivered on-time, however, some packages may be delayed but will be delivered the same day, just not by noon-time. Please Be patient, FedEx drivers are working really hard to accommodate everyone! If you are shipping FROZEN products, please, order and ship AHEAD of the Holidays so you have them, Less Stress for everyone!... tx Capt. Tim

    • We also ship to limited locations in Hawaii & Alaska. Please call for availability and shipping prices to those areas.

    • Shipments of ""Live"" product, i.e. Live Lobsters, Clams, Shellfish etc. into Hawaii also require import permits! This is the receiver's responsibility! For more information, click here. We will need a copy of your import {Hawaii} permit emailed or scanned to us before we can ship any ""live"" product to Hawaii.

    To Calculate Overnight Shipping Charges for Your Order...


    • Please add your selected items into your shopping cart. Scroll down to the bottom of the shopping cart page and enter your ship to zip code and state into the Shipping Calculator. Click ""Apply"" and your shipping charges will be displayed!

    • Please remember folks, this is Overnight Next Day Delivery of Live Lobsters and Perishable Products, we're not shipping paper clips here! lol!

    • During the checkout process, please choose the day you would like your lobsters delivered. We ship MONDAY through THURSDAY with delivery on TUESDAY through FRIDAY. Saturday delivery, when available, is an extra charge which will be included in your total. Please call us to check the availability of Saturday delivery to your shipping location. 866.788.0004

    • There are NO deliveries on Sundays, Mondays or major holidays.

    • All orders must be placed before 7 PM EST the evening prior to shipping from New England. For example, if you would like your order delivered on a Friday, you MUST place your order before 7 PM EST on Wednesday.

    • We DO ship to many locations in Hawaii and Alaska. Call us if you would like to place an order so we can make sure service is available there!

    • Since we are shipping perishable products to you Overnight, we extend to you the same DISCOUNTED shipping rates that FedEx charges us, Overnight FedEx Delivery Charges are determined by the weight of the package and distance to where it is going (zip-code).

    • The checkout page automatically calculates overnight shipping costs based on Weight And Zip Code. The total cost of your order, shipping, and sales tax (ONLY if applicable) will be displayed and a confirmation E-mail with a copy of your order will be sent to you once you have placed your order.

    • Again, you can check your Overnight Shipping Charges with no obligation by simply adding the items into your shopping cart, scrolling down, entering your ship to zip code and state, and clicking ""Apply"". The shipping charges will then show in your cart.

    • $CUSTOM-BANNER-2$"|"$CUSTOM-BANNER-1$ LobsterGuy Shipping, Delivery & FedEx Overnight Tracking Information!
      "|""|""|""||"" insurance-items||ITEM.|"Shipping Insurance Items - DO NOT DELETE!!!"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:SHIPPING-INSURANCE-BASE :SHIPPING-INSURANCE-FLAT :SHIPPING-INSURANCE-150-300 :SHIPPING-INSURANCE-300-450 :SHIPPING-INSURANCE-450-650 :SHIPPING-INSURANCE-650-MORE)"||"" ind||EMPTY.|"Sitemap"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" smallmayo|smmayo|ITEM.|"Small Mayo"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" smpesapa|1ct_salmn-pate|ITEM.|"Smoked Salmon Pâté"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/smpesapa.html"|""|""|(12.99)|(11.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"This Salmon Pâté Makes A Great Seafood Appetizer!
      A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!
      "|"On Sale Now!
      Our Gourmet Smoked Salmon Pâté is made with only premium cuts of flavorful pepper smoked salmon, cream cheese and spices and is bursting with sweet salmon flavor!
      This is a popular party appetizer!
      1/2 lb. per order

      All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 1ctsteamedcrab|1ctsteamedcrab|ITEM.|"Steamed Crabs"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" screen-print-white-t-shirt|screened-lob-guy-t|ITEM.|"Stylin' Screened White T Shirt"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/screen-print-white-t-shirt.html"|""|""|(22.99)|(19.99)|T|"Sizes Med Lg XL XXL"|"
      "|""|""|"Cool screen printed Lobsterguy 100% Cotton T-Shirt with the alternate LobsterGuy logo on the chest, on the back, and of course the American flag on the left sleeve! "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" sustsc|StScall|ITEM.|"Succulent Stuffed Scallops"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/sustsc.html"|""|""|(12.99)|(10.99)||""|""|""|""|"...Stuffed with tender lobster meat, succulent crab meat, sea scallops and shrimp, and seasoned with white wine, sherry and parmesan cheese and finally mixed with Panko style bread crumbs. Delicious!"|" Our Stuffed Sea Scallops make a great appetizer or addition to any seafood or Live Maine Lobster dinner! There are two stuffed scallops per order.

      All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" surf---turf-dinners-delivered||ITEM.|"Surf & Turf Dinners Delivered"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/surf---turf-dinners-delivered.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"These All make a Great And Affordable Gift Giving Idea!"|"We Offer Options on our Surf & Turf Dinners! All are Outstanding Gift Choices!!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:ULTIMATE-SURF---TURF-DINNER-WITH-APPETIZERS :BAKED-STUFFED-SHRIMP-SURF---TURF-DINNER)"||"" lowpricguar||ITEM.|"Sustainability, Lowest Price Guarantee, Returns, & Refunds"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/lowpricguar.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Our Commitment To You And To Our Lobsters!
      Sustainably Harvested Lobsters!
      The Maine And New England Lobster Fishery Is one of the most protected wild caught fisheries on the planet! Lobsterguy, it's Boats and Fisherman strictly adhere to these policies to protect and preserve the fishery for generations to come!
      There are Federal size limits on the minimum size of lobsters that can harvested and we also "" V notch"" female egg bearing lobsters ( We mark them protecting them from harvest even after they have shed their eggs) so they cannot be harvested allowing them to repopulate and grow! We have escape vents in the traps that allow the juvenile lobsters to enjoy a free meal on us then escape thru the vent back to the ocean floor to freedom! The lobster fishery is important to all Lobstermen up and down the coasts of New England, and preserving the resource for today as well as future generations of Lobstermen to come is paramount to Capt. Tim and all Lobstermen worth their salt!

      We GUARANTEE that we have the lowest published prices on the web for our lobsters.
      There is ONE EXCEPTION to this guarantee.
      We cannot guarantee lower prices than another lobster company if they DO NOT GUARANTEE your lobsters are hardshell and alive when you receive them!
      Yes, it's true.
      There are companies that don't guarantee their lobsters...
      Other sites just state ""Guarantee"" in their advertising and figure consumers won't research the prices on other sites.
      I feel this is a shame!
      We Pass On Our Significant FedEx Shipping Discounts To You The Customer, And That's The Honest Answer!

      How can I offer this guarantee?
      Because we already have the lowest prices, And We also have the freshest live lobsters which we catch off our own lobster boats!
      I have been a Lobsterman for over 38 years!
      I want to earn your business, and I want to provide the lowest priced Best Quality Live Lobsters...
      We get to show you our great customer service, lowest prices, and the freshest hard shell lobsters, lobster dinners and great seafood products...all while you get the lowest price and best products available!
      LobsterGuy ships hand selected fresh hard-shell lobsters just for you, and NEVER sacrifice quality like some second and even third party retailers, we catch, handle and package them ourselves!
      If by chance you ever find a lower price, please email us with your zip code at sales@thelobsterguy.com, and we will certainly look into it!

      Order Cancellations and Modifications:
      You can cancel or reschedule delivery of your order up to One Day Prior to the day it ships.
      You must call us toll free @ 1-866-788-0004or email us @sales@thelobsterguy.com to arrange this!
      Order Cancellation MUST be made and Confirmed By LobsterGuy PRIOR to SHIPMENT!
      A Cancellation or reschedule Email will be sent to you to verify. You Cannot Call or Contact FedEx, They are only the shipping company... to cancel an order, it must be done and verified thru Lobsterguy.com Lots of preparation and planning goes into shipping your order, so unfortunately, once we reach the shipping date, an order cannot be altered or cancelled.
      If you need to amend your order after you have placed it, please contact us!
      We can usually add, subtract, or adjust ordered items for you!
      If your existing order is shipping for delivery before or during a holiday season, any changes, cancellations, or modifications must be requested and accepted three (3) days prior to the delivery date.
      We cannot guarantee order adjustments during the busy holiday season!

      Product Returns:
      Because of the nature of the items, Perishable products are NOT accepted for return.
      Other non-perishable items (tee shirts, mugs, pick sets, etc) May be returned.
      You must also contact us before sending back an item and state a reason.
      Return postage (via any method with tracking) is to be paid by the customer. Items must be in their original, new condition. Once the returned product has been received, your refund will be processed within 3 business days.
      Original Shipping charges will not be refunded and a 10% restock fee will be subtracted from your refund.
      Gift Certificates are not returnable or refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash (unless otherwise required by law). Refunds:
      If you encounter a rare problem with any items in your shipment, You must report the problem via email or phone immediately upon receipt of product on the day of your delivery.
      ( All packages are shipped via FedEx Overnight and delivery is usually by mid morning to mid afternoon for your time zone unless specified elsewhere.)
      If you reach us after hours, please leave a message with all the details. Photographs of damaged product and packaging are required. If your order is missing an item, please thoroughly inspect the package and remove all packing materials. Small items, like pick sets or bibs, can be underneath packing paper. Items like Chowder and Lobster Bisque that ship frozen can and have been mistaken for Gel Packs!
      Please check your box Carefully!
      If your package has been delayed in transit due to a weather event (designated as such by FedEx ), this falls under ""Act of God Clause"" and we cannot issue you a refund or reship your order. As long as the contents of the package are still cold to the touch, the product inside is still fine to cook and consume.
      If there is any other problem with your package, we can coordinate a refund or a reshipment of the item(s) in question. You must contact us upon receipt of your order on the day of delivery and advise us of the problem with your order. You will be required to email us photos of the damage or problem.
      We can be contacted via phone toll free at 866-788-0004 or via email at sales@thelobsterguy.com.
      If you leave a message or send an email, please include your order number (if available) and the Shipped To name on the package, including the proper spelling.

      Terms & Conditions Agreement:
      Neither FedEx nor LobsterGuy will be held responsible for any delivery delays that are included under FedExs ""Liabilities not Assumed"". You can request the most recent list from either LobsterGuy or FedEx or you may consult the FedEx website.
      These are typically rare events that include hazards such as severe or extreme weather events. Any weather disruption or other National Service Disruption (as designated by FedEx) may delay normal delivery routes, times, and/or schedules and neither FedEx nor LobsterGuy will be held responsible for the contents of such packages. Specifically, once in transit, the LobsterGuy will not honor any claims, be held financially responsible, or replace shipments of packages that FedEx has declined to cover. If you think your local weather may impact your delivery, please call and reschedule your shipment no later than 12 pm on the day your order is to be shipped. We will do all we can to safeguard against weather delays but we are not responsible for Mother Nature. Thank you.
      Please note that signatures MAY BE REQUIRED for delivery.
      If the total of your order is over $500, a SIGNATURE WILL be required for delivery.
      Deliveries to BUSINESS ADDRESSES WILL REQUIRE a signature for delivery.
      Deliveries to apartment buildings, townhouses, and condo complexes MAY REQUIRE a signature.
      Deliveries to residential locations MAY require a signature for delivery -- it will be up to the discretion of the individual FedEx delivery driver. In the very rare occurrence of an order discrepancy or damage it must be reported to us within 4 hours of delivery. You can report via phone or email at: 1.866.788.0004 or sales@thelobsterguy.com
      For all gifts, YOU are responsible for notifying your recipient about delivery.
      YOU are also responsible for entering and verifying the proper and current delivery address including the correct zip code! The delivery address must be CURRENT AND ACCURATE. FedEx and LobsterGuy cannot be held responsible for any orders with the incorrect delivery information, including, but not limited to: incorrect zip code; wrong or forgotten house/apartment/suite numbers and/or letters; incorrect or incomplete street names; and/or misspellings, etc.
      Incorrect addresses usually result in a delivery delay of least one regular business day. Please note that FedEx does not count Saturdays or Sundays as regular business days.
      FedEx charges us to correct an address....a fee of $24.00 will be charged to you if the address given is incorrect or incomplete. If the delivery address needs to be adjusted, on-time delivery is NOT guaranteed and may result in a delayed delivery date.
      LobsterGuy is not responsible for delays caused by incorrect shipping information. We will not reship or refund orders when the address information given is incorrect.

      Order from LobsterGuy with confidence, and you'll see why we have the lowest prices, best lobsters, and the best customer feedback...all without sacrificing quality!
          Capt. Tim, The LobsterGuy "|"Lobster Sustainability, Lowest Price Guarantee & Terms Of Service "|""|""|""|""|"Lowest Price Guarantee, Returns, and Refunds"|""|""|""||"" noname10|1lb_bay-scall|ITEM.|"Tender & Sweet Bay Scallops!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/noname10.html"|""|""|(19.99)|(18.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Great For Scampi, Nantucket Style Scallops, or Fried Scallops! Tender Bay Scallops are very versatile, and will make a great add on to any meal, or a great meal just by themselves! One pound of Tender Bay Scallops per order, 60-80 scallops per pound. (Ships frozen)
      One Order is One Pound.
      "|" Our Bay Scallops are tender and sweet!
      Great For Scampi, Nantucket Style Scallops, or Fried Scallops! Tender Bay Scallops are very versatile, and will make a great add on to any meal, or a great meal just by themselves!

      All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"Tender Bay Scallops"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" tequila-lime-grilled-calamari-recipe||ITEM.|"Tequila Lime Grilled Calamari"|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|"Easy, elegant, and unique. The smoky flavor of the barbeque with the delicate texture of calamari. The perfect side to any barbeque.


      • 1 pound cleaned squid ‘tubes’ (Use the tentacles for something else as they tend to fall through the grill grate)
      • 1 lime, squeezed for juice
      • 4 Tablespoons tequila
      • 4 Tablespoons olive oil
      • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
      • 1 teaspoon oregano


      1. MIX lime juice, tequila, olive oil, chopped garlic, and oregano in a medium-sized container with a cover and extra room (like a 5-cup Tupperware).
      2. GET your kitchen scissors and squid tubes.
      3. FIND the ‘crease’ running the length of each squid tube. SNIP the tubes lengthwise along the crease to make flat sheets. CLEAN OFF anything that isn’t white and smooth. If any tubes are longer than 5 inches, CUT them perpendicular to the crease to make 2-3 inch segments.
      4. MIX squid and marinade well. COVER and REFRIGERATE for 2+ hours, MIXING once or twice.
      5. HEAT grill to high and FIND tongs.
      6. SLAP each ‘squid sheet’ flat on the grill. GRILL for 2 minutes (they may curl up into little rolls).
      7. FLIP with tongs and grill for 2 more minutes, encouraging them to curl. Cook longer if squid pieces are thicker. If the flesh isn’t getting smoky, DRIP a little marinade on it to help the grill flame up.
      8. SERVE immediately as an appetizer while they’re still hot!
      Fisherman's Tip: Undercooked squid is rubbery. Overcooked squid is rubbery. Well-cooked squid is springy and sublime. The key is to cook it hot and fast.

      Kitchen Time: Prep 10 minutes, Marinate 2 hours, Grill 4 minutes

      In Season: Year-round

      Serves: Appetizer for 6

      Copyright @2012 Laura Blackwell

      Download pdf "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" teligrca||LINK.|"Tequila Lime
      Grilled Calamari"|"http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/lobstersales2/tequila-lime-grilled-calamari.pdf"" target=""_blank"|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" aceshigh||ITEM.|"The ""ACES HIGH"""|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/aceshigh.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"
      The Captain of the ACES HIGH, Teddy McCaffrey. Teddy has been fishing his whole life! He started out with his Dad, Ed, when he was old enough to stand up on Deck, and worked his way "OFFSHORE", working for years crewing and captaining with Captain Tim on both the MONITOR and the COURTNEY ELIZABETH. He then bought and refurbished the ACES HIGH for himself. Capt. Tim says: "He is one of the finest young skippers to come along in a long, long time and boy, can he catch lobsters!"
      Let's take a peek in the hold and see what she's brought us.... ..rock crab!
      and a Trip of lobsters, too!
      Unloading (or "taking out") boats requires time and labor! Here's Julian, one of the deckhands, rounding up crabs and lobsters to be sent in to be sorted and graded for size and quality.
      And here's First Mate Paul "NYBEE" Nyblom unloading lobsters & crabs out of the hold of the ACES HIGH
      Fishing is all in the family in Point Judith. This is Captain Teddy with his brother, Captain Billy McCaffrey of the "Wendy Lee". They both broke in with their Dad, Ed McCaffrey.
      Back to Boats and Crews"|"The "ACES HIGH" Returning Home from a Trip and Coming into Point Judith Harbor."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" souper||ITEM.|"The ""Mariner"" ""Romantic"" & ""Extravaganza"" Lobster Dinners!"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/souper.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"These are true down East Lobster Dinners! Choose from any one of our great dinner options for yourself or they make a great Gift Idea! All our Lobster Guy Lobster Dinners are hand-packed with quality and care and delivered overnight just for you!
      Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|"Specialty Lobster Dinners"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:SNEWENLODIFO :SLILODIFORFO :ROMANTIC-LOBSTER-DINNERS :MAINE-LOBSTER-SEAFOOD-EXTRAVAGANZA-DINNER)"||"" slilodiforfo|4-Mar|ITEM.|"The ""Mariner"" Lobster Dinner for Four!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/slilodiforfo.html"|""|""|(199.99)|(189.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"You'll receive Four 1 1/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters; Two 18 oz. New England Clam Chowders; Two 18 oz. Lobster Bisques; Four Lobster Bib and Pick Sets; and of course, oyster crackers!

      A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays or Corporate Gift Idea!!
      "|"On Sale Now!
      "The Mariner" Lobster Dinner for Four!
      Includes: Four 1 1/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters; Two 18 oz. New England Clam Chowders; Two 18 oz. Lobster Bisques; Four Lobster Bib and Pick Sets; and of course, oyster crackers!

      All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" snewenlodifo|2-Mar|ITEM.|"The ""Mariner"" Lobster Dinner for Two!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/snewenlodifo.html"|""|""|(105.99)|(98.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"A True "Down East Dinna"! Includes: Two 1 1/4 lb Live Maine Lobsters; 18 oz. Award Winning Clam Chowder; 18 oz. Superb Lobster Bisque, Two Lobster Bib and Pick Sets and of course oyster crackers!

      A Great Gift Idea, for Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!
      "|" On Sale Now!
      The "Mariner" Lobster Dinner for Two is a true "Down East Dinna"! Includes: Two 1 1/4 lb Live Maine Lobsters; Award Winning Clam Chowder; Superb Lobster Bisque; two Lobster Bib and Pick Sets and of course, oyster crackers!

      All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" monitor|monitor|ITEM.|"The ""Monitor"" (Retired)"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/monitor.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"The "Monitor" was built in 1984 in Deltaville, Virginia and was purchased by the Handrigan family in September 1985. Captain Tim says. .. "She was an Awesome little Sea boat! She could take a pounding and we fished a LOT of bad weather with her!" Because she is streamlined and has a low center of gravity, the "Monitor" is considered to be a "low profile" boat. This design makes for an extremely stable "sea boat". She carries a crew of 4 and fishes the continental shelf south of New England from May until December. Her gear is then brought home and stored before it is readied for the next lobster season. She was maintained in similar fashion to her larger sister ship, the "Courtney Elizabeth," and was The Lobster Guy's first command!

      Main engine=12/71 Detroit Diesel Auxiliary power plant 40 kilowatt John Deere/Luger
      Length = 68 feet
      Width = 19 feet
      Draft = 8 feet
      Cruising Speed = 8 knots
      The "Monitor" also carried the following equipment:
      2 Furuno Radars
      2 VHF radios
      1 SSB radio
      3 Loran-C Northstar Navigators
      1 Weather Fax
      1 Cellular Phone
      1 Depth Finder/Chromascope
      2 EPIRB Distress Beacons
      1 Six man offshore survival raft
      "|"The "Monitor" (Retired)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy-best-sellers||ITEM.|"The Lobster Guy Best Sellers!"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"We've compiled a list of our top items over the years on this quick review page!
      You won't go wrong with any of our choices but these do stand out a bit more as customer favorites! Whatever you choose we are sure you or your recipient will love it!
      Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:15TO25POUND :LOBSTER-ROLL-KIT-FOR-4 :CLAMBAKE-DINNER-FOR-TWO :CLASSIC2 :134TO2POUNLO :TWO-7-8OZ-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :SEASCALLOPS :LOBSTER-MAC-AND-CHEESE :LOBSTER-ROLL-KIT-FOR-8 :212POUNLOB :FRESH-STEAMER-CLAMS-SHIPPED :ONE-POUND-PREMIUM-MAINE-LOBSTER-MEAT :LIVE-LOBSTERS---CHOWDER :JUMBOSHRIMP :STUFFEDCLAMS :MAINE-CRAB-MEAT :8-OZ-BLACK-ANGUS--FILLET-MIGNON :SHRIMP-AND-SCALLOPS-SURF-N-TURF :ATLANTIC-SALMON-FILLETS :SMALL-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS-4 :FRESH-LITTLE-NECK-CLAMS-SHIPPED :312TO4POBLIM :MAINE-CRAB-MEAT :FOUR-COUNT-12-14-OZ-JUMBO-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :HALF-GALLON-OF-CLAM-CHOWDER :CRABDIP :MAINE-LOBSTER-CAKES :LOBSTER-CLAMBAKE-DINNER-FOR-SIX :NEWENDOUBCOR :BASTFL :E-GIFT-CERTIFICATES :SURF-AND-TURF--MAINE-LOBSTER-DINNERS)"||"" thelobsterguy-gifts||ITEM.|"The Lobster Guy Gifts"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"These clean and classy old school looking hats & shirts are pretty neat! They have our ""super top secret"" alternate logo on them of a really cool "" Lobsta"" and come in 3 different colors!(We're working on getting some cool T's stocked back up soon as well!)
      Order Online Anytime, But all Orders for Next Day Delivery Must be Placed by 7 PM EST the Day Before Shipment "|"Cool Lobster Hats, Shirts & Stuff from the Captain!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:THELOBSTERGUY-HAT :EMBROYDERED-LOB-GUY-T :SCREEN-PRINT-WHITE-T-SHIRT :LOBSTER-CHOCOLATE-SAMPLER :LARGE-CHOCOLATE-LOBSTER)"||"" resource-pages||ITEM.|"The Lobster Guy Resource Pages"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"The LobsterGuy Resource Pages are rounded up and stored here."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" lobsterguy|lobsterguy|ITEM.|"THE REAL ""Lobster Fisherman!"" Captain Tim"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguy.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"

      Hi There,
      I'm Lobsterman Tim Handrigan, Owner and Captain of the "F/V COURTNEY ELIZABETH" as seen on Discovery Channel's, Deadliest Catch Series, Lobstermen
      I am a real honest to goodness fisherman...not like some other websites claiming to be one, I am one, and we catch the Freshest & Finest Live Maine Lobsters available!

      First Things First!
      Sustainably Harvested Lobsters!
      Our Commitment To You And To The Lobster Resource!
      The Maine And New England Lobster Fishery Is one of the most protected wild caught fisheries on the planet!
      Lobsterguy, it's Boats and Fisherman strictly adhere to these policies to protect and preserve the fishery for generations to come! There are Federal size limits on the minimum size of lobsters that can harvested and we also "" V notch"" female egg bearing lobsters (We mark them protecting them from harvest even after they have shed their eggs) so they cannot be harvested allowing them to repopulate and grow! We have escape vents in the traps that allow the juvenile lobsters to enjoy a free meal on us then escape thru the vent back to the ocean floor to freedom!
      Look folks, the lobster fishery is important to all Lobstermen up and down the coasts of New England, and preserving the resource and it's Oceans for today as well as future generations of Lobstermen to come is paramount to not only me, but also to any Lobstermen worth their salt!
      How It All Started:
      LobsterGuy was started about 18 years ago when I shipped some lobsters as a favor for some close friends of mine on the West coast.
      They loved it so much, and raved to their friends and co workers about these Great Lobsters that we had shipped overnight to them and that was it!... LobsterGuy was born!
      We've been handling Lobsters for a long, long time so rest assured, we are the best at it, and our great customer reviews say it for us!
      We also carry some of the finest Shellfish, Sea Scallops, and Shrimp brought in by local fishermen who are as quality crazy as I am!
      Our Clam Chowders and Bisques are also Award Winners, as well as our awesome line of Appetizers and Dinners!
      If your looking for a great source and best prices on Live Maine Lobsters Shipped Fresh Overnight, you've come to the right place, and you won't be disappointed!

      See Captain Tim on the Discovery Channel!
      My staff and I also specialize in creating custom packages to meet both corporate gifts, and your Holiday, Birthday, Anniversary, or special event needs!
      If you find you need some help getting the perfect gift, call us, toll free @ 1-866-788-0004 and we'll be glad to help!
      ( Your recipients will be bragging about you for a long time!)

      Lastly, if you have any questions about the boats or Lobstering in general, please e-mail me at sales@thelobsterguy.com
      I'll be sure to answer your questions right away unless of course I am offshore fishing, then it will be a few days, but I will be glad to answer your questions!
      Thanks for visiting LobsterGuy and I hope it will be a great experience from the time you place your order, to the time you sit down and enjoy it!

      Thank you,
      Captain Tim Handrigan, The LobsterGuy
      "|"THE REAL "LOBSTERGUY"! Captain Tim"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" topsplobujbu|4buns|ITEM.|"Top Split Lobster Buns! (Just The Buns!)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/topsplobujbu.html"|""|""|(4.99)||T|""|""|""|""|"These Top Split Bread Side Lobster Buns Are The Traditional New England Style rolls, also know around here as Frankfurter Rolls!
      Easy to Grill And Awesome for Lobster rolls with Mayo or Just Good Ole' Butter!!"|"Some folks Just Ask for The Buns!
      These Are ""Top Split"" Pepperidge Farm premium rolls and are simply Excellent for Lobster Rolls! (There Are 4 Rolls Per Order)
      Whether your making traditional Lobster rolls or Just the classic ""Lobster and Butter"" rolls, or Crab Salad Rolls,these rolls are Fantastic for Grilling! Simply Butter each side and toss in a skillet or Frying pan for a minute or two on low heat and your Ready To go!
      (There are 4 rolls per order), and available as an Add On Item Only)
      "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" rhodislobrol|rhodislobrol|ITEM.|"Traditional Lobster Rolls"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/rhodislobrol.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"What you'll Need!


      • 1/4 cup of finely diced celery
      • 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise ( Hellmann's works the best! )
      • 2 cups of cooked lobster meat (cut up and chilled)
      • Salt & Pepper to taste


      1. Mix the lobster meat with the celery and mayonnaise and salt & pepper.
      2. After thoroughly mixing, place in the refrigerator until ready to eat.
      3. Lightly butter then grill your ""New England Style"" rolls.
      4. Stuff the lobster Salad into your rolls and BAM! Chow Down!
      "|"Traditional Lobster Roll Recipe"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" troplobsalse|troplobsalse|ITEM.|"Tropical Lobster Salad (serves 4)"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/troplobsalse.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Patti from California sent us this great recipe...thanks Patti !


      • 1 1/2 lbs. cooked lobster meat (we used grilled)
      • 7 TBSP olive oil
      • Juice of one orange
      • Juice of two limes
      • 1 jalapeno, seeded and finely chopped
      • Zest of the two limes
      • finely chopped Zest of the orange
      • finely chopped Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
      • 2 avocados, pitted, peeled and cut into small cubes
      • 4 medium tomatoes seeded and cubed
      • 1 large mango, peeled, seeded and cut into pieces
      • 1 large papaya, peeled seeded and cut into pieces
      • 8 cups of mixed baby greens


      1. Place avocados, tomatoes, mango and papaya in a large mixing bowl.
      2. Whisk oil, orange juice, lime juice, jalapeno, zests, and salt and pepper to taste.
      3. Pour about 1/2 cup of the dressing over the avocados, tomatoes, mangos and papayas, and gently toss to coat.
      4. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper.
      5. Toss greens in a bowl with enough dressing to coat.
      6. Divide among four plates.
      7. Top greens with fruit mixture.
      8. Place lobster in mixing bowl and drizzle small amount of remaining dressing over lobster and toss gently to moisten lobster.
      9. Top each of the salads with one-fourth of the lobster.
      10. Garnish with lime wedges and additional zest.
      Enjoy!"|""|""|"Tropical Lobster Salad"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" 12-pack-landing||ITEM.|"Twelve Packs"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/12-pack-landing.html"|""|""|||T|""|""|""|""|""|"This is how to use the twelve packs."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-2-pack-2lb|2ctcooked2s|ITEM.|"Two Fresh Steamed 2 lb. Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/fresh-steamed-maine-lobster-2-pack-2lb.html"|""|""|(101.99)|(97.99)||""|""|""|""|"You'll Really Impress Folks With Our 2 Pack Of Freshly Steamed 2-2 1/2 lb. Maine Lobsters!
      Your Fresh Live Maine Lobsters Will Be Steamed On The Evening Of Their Shipment Just For You!

      Please Note:
      (Your Lobsters are weighed prior to steaming for you!)"|"LIMITED AVAILABILITY!
      You'll Really Impress Folks With Our 2 Pack Of Freshly Steamed 2-2 1/2 lb. Maine Lobsters!
      We Make It Easy For You, Just Heat And Serve!

      All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"2 Pack Of Fresh Steamed 2-2.5 Pound Lobsters!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" twopaof1lima|2ct_quarter|ITEM.|"Two pack of 1 1/4 pound Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/twopaof1lima.html"|""|""|(51.99)|(49.99)||""|""|""|""|"Have The Finest Live Maine Lobsters Shipped Fresh Overnight Right To Your Door!
      Nothing Beats Our Sweet Succulent Tasting Lobsters, Except Maybe Two of Them!
      "|" On Sale Now!
      Our Two packs of 1 1/4 pound live maine lobsters make for a Great Dinner for just the Two of You, or a Great Gift If You Want To Splurg!

      All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" twopack|2ct_threequarter|ITEM.|"Two Pack of 1 3/4 to 2 Pound Live Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/twopack.html"|""|""|(72.99)|(69.99)||""|""|""|""|" We ( Actually Capt. Tim ) Considers The 1 3/4 Pound Lobsters To Be The Perfect Size Lobster!
      Even Better, You Get Two Of Them When You Select This Package!
      "|"On Sale Now!
      The 1 3/4-2 pound Live Maine Lobster Two Packs Are Sweet Eatin' Fresh Lobsters, And A Great And Affordable Gift Idea! Shipped Fresh Overnight To You Or Your Special Someone! We consider these to be the Best Size Lobster!

      All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" twopa1lblima|2ct_halfs|ITEM.|"Two pack of 1-1/2 Lb. Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/twopa1lblima.html"|""|""|(63.99)|(61.99)||""|""|""|""|"Sweet Eatin' Fresh Maine 1 1/2 lb. Live Lobsters Ship Fresh Overnight Right To Your Door!
      Your Lobsters Are Hand Selected And Packed Up Just For You and shipped fresh overnight!"|"On Sale Now!
      The 1 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobster Two Packs Are Sweet Eatin' Fresh Lobsters, And A Great And Affordable Gift Idea! Shipped Fresh Overnight To You Or Your Special Someone!

      All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" twopaof2212p|2ct_2-2h|ITEM.|"Two pack of 2 - 2 1/2 Pound Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/twopaof2212p.html"|""|""|(93.99)|(91.99)||""|""|""|""|"Our Two Pack Of Two Pounders Is An Excellent Choice! Two Fresh Live Maine Lobsters Packed Fresh Just For You And Shipped Fresh Overnight!
      This Is A Great Gift Idea For Any Occasion!
      Our Two Pack of "Select" 2-2 1/2 pound Live Maine Lobsters is a Great And Popular Gift Idea! These are considered the Perfect Select Size Lobster!

      All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" twopaof25to3|2pk_2h-3|ITEM.|"Two Pack of 2 1/2 - 3 pound Live Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/twopaof25to3.html"|""|""|(104.99)|(99.99)||""|""|""|""|"Our Two Pack of 2 1/2-3 Pound Live Maine Lobsters, is a fine way to say Thank You to that special someone!
      Loaded with sweet tender Maine Lobster meat, We'll Hand Pick Your Lobsters Just For You And Ship Them To You Fresh Overnight!
      What A Fabulous Gift Idea!
      A Very Popular Size of "Select" Live Maine Lobsters! Our Two Pack of 2 1/2-3 Pound Live Maine Lobsters, is a fine way to say Thank You!
      All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" twopaof33pol|2ct_3-3h|ITEM.|"Two Pack of 3 -3 1/2 pound Live Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/twopaof33pol.html"|""|""|(133.99)|(129.99)||""|""|""|""|"Our Two Pack of 3-3 1/2 Pound Live Maine Lobsters, is a fine way to say Thank You to that special someone! Loaded with sweet tender Maine Lobster meat, you won't go wrong here! Hand Picked And Packaged Just For You And Shipped Fresh Overnight.
      This Is A Great Gift Idea!
      On Sale Now!
      Another of our Very Popular Size of "Select" Live Maine Lobsters! Our Two Pack of 3-3 1/2 Pound Live Maine Lobsters, Loaded with sweet tender Maine Lobster meat!

      All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" twopaof3poli|2pk_3h-4|ITEM.|"Two Pack of 3 1/2 - 4 Pound Live Maine Lobsters!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/twopaof3poli.html"|""|""|(151.99)|(147.99)||""|""|""|""|"Our Two Packs of 3 1/2 -4 Pound Live Maine Lobsters Will Make Your Or Your Recipient Very, Very Happy!
      This is a "Lotta Lobsta"! Hand Picked Just For You And Shipped Fresh To You Overnight!

      This Is An Awesome Gift Idea!
      On Sale Now!
      Two Ultimate "Select Size" Live Maine Lobsters! These Are Impressive! Our Two Packs of 3 1/2 -4 Pound Live Maine Lobsters Will Make Your Or Your Recipient Very, Very Happy!
      This is a "Lotta Lobsta"!

      All orders come with a personalized card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" two-pounds-premium-maine-lobster-meat|2lb_FzLM|ITEM.|"Two pounds Premium Maine Lobster Meat"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/two-pounds-premium-maine-lobster-meat.html"|""|""|(138.99)|(130.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" This is ALL Tail, Knuckle, and Claw Meat of Sweet Maine Lobsters!
      Our lobster meat is cooked and picked fresh every day and frozen immediately to ensure its great flavor! We offer you our finest lobster meat in two one-pound packages! Maine and Nova Scotia Lobster Meat is superior in all kinds of seafood dishes and recipes!
      (Our Lobster meat is Shipped Frozen)
      Our Best Selling Lobster meat!
      Premium Sweet Lobster Meat! For those who just want to do away with cooking and picking!

      Two one-pound packages of Maine or Nova Scotia Lobster Meat!
      All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!
      "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ultimate-carrot-cake|ultimate-carrot-cake|ITEM.|"Ultimate Carrot Cake!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/ultimate-carrot-cake.html"|""|""|(9.99)|(8.99)|T|""|""|""|""|"Ultimate Carrot Cake made from an old family recipe—dark, fruity and moist wrapped in a cream cheese frosting, flecked with bright orange carrots and ribboned with a contrasting white chocolate drizzle!
      ( 1 Slice of Ultimate Carrot Cake per Order, Ships Frozen)"|" Outstanding Ultimate Carrot Cake from ""Sweet Street""!
      Made from an old family recipe, this dark & decadent fruity cake is simply scrumptious and topped with a moist and sweet cream cheese frosting, flecked with bright orange carrots and ribboned with a contrasting sweet white chocolate drizzle!
      This Is A Great Add On To Your Gift Orders For The Holidays, Birthdays, Or Just A Little Something Sweet For Yourself!
      "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" brownies|Brownies_2ct|ITEM.|"Ultimate Chocolate Brownies! "|""|""|""|""|(6.99)|(5.99)||""|""|""|""|"Sweet Street Brownies!
      ""Taste the ÒgoodÓ in every bite of our Sustainable Peruvian Chocolate Manifesto Brownies. Dense and fudgy with a chewy crust. Born from the prized Criolla bean, this sustainably sourced Peruvian chocolate is deep and rich in flavor. Baked with only cage-free eggs, our own blend of sustainable chocolates and ingredients free of gmoÕs and artificial additivesÐ yet the star of these irresistible brownies is the purely dark Peruvian chocolate mixed into every batch""!

      (Ships 2 brownie's per order)"|"SOLD OUT!
      These Awesomely Big Brownies From ""Sweet Street"" Bakery Are Super Rich And Chocolatey And Are Made With Premium Dark Honduran Chocolate!
      These Are A Great Treat After Finishing Off A Great Lobster Dinner! ( Two Brownies Per Order)"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ultimate-surf---turf-dinner-with-appetizers|TFC--Combo|ITEM.|"Ultimate Surf & Turf Dinner For 2 With Free Shipping!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/ultimate-surf---turf-dinner-with-appetizers.html"|""|""|(191.99)|(185.99)|T|""|""|""|""|" This Is A Great Surf And Turf Dinner Choice! Complete With Two 8-10 oz.Maine Tails, Two 8oz.Filet Mignon, And Clam Chowder for Two!
      An Outstanding Affordable Seafood Gift Choice And Also A Great Gift Idea For Holidays, Anniversaries, Birthdays, or just a Great Thank You!!
      "|"Free Shipping On This Item!

      The Ultimate Surf & Turf Dinner For Two!
      Two 8-10 oz. Maine Lobster Tails, Two Huge 8 oz. Filet Mignon & Award Winning Clam Chowder for Two!

      All orders also come with a personalized hand written card with your message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" unused-category-pages||ITEM.|"Unused Category Pages"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTER :LOBSTERGUY-HATS---SHIRTS :HOSIXPAOFLIM :LIVE-LOBSTER-12-PACKS-SHIPPED :LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACKS :TWOPAOFLIMAL :WHOLESALE-LOBSTER-PACKS :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTERS :EAHOLOSP :NOSP :SURF---TURF-DINNERS-DELIVERED :LOBSTER-SHORE-DINERS :ATLANTIC-CALAMARI :LIVE-LOBSTERS-AND-SHELLFISH-DINNERS :RECIPE-INGREDIENTS :2016-HOLIDAY-SPECIALS :GIFTS-AND-MORE :LOBTAIL :|7-8OZ-LOBSTER-TAILS| :10-12-OZ--XLARGE-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :12-14-OZ-JUMBO-MAINE-LOBSTER-TAILS :OTHER-ENTREES :24COREPAOFLI)"||"" unused-misc-pages||ITEM.|"Unused Misc. Pages"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:NONAME3 :NONAME5 :NONAME6 :NONAME7 :NONAME8 :HOLIDAY-DELIVERY-SCHEDULE)"||"" unused-pages|unused-pages|ITEM.|"Unused Pages (Abandoned, Discontinued)"|""|""|""|""|(0)|||""|""|""|""|"A place to store any pages which are no longer used, whether abandoned or duplicate pages or discontinued products."|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:UNUSED-PRODUCT-PAGES :UNUSED-CATEGORY-PAGES :UNUSED-MISC-PAGES)"||"" unused-product-pages||ITEM.|"Unused Product Pages"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"(:SUSTSC :BROWNIES :LOCOMU3 :FISHERMENS-COOKBOOK :COURTNEY-ELIZABETH-CREW-HATS- :COURTNEY-ELIZABETH-CREW-SWEATSHIRTS- :COURTNEY-ELIZABETH-MOCK-TURTLE-NECKS-1 :HOWABOBTE :IMWISTTSH :12-PACK-1-1-4-LB--LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTERS :12-PACK-SELECT-SIZE-MAINE-LOBSTERS :12PAOF112POL :12PAOF1134LI :4PAOF114POLI :6PACKHALF :6PAOF134TO2P :BIG-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACK :FOPAOF11WICH :FOPAOF2123PO :FOPAOF3POLIM :FOPAOF3POLOS :FOPAOFTWOPOL :LIOBSIXPASHI :SIXPACKOF2123S :SIXPAOF2POLO :TWOPA1LBLIMA :TWOPACK :TWOPAOF1LIMA :TWOPAOF2212P :TWOPAOF25TO3 :TWOPAOF33POL :TWOPAOF3POLI :WHOLESALE-1-1-2-LB--LIVE-MAINE-LOBSTERS :WHOLESALE-1-1-4LB--LOBSTERS :WHOLESALE1-3-4-LB--LIVE-LOBSTERS :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-2-PACK-QTR :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACK-QTR :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-2-PACK-HALF :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACK-HALF :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-2-PACK-3QTR :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACK-3QTR :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-2-PACK-2LB :FRESH-STEAMED-MAINE-LOBSTER-4-PACK-2LB :COOKED-LOBSTERS :TRADNEWENLOB2 :FOUR-MED-SIZE-LOBSTER-TAILS)"||"" upgrade-lobster-size-for-dinner|CBupg|ITEM.|"Upgrade Your Lobster A Size! (Per Lobster)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/upgrade-lobster-size-for-dinner.html"|""|""|(10)||T|""|""|""|""|"Upgrade Your Lobster Sizes To The Maximum size
      ( 1 1/2 lb. Lobsters)which will fit in the Clambake Tins.
      *This is a PER lobster charge*, please be certain to adjust the quantity in your cart. Thanks!
      You can also Upgrade the Lobsters in your "Classic", "Mariner", or Shore dinner to 1 1/2 lb. Lobsters!
      "|"Want Bigger Lobsters?
      Upgrade your LIVE Lobster SIZE to 1 1/2s in any of our New England Clambakes, ""Classic"" Dinners, ""Mariner"" Dinners, or the Shore Dinners!

      All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" free-shipping-ideas|free-shipping-ideas|ITEM.|"Valentine's Day Free Shipping Ideas!"|""|""|""|""|(0)|||""|""|""|""|"We Make It Fast And Easy To Find The Perfect Maine Lobster Gift! From Lobster Dinners to Lobster Tails to Lobster Rolls, we've got you covered!

      Why Pt. Judith you ask?

      Not only is Pt. Judith a true and active historical fishing port with a long and proud fishing history, we base our vessels out of Pt. Judith to not only fish in the Gulf of Maine and the vast areas of Georges Banks, but the offshore canyons south of New England that are famous for their hearty and fresh Maine Lobsters that we catch year round! The Live Maine lobsters we harvest from the deep cold waters of these fishing grounds are the most sought after lobsters to ship, period!

      Did you know?

      "Maine Lobsta" {Lobsters} are caught from Newfoundland to as far south as the Atlantic canyons off the coast of Virginia,(Yup Virginia, I kid you not!) but again, the deep water Lobsters of the Gulf of Maine and Offshore Canyons are what we consider the best, that's why we fish here... 'cause we know our "Lobster"!

      How are the Lobsters handled?

      We unload and grade our lobsters by size and quality, right on our own docks, and we only pick the best of the best to ship to you! Once the lobsters are offloaded and sorted by local fisherman, your Lobsters are stored for a short time in our pristine giant salt water pools and are maintained at a constant 38-40 degrees' to simulate their natural environment on the ocean floor! This helps stabilize the lobsters for your shipment! We take great care in the handling of our (and your!) lobsters, and it shows! (These are fresh caught quality lobsters, and are not the same as ones sitting in a tank in a supermarket!)

      When do you pick the Lobsters for shipping to me?

      Once we receive your order, your lobsters stay in the water right up until they are pulled for shipment! They are taken from their pool, checked again, and boxed expertly by the LobsterGuy staff, who, in large part, are former fishermen themselves! Maybe you want to swing by and check out the boats? If they are in, we would be glad to show you around! Just Ask!

      "|"Visit Our Store and Lobster Boats!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" want-them-steamed|want-them-steamed|ITEM.|"Want Them Steamed? (up to 3.5 lb lobsters)"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/want-them-steamed.html"|""|""|(5)||T|""|""|""|""|"Your Live Lobsters Will be Hand Selected As Always And Steamed Just Prior to Their Overnight Delivery To You! We Will Be Glad To Steam Lobsters In Size From 1 1/4 lbs. up to 3.5 pounds for you!
      Note: Cooking charge is Per Lobster.
      "|"If You Find It Easier For You:
      We Will Be Glad To Steam Your Fresh Maine Lobsters
      (Up to 3.5 Pounds In Size) For You On The Day Of Your Shipment!
      Steaming Charges Are 4.00 Per Lobster, So Please Enter The Correct Quantity You Would Like Steamed.
      You can reheat your cooked lobsters by steaming them for a few moments in a couple of inches of water, it's really that easy!
      Please Note:
      We cannot pre-steam lobsters in the New England Clambake, nor can we steam lobster tails.

      All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" cooked-lobsters|cooked-lobsters|ITEM.|"We'll Cook Your Lobsters For You!"|""|"https://www.thelobsterguy.com/cooked-lobsters.html"|""|""|(4)|||""|""|""|""|"Your Live Lobsters Will be Hand Selected As Always And Steamed Just Prior to Their Overnight Delivery To You! We Will Be Glad To Steam Lobsters In Size From 1 1/4 lbs. up to 3.5 pounds for you!
      Note: Cooking charge is Per Lobster.
      "|"We'll Cook Your Lobsters For You! If You Find It Easier For You, We Will Be Glad To Steam Your Fresh Maine Lobsters ( Up to 3.5 Pounds) For You On The Day Of Your Shipment!
      You can reheat your cooked lobsters by steaming them for a few moments in a couple of inches of water, it's that easy!
      ( Note: The Largest Size Lobster We Will Steam For Shipment Is 3.5 Pounds. The Steaming Charge Is Per Lobster. We cannot pre-steam lobsters in the New England Clambake, nor can we steam lobster tails. )

      All orders come with a personalized card with Your Message & Cooking Instructions for easy preparation!"|""|"Want Em'
      (per lobster charge)"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" yahshopstor||ITEM.|"We're a Yahoo! Store"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/yahshopstor.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"As well as being easy to use, Yahoo! Store sites are among the best looking and technically most sophisticated on the Web. There is simply no easier way to shop then using our secure online store. We do not sell, give away, or tell anybody any of your personal information, email address, or anything about you...your privacy is a major concern to us!"|"WWW.TheLobsterGuy.com is a Yahoo! Store member!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" cioppino-recipe||ITEM.|"Win J.'s Cioppino (serves 6-8)"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/cioppino-recipe.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Win wrote to us to from Florence, Oregon with some recipes!
      The second recipe is this one for Cioppino!
      Check out Win's recipe for Salmon (or Shirmp) Bisque! Timothy,
      In the 1970’s in San Jose, California a lady gave me this recipe that came from her mother. Over the years when my wife and I lived in San Jose and Alameda, California we would have a Cioppino party for about 20 or 30 friends and of course double or triple the recipe. The leftovers are actually best when served over eggs in the morning.
      Win J.

      Ingredients Stock:

      • 2 to 3 lbs. Fish parts; heads, bones and tails (Salmon parts if available) and shrimp shells. If you have fish heads remove the gills.
      • 2 cups onions chopped
      • 6 cloves of garlic finely chopped
      • 1 cup chopped green peppers
      • 1 cup olive oil
      • 35 oz of canned Italian tomatoes
      • 1 6 oz. can of tomato paste
      • 2 cups Burgundy wine
      • 1 large lemon, sliced paper-thin
      • 1 cup of chopped parsley
      • 1 tsp. Basil
      • 1 tsp. Oregano
      • Salt to taste.

      Ingredients Fish:

      • 3 lbs. Sea Bass or any white, firm fish cut into one-inch cubes
      • 1 dozen clams, scrubbed clean
      • 1 dozen mussels, scrubbed clean
      • 1 lb, shrimp or prawns

      Instructions Stock:

      1. Over medium heat cook onions, peppers, and garlic in olive oil until onions are transparent.
      2. Add all remaining stock ingredients and bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.
      3. Remove flesh from fish parts and discard bones and shells.
      4. Prepare the stock at least a day ahead of time and refrigerate so that the flavors can meld.

      Prior to serving

      1. bring stock back to a boil and then add the Sea Bass (white fish) and simmer for 20 minutes
      2. then add shrimp and shell fish
      3. cover and continue cooking until the clams and mussels open (approx. 10 minutes)
      Fisherman's Tip: The amount of fish and shellfish used is up to the individual cook. Shellfish can be cooked separately if someone is allergic to them and served individually. The original recipe called for lobster, which I have never done. Crab meat also makes a nice addition and can be added at the last moment before serving.
      The lemon slices will knock your socks off."|""|""|"Win J.'s Cioppino"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" salmon-bisque-recipe||ITEM.|"Win J.'s Salmon (or Shrimp) Bisque"|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/salmon-bisque-recipe.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|"Win wrote to us to from Florence, Oregon with some recipes!
      The first recipe is this one for Salmon (or Shrimp) Bisque!
      Check out Win's recipe for Cioppino!
      Here in Florence we had this English tea café for a number of years that owned by and an American husband and an English wife (the cook) transplanted from Cambria, California. The wife made this wonderful salmon bisque but would never divulge the recipe. Went online looking for a recipe and found one from Cambria which was spot on to the one served here. Assume they sold their café in in Cambria along with their recipes. It is extremely good.
      Win J.


      • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
      • 2 cups sliced leeks (whites and light green parts only)
      • 1/2 pound sliced mushrooms
      • 1 tablespoon crushed garlic
      • *6 cups of fish stock
      • 4 cups canned crushed tomatoes
      • 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
      • 2 tsp. dried dill weed
      • 1 tsp. salt
      • 1/2 tsp. pepper
      • Pinch of cayenne
      • 4 cups salmon cut into small cubes or one pound of shrimp cut into small pieces
      • 2 cups cream
      • 1/4 cup flour
      • 1/4 cup of Sherry
      • 1/4 cup of Cognac or Brandy.
      *Fish stock: When we have shelled shrimp, Dungeness crab, lobster shells, or fish parts from a meal, I save all the shells and fish parts and freeze them until I have about a pound. I then cook them in 2 1/2 to 3 quarts of water that is brought to a boil and then simmered four to six hours. I then add a few tablespoons of Thai fish sauce. Once cooked, strain the stock and put in containers and freeze for future use.


      1. Melt butter in a large pot.
      2. Add leeks and cook for ten minutes over medium-low heat until tender.
      3. Add mushrooms and garlic and cook for two minutes more.
      4. Add fish stock, tomatoes, parsley, dill, salt, pepper, cayenne and liquor.
      5. Heat broth to almost boiling and add salmon or shrimp.
      6. Cook for approximately 3 to 5 minutes.
      7. Lower the heat and stir in cream and whisk in flour and cook until thickened.
      8. Cool slightly and then puree the mixture.
      9. Then reheat and season to taste with additional salt and/or pepper.
      Fisherman's Tip: As an aside, this is not limited to what you cook at home. If you go out for dinner and have lobster, crab, or shrimp have them put all the shells in a doggie bag. :)"|"Win J.'s Salmon (or Shrimp) Bisque"|""|"Win J.'s Salmon (or Shrimp) Bisque"|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" yams|Yam|ITEM.|"Yams"|""|""|""|""|(1)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" test-inventory||RAW-HTML.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" includes-report||EMPTY.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" dump-pages||EMPTY.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ytimes-list-images||MAIN.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ytimes-stock-notify-catalog||CSS.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" export-includes||CSS.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" pricematch||RAW-HTML.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" output-shipping-info||MAIN.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"


      Shipping Weight:
      Real Weight:
      Zip Code (required):
      State (required):
      Shipping Method (for testing purposes, determined automatically in the cart)
      "|""|""||"" redeem-order||EMPTY.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ytimes-mobile-css||CSS.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ask-question-thankyou||RAW-HTML.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" pd-image-data||MAIN.|"PD Image Data"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|"PD Image Data"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" savecart||RAW-HTML.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" pd-publish-timestamp||MAIN.|"PD Publish Timestamp"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|"PD Publish Timestamp"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" newname||INFO.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" pricematch-thankyou||RAW-HTML.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" uc-contents||RAW-HTML.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" zero-weight-items||MAIN.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ytimes-2024-site-variables||CSS.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" find-need-ship||MAIN.|"find-need-ship"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|"find-need-ship"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" set-product-id||CSS.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" admin||RAW.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" custom-order||EMPTY.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ytimes-data-export||EMPTY.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ytimes-statistics||RAW.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" upload-your-image||RAW-HTML.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ship-insurance-details||RAW-HTML.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ytimes-copy-contents||CSS.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" move-ids-dump||EMPTY.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ask-a-question||RAW-HTML.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" king-asm||MAIN.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" -lobsterguy-s-lowest-price-guarantee||INFO.|""|""|"http://www.thelobsterguy.com/lobsterguyslowpricguar.html"|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"We GUARANTEE that we have the lowest published prices on the web for our lobsters.
      There is ONE EXCEPTION to this guarantee.
      We cannot guarantee lower prices than another lobster company if they DO NOT GUARANTEE your lobsters are alive when you receive them!
      Yes, it's true. There are companies that don't guarantee their lobsters...
      Other sites just state ""Guarantee"" in their advertising and figure consumers won't research the prices on other sites. I feel this is a shame!
      There Are also Companies that offer FREE SHIPPING???
      We'll, I've been around the block a few times, and as far as I know, Fed Ex and UPS BOTH CHARGE to ship packages! Don't Fall For The Free Shipping From Other Companies...They Don't Do it For Free!
      Other Lobster sites hide their huge profits in shipping...We'll, Not Us!
      I Do However Pass On Our Significant Fed Ex Shipping Discounts To You The Customer, And That's The Honest Answer!

      How can I offer this guarantee?
      Because we already have the lowest prices, and we also have the freshest live lobsters which we catch off our own lobster boats!
      I have been a Lobsterman for over 35 years, I want your business, and I want to provide the lowest priced Best Quality Live Lobsters...
      We get to show you our great customer service, lowest prices, and the freshest hard shell lobsters, lobster dinners and great seafood products...all while you get the lowest price and best products available!
      LobsterGuy ships hand selected fresh hard-shell lobsters just for you, and we NEVER sacrifice quality like some second and even third party retailers, we catch, handle and package your Lobsters ourselves.
      If by chance you ever find a lower price, please email us with your zip code at sales@thelobsterguy.com. , and we will certainly look into it!
      Order from LobsterGuy with confidence, and you'll see why we have the lowest prices, best lobsters, and the best customer feedback...all without sacrificing quality!
      Thanks, Capt. Tim The Lobsterguy "|"LobsterGuy's Lowest Price Guarantee
      "|""|""|""||"" contents-export||CSS.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" move-ids-dump-links||EMPTY.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" move-ids-dump-contents||EMPTY.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" checkout||RAW.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" pd-data-export||MAIN.|"PD Data Export"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|"PD Data Export"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" ytimes-desktop-css||CSS.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" inventory-config||CSS.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" test||CSS.|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||"" index||MAIN.|"Lobsterguy.com ships and delivers Fresh Live Maine Lobsters, Lobster Clambakes, Seafood Dinners, Clam Chowder, Lobster Bisque, Order your Fresh Seafood shipped direct and overnight to your door!"|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|""|""|""|"Lobsterguy.com ships and delivers Fresh Live Maine Lobsters, Lobster Clambakes, Seafood Dinners, Clam Chowder, Lobster Bisque, Order your Fresh Seafood shipped direct and overnight to your door!"|""|""|""|""|"

      *** Our Customers LOVE us!!***
      Here's why!!
      ""We were so speechless with how easy and amazing the ordering, shipping, and, of course, the lobsters were! No one said a word through the entire dinner! We didn't want to miss a single bite!!! I believe this was the BEST Live Lobster order I have made online!
      Now I know why the ""LobsterGuy"" is THE Best in the business!""
      Ahoy! Thank you for choosing The LobsterGuy.com for all of your Fresh Live Maine Lobsters and Fresh New England Seafood needs! The Lobster Guy is run by Famed Offshore Lobsterman Captain Tim Handrigan, who has fished the North Atlantic year round for over 30 years catching only the Finest Live Maine lobsters! He makes sure only the Freshest & Finest Lobsters and New England Seafoods are shipped overnight, direct to your door! You Order and Buy your Lobsters Direct from the Lobsterman! Please Note: Keep an eye out this Fall for Captain Tim and the famed ""COURTNEY ELIZABETH"" on the Discovery Channel's new series, ""Lobstermen"" At the LobsterGuy.com, our goal is to ensure you receive only the highest quality on-line Live Maine Lobsters and freshest seafood each and every order! Every order of live maine lobsters is hand packed with pride,then shipped and delivered overnight right to your door! We look forward to helping you buy the perfect lobster gift or we will gladly create a custom package for your personal or companies corporate maine lobster and Seafood needs!
      Join Our Email Specials List!
      For Email Marketing you can trust

      The Best Priced Live Maine Lobsters Direct From The Lobstermen! We specialize in online, mail-order Fresh Live Maine Lobsters, Live Lobster Clambakes, Live Lobster Dinners, and both retail and corporate accounts. We offer a huge array of Fresh Live Maine Lobsters for Holidays, Anniversary Lobster dinners, Birthday Lobster dinners, Lobsterbakes, Lobster Clambakes for Friends and Family gatherings, Lobster Parties, and Great Tailgate food ideas! We also ship Premium Lobster meat, Award Winning New England Clam Chowder, Award Winning Lobster Bisque, Lobster Gift Baskets, Surf and Turf Dinners, a Variety of Lobster Dinners, smoked fish, seafood appetizers, and offer either a monthly Live Lobster or seafood special that always includes overnight shipping! With this large selection it is easy to find the right Lobster Gift Idea for any Anniversary, Birthday, or special gift! We also offer our products as Live Maine Lobster and Seafood Dinner gift certificates which allows the recipient greater flexibility to receive their gift when the time is right for them! The redemption policy is fast and easy, and can be done by emailing us or calling us toll free @ 1-866-788-0004. We ship all Live Maine Lobsters direct overnight to you or your recipient!! For corporate packages and corporate Lobster gift ideas, please call us, toll free @ 1-866-788-0004 and we'll be glad to help you!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! We look forward to serving you!! P.S. Gift Certificates and Fresh Live Maine Lobsters are great for Holiday Lobster Dinners, Birthdays, and Anniversary Gifts, as well as Father's Day gifts but please make sure the recipients KNOW when their Live Lobster Gift is arriving! We want this to be a great experience for them! As always you could opt for a gift certificate for a Live Lobster Clambake, or any other live lobster gift basket you would like us to ship! As always, we will be glad to include a hand written Birthday, Holiday, or Anniversary card with your own personal message to the recipient! Thank You and Fair winds!! Capt Tim & Staff
      << Go back up to items

      A few things to remember while shopping with the LobsterGuy:

      We ship all live products overnight via FedEx to the continental US. (We can also ship to limited locations in Hawaii & Alaska, but please call for availability and shipping prices to those areas). Shipments of live product into Hawaii also require import permits! This is the receiver's responsibility. For more information, click here. We send ALL packages ""SHIPPER RELEASE"" which allows the FedEx delivery person to leave the package at its destination. Shipments to warm weather climates should NOT be left unattended for long. There are NO P.O. Box deliveries.
      Gift Certificates make excellent Lobster Gifts for those special people in your life - what better gift than to receive Live Maine Lobsters, Lobster Clambakes, or our other seafood specials for Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day cook outs, a birthday, or just because! Our Lobster Gift Certificates allow the recipients to select their seafood gifts and a convenient overnight delivery date that is right for them!
      *** TESTTESTTEST We ship Monday thru Thursday for deliveries on Tuesday through Friday. *** There are No deliveries on Sunday or Monday or on major holidays. *** PLEASE BE ADVISED, inclement weather conditions and busy holiday seasons MAY also affect delivery availability, and we reserve the right to contact you to reschedule your order due FedEx weather criteria. All of us at the LobsterGuy.com take each and every order very seriously and we have theses policies in effect to help make certain your ordering experience is a great one! *** Please make sure to review the Delivery Schedule and that your recipient knows they will be receiving Perishable Products! Surprises are awesome, but YOU need to make sure your recipient will be home. Thank you!!
      Captain Tim & staff
      We can also ship Friday for Saturday delivery via FED EX for an additional charge IF service and delivery are available to your area!
      When shipping is not included in your choice, shipping charges are calculated by your desired delivery location and package weight. To check your shipping charges, you can do so with no obligation by simply viewing the items in your shopping cart, scrolling down, entering your ship to zip code and state, and clicking ""Apply"". Applicable shipping charges will then show in your cart.
      All orders include a nice nautical themed, hand written card with your chosen message and also with complete cooking instructions for easy preparation!
      To insure proper ON TIME delivery, PLEASE make sure the information you provide us for your order is ACCURATE and CURRENT. {Please double check it!!} {We cannot and will not be responsible for any inaccurate shipping information that you provide that results in delaying the delivery of your shipment.
      Be Advised,additional Shipping Charges from Fed Ex may be incurred for inaccurate shipping information!} *** Again,PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK ADDRESS, PHONE, & ZIP CODE! WE MUST receive your order online, or feel free to call us toll free @ 1-866-788-0004 by 10 AM EST the day your order is shipped. (i.e. order by 10 AM EST on Tuesday for Wednesday delivery)!

      P.S. Freshness, quality, and a positive on-line ordering experience are what we strive for! We get lots of recommendations, and acclaim, but I truly believe the BEST form of advertisement, is your Satisfaction!!! Enjoy! Tim


      Capt. Tim